
Chapter 1281 Surviving adversity, exchanging fate?

Chapter 1281 Surviving adversity, exchanging fate?
The appearance of the red stone giant has already made Tong Yan's situation precarious, but unexpectedly, that huge extraterrestrial stone has also undergone tremendous changes.

What changes?I saw that the foreign stone turned into a ball that day, not only became smooth, but also looked like a huge piece of red meat, as if it was alive.

That's not the end, there was a bump bulging out from the alien stone this day, and a hole was dented for a while, and it just started tossing back and forth like this.

Although Tong Yan didn't know what happened to the alien stone that day, he guessed it must have something to do with the abominable leader of the Dark Clan.

Now that the redstone giants had appeared, he really didn't have time to continue to pay attention to every move of the alien stones that day. The most urgent thing to do was to find a way to repel these redstone giants, so as to keep himself safe for a while.

Besides, these redstone giants are all extremely burly, reaching about three meters in height. Although they don't have weapons in their hands, their fists look very powerful. If they are hit by this punch, the consequences can be imagined.

But no matter what, since they have appeared, all Tong Yan can do is to give it a go.

With one move with one hand, the Phoenix Heavenly Sword flew back in front of him.But Tong Yan felt that this was not safe, so he took the Blue Soul Sword out of the cloth bag and held it directly in his hand.

The Blue Soul Sword had already turned into a dagger, but now that he held it, it instantly turned into a giant sword.

Of course, although the volume of the Blue Soul Sword has increased dozens of times, it is as light as a feather in his hands.

Unable to use the power of the heavenly demon in his body, he didn't even dare to use the power of the star source, all he could do was to use the martial arts he knew at the beginning, and barely fought against it.

Fortunately, these red stone giants don't seem to have a mind, so they are not much different from those bloodthirsty monsters.

Tong Yan was manipulating the Phoenix Heavenly Sword with one hand and the Blue Soul Sword with the other, and the shield made of the Shenlong Gauntlet was also ready on top of his head.

This is all his current strength, whether he can repel the redstone giant and save his life is all in one fell swoop.

Soon, the redstone giants surrounding him started to move, and they didn't make a roar, they just raised their fists and smashed towards him vigorously.

Tong Yan was already prepared, even though he was being attacked, he didn't panic, seeing several fists as big as basketballs falling down one after another.He spotted one of the redstone giants who moved a little slower, and rushed to the guy's waist with one stride.

Because the giant is too tall, although its strength is good, its movements are relatively slow.

As early as when Mount Tai was in the shadows, Tong Yan had been specially trained to fight against stone men.And dealing with the Golem is just an entry test for the top ten Skywalkers.

Although the current stone men are different from the stone men that Tong Yan fought in Taishan Yincao before, they are still the same. These guys are equally brainless and slow-moving.

Of course, maybe the stone men here are stronger, Tong Yan can't recognize the red stones on them alone.But this doesn't affect Tong Yan's ability to deal with them. After all, he didn't have any weapons in his hands when Mount Tai was in the dark. Now that he has three magic weapons, he doesn't feel scared psychologically.

Closer to home, let's say that as soon as he got close to the red stone giant, the latter noticed something, and suddenly raised his other hand, about to slap him.

But before the red stone giant's big slap got close to Tong Yan, Tong Yan took advantage of the trend and walked around, directly coming behind the red stone giant with ease.

In this way, the encirclement circle formed by the redstone giants just now became meaningless, not only failed to trap Tong Yan, but also gave him more freedom.

At this time, Tong Yan naturally wouldn't choose to run away, and even if he wanted to run away, the way out would disappear without a trace in such a short time.

So the current situation is that if he wants to leave safely, he must fight to the end, not only to defeat these redstone giants, but also to defeat the instigator, the patriarch of the Dark Clan.

At this moment, the opportunity came, and he might not be able to kill a redstone giant with one blow, and he actually had no idea.

But always try, in case there is a surprise?

Holding the Blue Soul Sword in his hand, Tong Yan suddenly jumped high. Of course, the height he jumped was not very high, but it was enough for him to hit the head of the red stone giant with his sword.

I heard a loud "bang", and I didn't expect the surprise to come.

With just one sword strike, the head of the red stone giant was smashed to pieces by the blue soul sword, but the red stone giant did not fall directly to the ground.

Being able to shatter it was actually far beyond Tong Yan's expectations. Even if it couldn't kill the giant with one blow, it would be okay to have a few more sword strikes.

No, before the other redstone giants could react, he had already cut three swords in a row.

After these three sword strikes, the unlucky red stone giant had been cut to pieces.

And after such a short time, the other redstone giants had also re-locked his position and rushed towards him.

If one redstone giant can be successfully killed, other redstone giants will not be afraid.

Tong Yan was full of fighting spirit, relying on his flexible steps, he immediately dealt with the remaining red stone giants.

In less than 10 minutes, all the redstone giants were smashed to the ground by him. Although he was sweating profusely from exhaustion, his face was full of smiles.

From the desperate situation at the beginning to the current anti-killing situation, how could this not cheer him up?

But now is not the time to relax, because the old woman and the redstone giant he killed were nothing more than young people. The real powerful enemy is actually the patriarch of the dark clan living in the alien stone.

And in just over ten minutes, the alien stone has completely changed its appearance.

From the original oval to a round sphere, now it has changed from a round sphere to a human shape!
That's right, the extraterrestrial stone has turned into a human form, and even its size has shrunk several times, its height is almost the same as Tong Yan's.

Seeing this, Tong Yan put away his relaxed smile before revealing a serious expression.

The reason why the extraterrestrial stone became like this must be the fault of the patriarch of the dark clan.Maybe that guy used the stone from outside the sky to act as his own body, otherwise, how could the stone turn into a human form?
After a few more seconds, facial features and hair appeared on the head of the human-shaped stone.As time went on, the human-shaped stone completely turned into a human, and it was still a blood-red man.

"Haha...haha...I didn't want to leave the customs so early, but you were brought in early. Skywalker, now we can make a good deal!"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately responded coldly: "A deal? What kind of deal do you want to make?"

The patriarch of the Dark Clan laughed and said: "It's very simple, give me your fate, and I will guarantee your prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life!"

Fate?What is fate?

(End of this chapter)

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