
Chapter 1282 Give it a go, even if you die, you will have no regrets!

Chapter 1282 Give it a go, even if you die, you will have no regrets!

As the saying goes, man's fate is destined by heaven.It means that when a person is born, God has already planned everything for everyone in advance. Every step he takes, and everyone he has never met, is actually arranged by God.

In this way, we have to mention the theory of fate.

There is no chance in this world, only inevitability. No matter how small an encounter is, it will definitely affect the future destiny, and the fate will not disappear.The world seems to be very big, but it is actually very small, limited to what you can see and touch.Therefore, the ancients believed that praying is an important thing. Ladies need to wear orange stone bracelets, and men should wear red bamboo and stone ornaments. Add "Tajima Tosa, Mengchuang Shushi, Oki Yuanjian" to the seal book to pray for blessings An opportunity to bring happiness in life.

So what is fate?To put it simply, it is actually everyone's life!Different fates lead to different lives, and fate determines each person's different life.

It sounds unbelievable, but whether it is true or not, at least in the eyes of the ancients, it is correct.

Let's think this is right, but now the patriarch of the dark clan has put forward the condition of exchanging fate with Tong Yan. How is this different from replacing Tong Yan?
Tong Yan is not stupid, so naturally he would not agree to this ridiculous deal.

"Prosperity and wealth? Hehe... Do you think I care about glory and wealth? If I cared about glory and wealth, I wouldn't have lived such a dangerous and unpredictable life for the rest of my life. Sinister, I advise you to give up your heart .If you want to kill me, just let the horse come over!"

Hearing this, the patriarch of the Dark Clan smiled disdainfully and said: "You really have a stubborn temper, anyway, I have already given you the way of life, if you don't want it yourself, then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless. Prepare to die!"

Tong Yan stopped talking and was already ready for the battle.

The patriarch of the Dark Clan put away his smile, stepped forward suddenly, and grabbed Tong Yan's throat with one hand.

Of course, Tong Yan would not sit still and wait for death, holding the blue soul sword and instantly slashing at the big hand that caught him.

He only heard the sound of "Dang", but Tong Yan's sword failed to cut off the guy's arm, instead it made his own arm go numb, and the Blue Soul Sword in his hand almost fell out.

The patriarch of the Dark Clan ignored Tong Yan's sword strike, and the momentum continued unabated. Although he failed to catch Tong Yan's throat with his claws, he directly knocked Tong Yan away with his palm.

Tong Yan only felt the pain in his chest was unbearable, and blood spurted from his mouth before he landed in mid-air.


For a moment, blood splashed everywhere, until his body fell heavily on the stone wall, and the blood slowly fell to the ground.

The patriarch of the Dark Clan stared at Tong Yan who fell to the ground, and said with a contemptuous smile: "Weak, it's too weak. I thought you would be a little capable as a Skywalker, but now it seems that without your hands With the help of my magic weapon, you may not even be able to defeat the weakest member of your clan. Since you are so vulnerable, why do you want to dominate the title of Skywalker? Give it to me, because you are not worthy at all!"

Having said that, he raised his legs and walked towards Tong Yan step by step, his blood red eyes were full of longing and greed.

Tong Yan now felt like his whole body was falling apart, not only the pain was unbearable, but also he couldn't exert any strength, but even so, he didn't make a sound, he kept clenching his teeth and looked directly at that hateful guy.

Seeing that the villain is getting closer and closer to him, if he doesn't do something, I'm afraid there will be no chance of turning this battle over.But the question is, what else can he do now?Do you use utensils to protect yourself?Or ignore it and die together with the villain?
It's time to make a decision, because time is running out for him.

Perhaps because he sensed that his master was in danger, the Dragon Gauntlet once again automatically protected the master.

It moved away from the top of Tong Yan's head in an instant, and directly protected Tong Yan in front of him, stopping the patriarch of the Dark Clan directly.

Seeing this, the patriarch of the Dark Clan exclaimed in amazement: "It is really a good treasure to protect the Lord automatically. Since I have met you, follow me in the future!"

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly grabbed it with his claws.It looked like it was staring at the shield transformed from the Shenlong gauntlet.

At the same time, Tong Yan had already manipulated the Phoenix Heavenly Sword with his thoughts.The latter uttered two crisp screams, and immediately roared and slashed at the head of the Dark Clan.

But with the sound of "dang", the infuriating scene happened again.

First of all, the Blue Soul Sword couldn't break through the defense of the chief of the Dark Clan, and unexpectedly, even the Phoenix Heavenly Sword couldn't make a difference.It has to be said that this villain's body is really strong, two magic weapons in a row can hardly hurt him at all, the strength of this body is afraid that it has far surpassed many powerful magic weapons.

The magic weapon he relied on the most has now become useless, and Tong Yan's heart is full of bitterness.

But at times like this, he knew that he couldn't give up, and he had experienced things even more desperate than this, so what was it?

He even prepared the worst plan, the worst would be death, even if he died here, his avatar is still there, he firmly believes that the avatar will definitely complete his unfinished business for him.

"If destiny really makes me die here, then no matter what I do, it will be in vain. If I don't deserve to do what I do today, no matter what I do, I won't die!"

This is the voice in his heart, this is his determined self-comfort.

But what decision did he make?

In fact, it is not difficult to guess that the decision he made was to forcibly mobilize the power of the heavenly demon and the power of the star source in his body.And the consequence of doing so is likely to completely blow out the power of the gods in his body. At that time, not only his life will be in danger, but his soul may also be implicated.

But he is such a person, he would rather die vigorously than live like a dog. Of course, with the current situation, the patriarch of the dark clan will definitely not let him go, and he has no possibility to live .So his decision is actually the only choice, no matter whether he does it or not, he seems to be doomed.

The patriarch of the Dark Clan has firmly grasped the shield transformed from the Shenlong Gauntlet, and intends to take it for his own use.

Before he could take any further action, Tong Yan let out a roar, and then slowly stood up.


Seeing this, the patriarch of the Dark Clan was puzzled.

"After being hit by me, you can still stand up? It seems that you are not that unbearable. But even so, can you fight me?"

Tong Yan's whole body trembled, his face was as pale as paper, but he still responded fiercely: "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

"Kill me? Just rely on you? What do you use to kill me? By daydreaming?"

Tong Yan put away his anger, and then showed a cruel smile and said, "You will know soon, you will see the real Skywalker soon!" Having said this, he suddenly clenched his fists tightly, and then He raised his head violently and let out a roar.

With this ear-shattering roar, the familiar set of demon armor appeared, and the arrogant and arrogant Tong Yan finally returned!

(End of this chapter)

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