
Chapter 1280 The evil plan is exposed, the catastrophe of the cave!

Chapter 1280 The evil plan is exposed, the catastrophe of the cave!
Facing Tong Yan's questioning, the old woman suddenly fell silent.But on the alien stone that day, there was laughter at this moment.

"Hehe... Holy lady, is this the Skywalker I asked you to find? Hurry up and bring him to me!"

As soon as these words came out, the old woman and Tong Yan looked in the direction of the stone from beyond the sky almost at the same time.

Seeing the so-called patriarch looking at her, the old woman hastily bowed and said: "The holy lady paid homage to the patriarch, but she didn't know that the patriarch had woken up. She was rude, and I beg the patriarch to forgive me!"

Hearing this, the patriarch of the Dark Clan chuckled and said, "What's wrong with you? You've done a good job, and I want to reward you!"

Hearing this, the old woman said in embarrassment: "Then thank you, Lord Patriarch. I have already brought him, and I will leave the rest to you. There are still things in the clan that I need to do, so the old slave will leave first."

Having said that, she turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing it, Tong Yan immediately moved to block her way, and then said coldly: "Grandmother, I treat you sincerely, why do you leave me here? If you don't explain clearly, I'm afraid I won't be able to let you go!"

When the old woman heard this, a fierce light flashed in her eyes, and she said fiercely: "What? Are you trying to trouble me? Let me tell you, you'd better be honest with me, otherwise, this is your last resort." The land of fate!"

The old woman had already shown a fierce look, so Tong Yan naturally didn't need to cover up any more, and immediately responded in a cold voice: "Old man, do you really think I'm afraid of you? If you want to harm me, do you deserve it?"

The two spoke ill at each other, and the atmosphere became tense.

Seeing this, the patriarch of the dark clan embedded in the alien stone immediately laughed and said: "Interesting, really interesting! It seems that what I encountered today is still a hard stubble. But boy Skywalker, do you know where this is?" Is it? This is the place where I practice, and everything you see has long been integrated with me. From the moment you step here, you no longer belong to yourself, but to me! Haha...haha ..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan's face remained unchanged and he said: "Nie Yi, I, Tong Yan, have experienced countless dangers, and I have seen countless monsters and ghosts. I am not afraid of even the gods and gods. Do you think I will be afraid of you? You only have a head, no Is it an evil thing in the body? I advise you to let me go safely, if not, I will make you regret it!"

This is Tong Yan's style, no matter what kind of enemy he encounters, as long as he survives, he will never compromise easily.

The patriarch of the Dark Clan hadn't spoken yet, but the old woman who came with him couldn't hold back.

She slammed her cane in her hand, and then said fiercely: "Ignorant child, how dare you disrespect my patriarch, I can't spare you today!"

As soon as the words fell, she tapped the ground again, and the sound of "Kaka" immediately came from under Tong Yan's feet.

Tong Yan noticed this, so he didn't dare to delay, he hurriedly used all his strength, and jumped back suddenly.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough. Just after he jumped away from this place, several stone thorns more than one meter long pierced upwards almost simultaneously.

The tips of these stone thorns are sharp, if they penetrate into the body, the consequences can be imagined.

When entering the dungeon, Tong Yan had already heard from the old woman that the dark clan had the ability to manipulate the power of the five elements and the power of the earth. Tong Yan thought that they could only escape from the earth, but unexpectedly, even this stone and them It can also be manipulated, which is really hard to guard against!

Now that the matter has come to this point, Tong Yan knows very well that if there is no bloody battle, it will be difficult to escape from this place.But even if it was a bloody battle, what could he rely on?Nothing more than these few magic weapons!

After making up his mind, he didn't hesitate anymore, and when he was about to throw out the Phoenix Heavenly Sword that was in his palm, he yelled loudly at the same time: "Phoenix Heavenly Sword, kill her for me!"

As soon as his words fell, the Phoenix Heavenly Sword he threw immediately gave out two phoenix crows, and immediately after, the temperature of the entire cave increased a lot.

The Phoenix Heavenly Sword instantly grew in size, turning into a flaming long sword, and directly pierced the old woman's head.

Of course, this old woman was not an ordinary person. Seeing the Phoenix Heavenly Sword attacking, she clenched the crutch in her hands with both hands, swung the staff and smashed the Phoenix Heavenly Sword.Only a sound of "Dang" was heard, and the Phoenix Heavenly Sword was knocked away by her crutch for more than ten meters.

But the Phoenix Heavenly Sword is a divine sword, although it was repelled, after a brief adjustment, it came through the air again.

Not only that, this time the Phoenix Heavenly Sword has become larger, and the shadow of a phoenix and a phoenix can be seen faintly on it.

The old woman didn't pay too much attention to it, and she had to repeat the same trick when she swung her cane.Unfortunately, this time she miscalculated.The increase in size of the Phoenix Heavenly Sword is only one aspect, the most important thing is that the two sword spirits, one Phoenix and one Phoenix, have been completely enraged.

How terrifying the phoenix's wrath is, you will soon be able to witness it with your own eyes.

Hearing a "bang", the Phoenix Heavenly Sword directly collided with the crutches of the old woman, but the old woman's crutches shattered with a bang.

Naturally, Fenghuang Tianjian refused to let it go, Tong Yan had already issued a kill order, and now is the best time to kill this old woman in one fell swoop.

The old woman obviously didn't expect that the Phoenix Heavenly Sword would suddenly become so powerful, and by the time she regretted it, it was already too late.

With a scream of "ah", the Phoenix Heavenly Sword didn't show mercy, and directly split the old woman in half.

This was not over yet, under the high temperature burning on the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, the old woman's body was also quickly reduced to ashes until it was scattered all over the ground.

With the mighty power of the Phoenix Heavenly Sword on display, Tong Yan is naturally full of confidence. With this divine sword, what fear does the patriarch of the Dark Clan have?

But... things were not as simple as he had imagined, the moment the old woman was beheaded by the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, the head of the Dark Clan slowly hid his face in the stone from beyond the sky.

At the same time, the entire cave began to shake violently.What was even more astonishing was that thousands of extremely sharp stone thorns suddenly appeared on top of Tong Yan's head, pointing directly at Tong Yan, leaving him nowhere to escape.

If it was changed to the old days, he could also use shape shifting, or directly rely on the heavenly energy or star energy to deal with it.But now, he can't use any power, it seems that all he can do is quietly wait for those stone thorns to fall.

But at this critical moment, the Shenlong gauntlet in his hand suddenly burst into golden light.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Shenlong and eight golden luan flying away from his hand, and actually built a golden shield on top of his head.

When the stone thorn fell, only the sound of "Ding Ding Dang Dang" could be heard, but Tong Yan was safe and sound under the protection of this golden shield.

But is the patriarch of the dark clan really only capable of this?Obviously not!
With the breaking sound of "bang bang", one by one blood-red stone men rushed out of the cave's wall.

As soon as they appeared here, they immediately surrounded Tong Yan.

In addition, that mysterious extraterrestrial stone has gradually changed...

(End of this chapter)

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