
Chapter 1269 Just for peace of mind, strange faces in the fog!

Chapter 1269 Just for peace of mind, strange faces in the fog!

It has to be said that this black hole is really deep.How deep is it?According to Tong Yan's estimate, it must be at least a hundred meters deep.

What is the concept of a depth of 20 meters?The height of the five-story building is only about 25 meters, that is to say, Tong Yan and Ji Qing'er jumped from the [-]th floor. Thinking about it this way, the height is still very frightening.

Of course, [-] meters is nothing to them, but diving into the black hole below [-] meters is a bit scary, because if you encounter danger, it will never be easy to escape.

Tong Yan has already felt the trembling of Ji Qing'er's palm, how many girls can bear such a dangerous situation?
All he could do was to hold Jing Qing'er's hand tightly, so that she could feel at ease and calm down her fearful thoughts.

Soon, the two floated down like this.

But what was a little surprising was that the black mist filled the sky, and the visibility was extremely low, but the bottom of the black hole was not so dark, at least not much black mist could cover the eyes.

But what is certain is that the black mist indeed floated out from the small black hole below the black hole, but the black mist is very strange, and it still appears cylindrical within a height of three meters from the small black hole, but it is higher than three meters. After a meter, it spread out directly, covering the surrounding area.

It is precisely because of this that the visibility below the black hole is higher. Although it is also dark, for experts who can see at night, it is not much different from daytime.

But to their regret, even under the black hole, they didn't see the elders of Tianshan Jianmen.

I really don't know where those elders have gone, it's impossible to disappear out of thin air, right?
As soon as he landed, Tong Yan fixed his eyes on the small black hole that overflowed with black mist.

The bottom of this black hole is actually very large. Although the diameter of the hole is only one or two meters, the space below is as big as a hall.

As for the small black hole, it is said to be small, but it is actually not small. It is about the size of the mouth of a well.

If a person is stuffed vertically, except for some huge people, ordinary people can basically fit in.

Around this small black hole, you can still see some stone fragments exuding silver light, perhaps these fragments are the broken remains of the Soul Sword Stone.

Tong Yan looked around the small black hole carefully, then turned to Ji Qing'er and asked, "Are those fragments the fragments of the Sword Soul Stone?"

After hearing this, Ji Qing'er nodded and replied: "Yes, those are the fragments of the Soul Sword Stone. I wanted to collect them, but I was worried that there would be danger here, so I didn't pay much attention to it."

Tong Yan sighed lightly, and then asked: "The elders in your door are probably not here. I have checked the place carefully, but I didn't find any clues. This also means that they are not here. Didn't set foot here."

When Ji Qing'er heard this, she immediately asked, "Then what do you mean? Are they all dead?"

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "No, isn't there a saying like this? There is no news, but it is actually good news. They didn't set foot here, maybe they have already left the sword mound and fled for their lives."

After hearing this, Ji Qing'er immediately said firmly: "Impossible, they will never do this. Even if they want to leave, they will definitely tell me. How can they run away secretly without saying a word?"

Tong Yan laughed and said: "If they want to talk to you, it's not called running for their lives. Maybe they feel ashamed to see you, so they decide to leave. In this case, no matter for you or for them In fact, it is the best choice. What do you think?"

Ji Qing'er said angrily: "I never believe that they will run away. Many of them have spent most of their lives in Tianshan Jianmen. Now that Tianshan Jianmen is in trouble, how can they be so heartless? They must have been killed, it must be Killed by this black hole thing."

Tong Yan said helplessly: "If you insist on thinking this way, I can't help it. But then again, do you want them to live? Or do you want them to die here to protect the Tianshan Sword Gate?"

Hearing this, Ji Qing'er was silent for a while.People are contradictory, and Ji Qing'er is no exception.On the one hand, she didn't want people in her sect to be troubled, so she sent some young and low-level disciples away from the master's sect.But on the other hand, she longed for someone to help her, so these elders became her reliance.

In fact, she didn't want anything to happen to anyone, but if these elders really left, she found it hard to accept for a while.It was this kind of contradictory psychology that caused her to lose the most basic judgment.

But after thinking about it for a while, she slowly relaxed.Everyone has the right to live, and the elders of Tianshan Jianmen are the same.Although they have lived in Jianmen of Tianshan Mountain for most of their lives, it does not mean that they have to die here.

Now Tianshan Jianmen is facing such a crisis, anyone can decide their own life and death.Perhaps, those elders already knew that they were powerless to suppress the things under the black hole, so they made the decision to just survive.

"You're right, maybe my thoughts are too radical. So what should we do now? Get out of here?"

Judging from the current situation, leaving is of course the most sensible way.But Tong Yan still wants to do something, after all, if the things under this black hole rush out, it will be related to the safety of the human world.

He thought for a while, and then replied: "Going is definitely necessary, but before I go, I think I'd better arrange a few formations around this black hole. I don't know if it can block the things below here." , but I did my best, and I have no regrets."

After hearing this, Ji Qing'er nodded and said, "Okay, then I will help you. You tell me how to do it, and I will do it for you."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Get some rocks for me first, there's nothing here, I need something to set up the formation."

Ji Qing'er agreed to the doctor, and immediately turned around and walked to one side of the stone wall, took the flying sword from her waist, and cut on the stone wall.

Of course Tong Yan was not idle, he walked directly to the side of the small black hole, bent over and picked up the fragment of the Quick Sword Soul Stone.

These fragments of the Soul Sword Stone are still shining with light, and the divine power on them should still remain. It is definitely a good choice to use them to cooperate with the formation.

The two were busy, and in less than 10 minutes, a simple yet complex formation was completed.

Of course, this formation is all promulgated by Tong Yan, but the person who urged the formation is Jiang Qinger.

What is this formation?Tong Yan named it Qiankun Taiji Bagua Formation.There are formations within formations, which complement each other, and when one formation is broken, the second formation is self-contained.

He doesn't know if he can block the things under the black hole, but he has already tried his best.

After setting up the formation, Tong Yan and Ji Qing'er planned to leave this place.

But what they didn't expect was that an ugly and strange face suddenly appeared in the black mist above their heads.

Could it be... Could it be that the things under the black hole have already rushed out?

(End of this chapter)

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