
Chapter 1285 Daoming Mayu, 5-star spirit!

Chapter 1285 Daoming Zhenyu, the five-star spirit!
What is the incredible thing?There was originally a golden Buddha statue in the Buddhist hall, but at this moment, the golden Buddha statue disappeared.This was not over yet, a great monk was sitting cross-legged on the floor of the Buddhist hall, and was looking at Tong Yan who had just walked into it with a smile on his face.

Tong Yan stared at the great monk, and suddenly felt that he looked familiar. After thinking about it carefully, isn't this the monk who appeared in his dream?

"Master, how could it be you? Didn't you already..."

Hearing this, the great monk smiled slightly and said: "What is it? Is it dead? In fact, the poor monk is indeed dead. But now, I am alive again. And the person who made me reborn is actually you! "

Hearing this, Tong Yan was puzzled and said, "I made you reborn? But I didn't do anything?"

The great monk laughed and said: "There is a saying that if you plant flowers with intention, they will not bloom, but if you do not intend to plant willows and willows to make shade. You think you have done nothing, but in fact, you just saved me. Little benefactor, I really want to thank you very much. you."

Tong Yan smiled awkwardly and said, "What's there to thank me for? I still don't know what I've done for you. Master, you should tell me, so don't keep it a secret."

The great monk nodded and smiled: "Okay, since you don't understand, then the poor monk will tell you. Who do you think is the patriarch of the dark clan you saw?"

Tong Yan frowned slightly, and then replied: "Shouldn't it be a demon or something? What else could it be?"

"Evil and evil? Wrong, big mistake! In fact, he, like you, is a creature conceived by stars!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan's heart couldn't help but tremble, he really didn't think of this, he always thought that the patriarch of the Dark Clan was just a monster.

But listening to what the great monk said, it seems to be a matter of cleaning up. After all, that guy can integrate with the alien stone. If it is not connected with the alien stone itself, it will definitely not be possible.

He thought for a while, and then asked: "Master, since he is also a creature conceived by stars, how could he become the patriarch of the Dark Clan? The Dark Clan is so bloodthirsty, he must have something to do with it. Could it be his nature is like this?"

The great monk shook his head and sighed: "No! At the beginning of human beings, nature is good. He is a creature conceived by the stars, and he is naturally as pure and flawless as an elf. It's just...he was used by villains, and that's why he became what he is now."

Hearing this, Tong Yan asked in puzzlement, "Used by villains? By whom?"

The great monk smiled slightly and said, "Actually, you should be able to guess where the stars fall from, which naturally has its special meaning."

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned and said: "Master, what do you mean, the people who use him are from the heavens?"

The great monk nodded and replied, "That's right, there are people in the heavens who are behind the scenes. But in fact, not only this one star spirit has fallen, there are four more! They are also scattered everywhere, turning into evil spirits and killing creatures. "

"There are four more?" Tong Yan was really a little messy for a while, did the stars form a group to harm the world?But why are there five in total?Is there any significance to this number?

etc!Two words suddenly appeared in his mind, that is five elements!
If the patriarch of the dark clan is the spirit of Saturn among the fallen stars, then the other four stars are probably the four stars of gold, wood, water and fire.Of course, this is also his speculation, whether this is really the case, he still needs to ask the great monk.

"Master, you said there are four other star spirits. I don't know if it coincides with the theory of the five elements? I think the star spirits here have the ability to manipulate the earth element. Does it mean that it represents the earth in the five elements?"

Hearing what Tong Yan said, the great monk immediately smiled approvingly and said, "The little benefactor is really smart, and it is true! Someone in the heaven deliberately did this, so they sent down the five-star spirits of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and turned them into demons, evils, and chaos. Human world. Now you have eliminated one of them, and there are four more waiting for you to surrender. Little benefactor, you have a long way to go!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said with a little embarrassment: "Master, although I am a Skywalker, do I have to do the matter of subduing the five-star spirit? Is this..."

Tong Yan wanted to say what is difficult for others, but he didn't say it in the end.

The great monk chuckled and said, "Little benefactor, I know the distress in your heart. But some things have been doomed from the beginning. For example, why did you get targeted by this so-called dark clan? Brought here? Why did the spirit of the stars fall to your hands? All of this seems to be a coincidence, but in fact, isn’t it predestined? As you said, you are a skywalker, just The word Skywalker, you are already inseparable from the relationship. Besides, you are also the spirit of the fallen stars. Why did you fall, and the fall of the five-star spirit, isn’t it the same? As long as you surrender With the five-star spirit, maybe everything will come to light."

What the great monk said made Tong Yan think.Yes, he is also the spirit of the stars, and so is the spirit of the five stars.The five-star spirit was persecuted by the gangsters and degenerated into what he is now. What is the difference from when he first fell into the human world and the Asura realm?It is definitely not simple behind this, but if you want to figure out all this, maybe you really should start from the five-star spirit.

But the problem is, the five-star spirit's Saturn spirit has already been eliminated by him, and he hasn't received any enlightenment?

Thinking of this, he could only ask again: "Master, the spirit of Saturn has already been killed by me, so I can't kill the other four, can I?"

Hearing this, the great monk laughed and said, "I lost your life? Do you think the spirit of Saturn is really dead? No! He has been taken away by your star mark. Wait until you gather the five-star spirit , when the time comes, you will understand everything!"

Hearing what the great monk said, Tong Yan suddenly understood that it turned out that the star mark became like this because it was related to the spirit of Saturn.If this is the case, he really has some desire to subdue other four-star spirits.

After all, in the final analysis, he has always had a knot in his heart, that is, the demon star was persecuted by the gods for no reason, and fell to the world and the Asura.After thousands of years, Tianjie still refused to let him go.If you blindly hide in the human world, it will not be a long-term solution after all. Only by figuring everything out can you completely settle with the villains in the heavens.

"Master, thank you for your information. I will find the other four-star spirits, and I must solve all the mysteries. But master, you haven't told me how you were reborn?"

The great monk smiled mysteriously and said: "Everything is fate! In short, you saved the poor monk, and you know that is enough. It is getting late, and it is time for you to leave here. The poor monk will open it up for you door!"

Tong Yan wanted to ask a few more questions, but suddenly a golden light flashed in front of him, and he completely lost his vision.

But the mysterious identity of the Great Monk has become an unsolved mystery for him.Where is this great monk?
(End of this chapter)

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