
Chapter 1283 If you have something to give you, you will have no regrets!

Chapter 1283 If you have something to give you, you will have no regrets!
How can one live without regrets?But even if there are regrets and regrets, some things should be done or have to be done.Because there are too many times, we are involuntary.

Tong Yan is like this now, doesn't he want to live?Of course he wants to live!But when all he is facing is a dead end, it becomes meaningless to think about living.So knowing that he was going to die, he resolutely decided to go crazy, at least he was happy at this moment, as for the others, it didn't matter.

The blood in his whole body was already boiling, and the power of the celestial being had already started to jump up and down. Tong Yan knew that his time was running out.

In this limited time, he only wanted to do one thing, and that was to completely get rid of the villain in front of him, so that this beast would never be reborn forever.

He has already mobilized all the power of the demon, holding the blue soul sword that has been infused with the power of the demon in one hand, and at this moment, he has no reservations.

Seeing the different Tong Yan, the patriarch of the Dark Clan loosened the shield transformed from the Dragon Gauntlet, and then said in surprise: "Did you not use your full strength before? But you are clearly a Skywalker, you How could there be such a strong devilish energy in your body? What's going on here?"

Of course, Tong Yan would not answer his question. At this time, Tong Yan only had one thought, and that was to eradicate this villain as much as possible before the power of the celestial being erupted completely.

With a flash of figure, Tong Yan had already come behind the patriarch of the Dark Clan.

Before the guy could react, Tong Yan slashed his head hard with a sword.

Although this sword still failed to break through his defense, the powerful impact still made him stagger a few steps forward.

Before the first strike was completed, Tong Yan was about to use the second strike instead.But this time, he was no longer just fencing, but used the power of the star in his body.Seeing his sword art turning around, a beautiful five-pointed star sign was formed, and he struck the sign forward, while holding the blue soul sword in his other hand, he stabbed at the sign fiercely.

With the sound of "呯", the seal immediately shattered into dots of starlight, but above the Blue Soul Sword was a radiant light, and the light of the sword soared to the sky.

"Sword of the Stars, lore style! Evil thief, die for me!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly raised the Blue Soul Sword high and slashed out with all his might.

This is Tong Yan's strongest killing move at present, if even this can't get rid of the villain, Tong Yan may hardly have a chance to come back.

It may be that he sensed the extremely strong sword energy of the Blue Soul Sword, and as soon as he stabilized his figure, the patriarch of the dark clan began to build a stone shield in front of him.Although the stone may not be as hard as steel, the stone shield condensed from his hands is probably stronger than his body.

Tong Yan's strongest blow collided with the strongest shield of the patriarch of the Dark Clan, who is the better one, the answer will be revealed soon.

Only a loud "bang" was heard, and the Blue Soul Sword displayed its majestic power and smashed the shield to pieces.That's right, smashing.

The shield may be like glass, and if one part is broken, other places will not be spared.

From the looks of it, Tong Yan seemed to have won this round.But the patriarch of the dark clan was not implicated by the shattered shield, he jumped back in time and distanced himself from Tong Yan.

Looking at the imposing Tong Yan in front of him, a look of panic appeared on his face unconsciously.Tong Yan's display of strength has already posed a threat to him.

"Stinky boy, it seems that I really underestimated you. But it is not that simple to kill me. This is my territory, and I will live forever here. I advise you not to waste your efforts in vain, why don't you think about it with me?" Make a deal. In this way, we can avoid mutual losses. You are a smart person, you better think clearly."

Tong Yan's eyes were full of coldness, and he said coldly: "You can kill this kind of heart, today, I will kill you!" As soon as he finished speaking, he instantly shifted shape.In the blink of an eye, he had come to the side of the patriarch of the Dark Clan.

The patriarch of the Dark Clan did have some skills, as soon as Tong Yan appeared here, he directly used the earth escape technique.

Tong Yan's sword was very powerful, but it just slashed in the air, passing by the head of the dark clan.

The time left for Tong Yan is running out, if he can't hit the head of the Dark Clan like this again, then he will almost lose this battle.

But as the patriarch of the Dark Clan said, this is his territory, and he is proficient in the art of earth escape, so it's not easy to catch him?
The flames of anger had already burned in Tong Yan's chest, he had to find a way, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Coincidentally, the cloth strips on his forehead fell off for some reason.

In this way, the imprint of the stars that he deliberately covered up is revealed again at this moment.

The pain still continued, but compared with the pain on his body, the pain caused by the star imprint seemed not so obvious.

Red light shot out from the imprint of the stars again, and under the shining of this red light, Tong Yan suddenly saw a black shadow shuttle back and forth on the ground.

what 's wrong?Could it be that the light of the imprint of the stars revealed the whereabouts of the patriarch of the dark clan hidden underground?

If this is the case, it is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for Tong Yan.

He was suffering from not being able to find the trace of that guy, now that he was able to lock it, how could he easily miss it?
Shifting shape, changing shape, changing shape three or four times in a row, he kept flashing back and forth, his figure seemed to be erratic.

Such a blind flash of him caught the attention of the patriarch of the Dark Clan.

Maybe this guy was wondering if Tong Yan was mentally ill, or had lost his mind, that's why he was flying around like a mindless fly.

But how did he know that the reason why Tong Yan did this was completely an illusion created on purpose.Its purpose is only one, and that is to let him relax his vigilance, so that he can complete the final blow.

In terms of mind, the patriarch of this dark clan is definitely not as good as Tong Yan.No, seeing Tong Yan running around, he showed contempt, and tried to deal Tong Yan a fatal blow.

But at this moment, Tong Yan's figure disappeared again.

And before he could react, it appeared above his head without even realizing it.

It was too late when Tong Yan thrust his sword down suddenly.

Hearing only a scream of "ah", Tong Yan's sword directly penetrated the head of the patriarch of the Dark Clan and pierced directly into the body.

This was not over yet, Tong Yan slashed with his sword again, directly cutting the leader of the Dark Clan in half.

Did you win?Maybe!But for this victory, the price Tong Yan paid was also painful.

His body became heavier and his consciousness became more and more blurred. With a "plop", he fell heavily to the ground.

What is unexpected is that the star imprint on the center of his eyebrows still emits red light, which makes the whole cave glow red...

(End of this chapter)

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