
Chapter 1264 The soul is separated, and the doppelgänger is complete!

Chapter 1264 The soul is separated, and the doppelgänger is complete!
A soul can only inhabit one body, and if Tong Yan wanted to regain his Kunpeng body, he could only abandon the current one.In this way, he will also face a difficult choice between eating and eating.But the palms and the backs of the hands are both fleshy, it is really difficult to choose between the two, and how could he really make such a choice?
But if he didn't make a choice, how would he regain his physical body?
In fact, Tong Yan already had an idea in his heart, and it was a bold and almost crazy idea.

What are your thoughts?In fact, it is easy and easy to say, but difficult to say.That is, he separated part of his soul and entered Kunpeng's physical body, so that he could manipulate two physical bodies at the same time.

But doing so is also very risky, and it is extremely difficult to operate.

As we all know, people have three souls and seven souls.The so-called three souls of Taoism are Taiguang, Shuangling, and Youjing, while what we often say are heavenly soul, living soul and earth soul.

Taiguang, the qi of Taiqing and Yang, belongs to the sky; Shuangling, the change of yin qi, belongs to the five elements; Youjing, the mixture of yin and qi, belongs to the earth.

The seven souls are called corpse dog, Fushi, sparrow Yin, swallow thief, non-poison, decontamination, and smelly lung.

The three souls and seven souls are collectively called the soul, and they complement each other and are indispensable.People have no spirit and are in a trance, which is what we often say is lost.

Since the three souls and seven souls are inseparable, one can imagine the great risk in Tong Yan's vain attempt to separate part of his soul into Kunpeng's body.

But Tong Yan would definitely not do such an unsure thing, in fact, he had already thought it through clearly.

In the realm of illusion, he was given a green bead by Empress Nuwa.What the green bead is is still unknown.But the ability of the green pearl has been proven.

The green bead can repair the damaged soul, so that Tong Yan's soul can be immortal.

The so-called non-dispersion means that external forces cannot separate the soul.But if Tong Yan had separated the soul himself, perhaps Luzhu would not have caused trouble.

It is precisely because of the green pearl's ability to regenerate and repair the soul that Tong Yan came up with this crazy idea.

He separated part of the soul, and the green pearl would definitely regenerate the soul for him. In this way, the soul he separated could be regenerated, and he could not worry about all kinds of unforeseen bad consequences due to the separation of the soul.

As for the separated souls, maybe they will re-condense with the help of the green beads, giving birth to three souls and seven souls. If this is the case, Tong Yan will benefit a lot.Because in this way, he will naturally cultivate the avatar.And the physical body that Kunpeng occupied naturally became his avatar.

Of course, all of this is just Tong Yan's preliminary assumptions. Whether Luzhu can accomplish it for him depends on his luck.

But no matter what, judging from the current situation, he should give it a try.After all, there is too much immortal power accumulated in his current physical body. These immortal powers can be regarded as a huge treasure, but at the same time, they may kill him at any time like a time bomb.

If he had a doppelganger, he would not need to worry about these things, and it would never be a bad thing to leave a way out for himself.

With an idea in his mind, he didn't delay any longer, and immediately walked up to Kunpeng's physical body.

Looking at his other self, he hesitated a little, but after a while, he still made up his mind.

Reaching out to grab Kunpeng's physical hand, he immediately closed his eyes, and after that, the separation of souls began.

Daoist Sanshi went in without knowing it, but he also walked over.The head of Tianfu and the fat Taoist priest are still fighting fiercely, and the fighting skills of the gods are naturally huge. Worried that their fight will accidentally hurt Tong Yan, Daoist Sanshi spontaneously acts as Tong Yan's guardian to protect Tong Yan's safety.

Time passed bit by bit, Tong Yan's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his brows were deeply wrinkled together.It is too crazy to separate the soul.I'm afraid that in the whole world, only Tong Yan dared to do this.

After about 10 minutes like this, the thatched hut they lived in was completely razed to the ground, and the head of Tianfu and the fat Taoist priest were also shot from the ground to the sky.

The duel between masters is naturally quite interesting.But without any strength, I was afraid that he would be accidentally killed by mistake.

As for the immortal soul of the Immeasurable Sword Immortal, during the fierce battle between the head of Tianfu and the fat Taoist priest, he escaped from this place without a sound. As for where he went, it is unknown.

Daoist Sanshi looked at Tong Yan nervously, not knowing what Tong Yan was doing.But looking at Tong Yan's painful expression and breaking out in cold sweat, Daoist Sanshi's heart sank.

After another 10 minutes like this, with a breath, Tong Yan finally opened his eyes, and slowly put down his hands.

Looking at Kunpeng's physical body, he also opened his eyes, but his eyes were a little hollow, and his expression was a little dull.

Tong Yan stared at him, forced a smile and said, "Old man, you're finally back. It's dangerous here, follow me out of here!"

Hearing this, Kunpeng's physical body nodded lightly, and just followed behind Tong Yan.

Everything was as Tong Yan expected. Luzhu did have the ability to regenerate souls. After he injected part of the soul into Kunpeng's body, his original soul and the separated soul began to repair and regenerate. Soon, the two A completed soul appeared in this way.

So that is to say, although the soul in Kunpeng's body belongs to Tong Yan, he is also a complete soul.

In this way, it also means that Tong Yan's avatar was born.

Having a clone is of course a good thing, but as the saying goes, misfortune comes with blessings, and blessings come with misfortunes.This seems to be a good thing, and it may not be a good thing, but from the current point of view, there is no problem.

Of course, the conversation between Tong Yan and the avatar came to Daoist Sanshi's ears, which made Daoist Sanshi feel very puzzled.

"Brother Tong Yan, are talking to Kunpeng? Aren't you enemies? Why do you still call him old buddy?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Brother Sanshi, you made a mistake. This is not Kunpeng, but my clone. Maybe you don't know that this body is actually my original body, but it was replaced by that beast Kunpeng. I snatched it away. Now that the body is here, how can I not take it back?"

Daoist Sanshi heard this, and said in surprise: "My God, how could this be? Kunpeng actually took away your body? But after you lost your body, how did you regain it?"

Tong Yan laughed and said, "It's a long story, but if you're interested, I can tell you on the way."

Upon hearing this, Daoist Sanshi hurriedly asked, "Brother Tong Yan, where are we going?"

Tong Yan looked to the north, and said solemnly: "Sword Gate of Tianshan Mountain! There are still many things I need to do there. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's go on the road now!"

(End of this chapter)

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