
Chapter 1270 Never expected, take it away quietly!

Chapter 1270 Never expected, take it away quietly!
It is meaningless to stay here, Tong Yan looked at Ji Qing'er, and said: "We should go, and leave the rest to fate!"

Ji Qing'er nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll take you up there!"

As she spoke, she reached out and grabbed Tong Yan's arm, and was about to fly away from here with Tong Yan.

Unexpectedly, just as they left the ground, an ugly and strange face suddenly appeared in the black mist above their heads.

Tong Yan didn't look up, he was still staring at the small black hole below.But Ji Qing'er happened to look up and almost collided with that strange face.

Seeing this face, Ji Qing'er was shocked, her body trembled, and she almost fell to the ground with Tong Yan.

Fortunately, Tong Yan's reaction was fast enough, and the height of the two of them was not high, and Qing'er panicked, Tong Yan immediately grabbed her waist, and landed firmly on the ground with light work.

"Are you okay? Are you all right?"

Hearing this, Ji Qing'er said in shock, "I'm fine, but...but look, why does he have a face?"

Tong Yan naturally sensed that something was wrong with the black mist above, but he was very calm and calm.

He smiled slightly and said, "It's just a strange face, why are you so panicked? In my opinion, it's just a paper tiger. It looks a bit scary on the outside, but in fact it's probably not as good as a sheep. Besides, if it really has the ability to kill us, why did it appear at this moment? Let's see how I break it, just watch it from the sidelines."

After hearing Tong Yan's words, Ji Qing'er felt a little more at ease, but Tong Yan didn't even dare to use his true energy, so how could he fight against this monster lurking in the black mist?
Tong Yan stretched his neck, then slowly looked up.

"Hey, friend above. Are you the guy who escaped from under the Sword Soul Stone? Get a shadow here, don't you have something to say to us?"

As soon as this remark came out, the strange face above immediately showed a complex expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, but it spoke, and it spoke the human language that Tong Yan and Ji Qing'er could understand.

"You mortals, do you think that a broken stone can imprison this deity here forever? Let me tell you, it is simply delusional. This deity has left this place, and it will not be long before this deity will summon his subordinates to come back. This world should be controlled by this deity. Master, this deity is the only king here!"

King?Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing.

"Friend, you are talking too much. There is no king in this world, and the people are the only rulers of this world. I advise you to give up this idea, otherwise, not only will this world not tolerate you, There will be no place for you in the three realms and six realms."

Hearing this, the strange face laughed loudly and said: "Then let's wait and see, soon, you will know whether the deity is talking nonsense."

Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "Okay, I'll wait, if that day comes, I will never let you go!"

"Let me go? It's fine if you don't kneel down and beg for mercy. Heavenly Demon Star, goodbye!"

As soon as the sound fell, the strange face slowly turned into a whirlpool until it disappeared.

But Tong Yan is suddenly a little uneasy now, why is he uneasy?The owner of this strange face actually knew that he was the Sky Demon Star. Could it be that the sudden appearance of this strange face was just to warn him?

He always felt that things were not that simple, maybe it won't be long before he will say goodbye to the owner of this strange face.

But that's another story, at least he and Ji Qing'er are safe now, and although he couldn't stop that guy from rushing out of the seal, it didn't seem to cause too bad consequences in a short time.

The strange face had disappeared, Tong Yan sighed softly, and then said to Ji Qing'er: "It seems that we came a step late, but it's okay, at least your Tianshan Sword Gate has been saved."

Hearing this, Ji Qing'er said helplessly: "If you can stop that guy from coming out, what's the point of being worthy of my Tianshan Sword Gate? Although my Tianshan Sword Gate has been preserved, the whole human world is afraid that it will usher in a new era." It was bloody."

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly comforted him and said, "You Tianshan Sword Sect have done your best, and it's not just your Tianshan Sword Sect's responsibility to protect the entire human world. People will never stand by and watch. Isn’t there a saying that says that? When the sky falls, tall people will hold it up. Your responsibilities have been fulfilled, so stop putting pressure on yourself.”

After hearing Tong Yan's explanation, Ji Qing'er showed a relaxed expression. "You're right, I take myself too seriously. With my cultivation, what else can I do? Well, I don't want to think about it, let's go. You should also take sister Yu'er around Looking for a doctor."

Tong Yan nodded lightly, and the two of them flew away hand in hand.

But there is one thing that people can't understand, that is, the black mist is still rising.It stands to reason that the suppressed guy has regained his freedom and left this place, and the black mist should have stopped, but everything is not like this. What impact will it have on the human world.

Of course, the Tianshan Sword Gate is still there, and they should deal with it later.

Back in the Tianshan Sword Gate, Tong Yan didn't go to see Tan Yu directly, but decided to go to see Daoist Sanshi and his avatar first.

But what surprised him was that after he and Ji Qing'er entered the hall, they only saw Daoist Sanshi, and his clone was not here.

Before he could open his mouth to ask Daoist Sanshi, Daoist Sanshi said in a hurry: "Brother Tong Yan, your avatar...he's gone."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Gone? Where did he go?"

Daoist Sanshi shook his head and said: "I don't know where he went. I felt a little tired just now, so I took a nap for a while. But when I woke up, I found that your clone had disappeared. I hurried out Looking for it, I happened to meet the little Taoist priest who led us here. He said that your avatar told him that he left first. I wanted to look for it, but I didn't know where he went, so I stayed here and waited for you .”

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning, how could his avatar leave so well?Could it be that the avatar has recovered its sanity?

But the question is, where will the avatar go?

etc!He suddenly thought of Tan Yu, then turned around abruptly, and ran towards Tan Yu's cultivation room without saying a word.

The clone's soul is exactly the same as his, so that is to say, their memories are also connected.

For Tong Yan, what is the most important thing?Of course it was Tan Yu.But because the sword soul stone was broken, he didn't have time to take Tan Yu to find famous doctors.

Maybe, what he wanted to do but didn't do, the clone did it for him.

So now as long as you go to Tan Yu's room and take a look, everything will be clear.

And when he hurried to Tan Yu's room, everything turned out as he expected.It is true that Tan Yu has disappeared, and the person who took Tan Yu away is most likely the avatar.

Tong Yan was startled all of a sudden, and a deep uneasiness slowly grew in his heart.

This avatar took away Tan Yu today, will this avatar completely replace him in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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