
Chapter 1286 Bai Yong reappears, corpse breath enters his body!

Chapter 1286 Bai Yong reappears, corpse breath enters his body!
When Tong Yan regained his sight, he was already above the ground.He looked around, and suddenly found several small statues in human form.

Taking a closer look, he was startled.These stone statues are ugly in appearance, short in stature, and all of them are fierce and evil, just like the members of the dark clan.Who exactly placed the statues of the Dark Clan here?What is the purpose of doing this?

The carving of the statue is so vivid, it can be seen that the craftsmanship of this craftsman is extraordinary, maybe these stone statues are probably made by the people of the secret clan.

He walked forward for a certain distance, and suddenly found a big pit in front of him.After he got closer to the big pit and looked inside, he was even more surprised.

There are hundreds of stone statues of the Dark Clan in this big pit. These stone statues have different expressions, but most of them are expressions of fear.

Looking at these stone statues, Tong Yan couldn't help thinking secretly.After returning to the dungeon where the members of the Dark Clan lived, he didn't see a single figure, and the whole city was as silent as an empty city.

At that time, he was thinking, where have all the members of the Dark Clan gone?Until now he saw these stone statues, he seemed to understand.

The members of the Dark Clan didn't disappear, but escaped from the dungeon. Unexpectedly, they just fled to the ground, and for some reason, they all turned into stones.So in other words, the stone statues that Tong Yan saw at this moment were not actually carved by skilled craftsmen, but were transformed by those members of the Dark Clan.

If this is the case, it would explain why the dungeon became an empty city.

But regarding the true identity of the great monk, Tong Yan still couldn't figure it out, maybe he was really just an eminent monk.

Although he learned about the five-star spirit, the monk did not mention to Tong Yan where the other four-stars were.

Therefore, in Tong Yan's view, the most urgent task is not to find the other four star spirits, but to go back to the deserted village to meet with Daoist Sanshi first, and then continue to look for traces of Qing Ming and others.

Now it is very different from before. Before, he needed the help of Daoist Sanshi to walk with the sword. Now that he has got rid of the torture of the power of the gods, he can easily go wherever he wants by flying.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he did not choose to show the bone wings of the sky demon, but flew in the air on the blue soul sword.In this way, even if you meet other monks, you will not be treated as a monster.Of course, he wasn't afraid, he just didn't want to cause more trouble.

After flying like this for about three hours, he finally found the deserted village where he stayed overnight with Taoist Sanshi.

But it was a pity that he couldn't meet Daoist Sanshi here.

Maybe Daoist Sanshi had left long ago, or he was looking for him now.

Tong Yan intended to stay here and wait for Daoist Sanshi, but he really wasted too much time. In order to find Qing Ming and the others earlier, he decided to leave some words. If Daoist Sanshi was careful, he would be able to find it.

After leaving the message, he didn't delay any longer, and flew to the sky with his sword again, and began to look for Qingming and others based on his feeling.

But where exactly are Qingming and the others?Qing Ming and Qiang Liang, have their injuries continued to deteriorate, have they healed?

However, to everyone's surprise, they were actually in an ancient tomb at this moment, and they were imprisoned extremely tightly.

Who were they imprisoned here?

His gaze fell on Qing Ming, Qiang Liang and the others. At this time, Qing Ming and Qiang Liang had already turned back into human form, and it seemed that they should have walked back from the gate of hell.

The horned dragon and the blood crystal beast also turned into human figures and sat on the ground, each with serious expressions, it seemed that they were depressed because of being imprisoned.

Finally, Qiang Liang, who was full of anger, spoke first.

"Brother Qingming, I know you are my boss' brother, but compared to my boss, you are too stupid. After so long, can't you still think of a way to break through the prison door?"

Hearing this, Qing Ming was not annoyed, but smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Qiangliang, you really think highly of me. Compared with my brother, even if there are ten I can't compare with him. I have tried my best No, but the seal on the prison door is so powerful that I really can't open it."

Hearing this, Qiangliang was a little disappointed and said: "Then what should we do now? We finally survived, so we can't live here forever, right? If so, why don't I stay in Asura Dao, at least I will be more free."

Qing Ming sighed softly and said, "What's the point of saying this now? In the final analysis, it's not that we are too overconfident. If we knew that the old thief Bai Yong had already set a trap, I wouldn't come in no matter what. Things have come to this, all we can do, perhaps is to wait."

Hearing this, Qiang Liang asked in puzzlement, "Wait? What are you waiting for?"

Qing Ming said helplessly: "Wait for my brother Tong Yan to find it, and wait for that Mount Tai blade to find its owner. Apart from this, there is no other way."

Qiangliang let out a soft sigh, and then said: "The old Bai Yong thief you mentioned is not weak. Can Taishan Ren escape from this ancient tomb and find my boss? Don't be caught by that old Bai Yong halfway The thief intercepted it."

Qing Ming smiled slightly and said: "No, the reason why we are still alive at the moment is that Bai Yong wants to use us as bait to lure my brother to come here. Now that Tai Shanren took the initiative to report the news, the old thief Bai Yong is probably If you want it, you will definitely not stop it. Well, let’s not talk about this, let’s hurry up and recover from our injuries. When my brother comes, it is estimated that a fierce battle will be inevitable."

Qiang Liang let out a sigh, said no more, and then crossed his legs and began to practice.

It turned out that the reason why Qing Ming and the others were imprisoned here was all because of that old thief Bai Yong.But how did the old thief Bai Yong find Qing Ming and the others?How did they trick them into this ancient tomb and imprison them here?

Let's not talk about these for the time being, let's talk about Tong Yan's search all the way, and finally stopped in a small town because of physical exhaustion.

Although not eating had little effect on him, as a human being, he was naturally irresistible to food, so he went into a restaurant and ordered a few dishes that he liked before.

Although the restaurant is not big, there are quite a lot of people inside. Tong Yan sat at a small table by the side, so it could only seat two people.Although it is small, compared to other crowded tables, it is quite spacious.

On the round table in front of him on the right, there are seven people sitting around at the moment. These people are all wearing camouflage uniforms and military uniforms, and they don't look like ordinary people at first glance.Coupled with their large bags and small bags and all kinds of tools, Tong Yan can almost conclude that they are either geologists or archaeologists.

As a young man rushed into the restaurant, Tong Yan confirmed their identities even more. They were a group of archaeologists.

The clothes of the young man who ran in were dirty and covered with loess, as soon as he ran in, he came straight to the people Tong Yan was paying attention to.

Then, I saw him say a few words in a low voice, and I never thought that the faces of the others would change drastically after hearing this.

After that, one of the old men left three banknotes and hurried out with everyone.

Tong Yan didn't want to ask too much, but this time he couldn't stand by and watch.

why?The reason is simple, he saw the corpse aura radiating from the young man who ran in behind.And if this corpse aura is not removed quickly, I am afraid that this young man will never want to be a human again, but will become a complete zombie!
And it is precisely because of his carefulness that a disaster can be avoided...

(End of this chapter)

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