
Chapter 1287 Poor mountain village, general's tomb!

Chapter 1287 Poor mountain village, general's tomb!
Tong Yan didn't care about eating, so he hurriedly got up and followed.Human life is at stake, and he really can't ignore it.

As he had speculated, those people in front were indeed a group of archaeologists and ancient scholars.A few days ago, they got news that there was an ancient general's tomb nearby. In order to protect the cultural relics in the tomb, they came here early.

However, contrary to expectations, although they had found the location of the ancient tomb, they were trapped outside the tomb door and could not enter.In this way, it has been delayed for seven or eight days.

Because this small town is a little closer to the general's tomb, archaeologists and ancient scholars often come here for supplies.

But unexpectedly, this time they left the town in a hurry before finishing their meal. Could it be that something happened?

Tong Yan didn't say anything, just followed behind those archaeologists and ancient scholars.It wasn't until those archaeologists and ancient scholars got into the car that he had to increase his speed several times.Of course, in order to avoid causing unnecessary panic, he dodged along the way and followed for more than half an hour before arriving at his destination.

This is a village, a slightly backward village.Although the spring breeze of reform and reform has blown all over the country, the gap between the rich and the poor in China still cannot be underestimated.

The road in the village should be a cement road that has just been laid, but the houses in the village look very shabby compared to this brand new road.There are only a few brick houses, most of them are half-brick and half-earth houses, and some are simply earthen houses.

There are about 30 households in the village, many of which raise cattle and poultry.Poultry is for laying eggs, or meat, while cattle are for farming.

Yes, common tractors are very rare here, and Tong Yan even said that when he looked at them, he could only see a single one.

The backwardness of the village is obvious, but those archaeologists and ancient scholars drove their cars into the village.It seems that they used this village as a stronghold for better archaeological and ancient research.

Of course, Tong Yan would not rush up and tell them that someone of their companions had already entered his body and needed to be dealt with urgently.If he did this, not only would he not be able to save people, but he would have to be treated as a mental illness by them.

So he decided to first figure out the purpose of these archaeologists and ancient scholars' trip, and then figure out how and where the young man got the corpse gas.Only by figuring this out, can he completely get rid of the root of the corpse aura, so as to protect the safety of the people in this side.

He wanted to find Qingming and Qiangliang as soon as possible, but saving people was like putting out a fire, and he would never do anything that would leave them dead.

But after a while, the car of the archaeological and archaeological team stopped in front of a fairly clean courtyard at the east end of the village.

The owner of this yard should be one of the few wealthy families in this village. First of all, the gate of the yard is a tall iron gate, and a four-wheel tractor and an ordinary motorcycle are parked in the yard.The house in the courtyard is built entirely of bricks, and the roof is wrapped with iron sheets, which not only keeps out wind and rain, but is also very durable.

After the members of the archaeological and ancient team got out of the car, they opened the door and walked into the courtyard.

Tong Yan intends to find out, but after thinking about it, he forgets it, and instead walks to a family in a dilapidated earthen house next to him.

Compared with the family just now, this family is completely different.Broken wooden doors, broken houses, and even the clothes hanging in the yard are full of patches.The gap between the rich and the poor is very intuitively reflected in this village.

At this moment, there is an old man sitting in the yard. The old man is sitting on a horse tie, and is concentrating on weaving a basket with bamboo strips.

The old man should be in his seventies. Although his hair is not completely white, the wrinkles on his face are already deep.The old man must have smoked for most of his life, and even now weaving baskets, he still has a pipe in his mouth.

Tong Yan walked to the door, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Old man, I'm passing by, can I ask for some water?"

Hearing Tong Yan's voice, the old man immediately looked up and saw Tong Yan's simple clothes and kind appearance, so he nodded and said, "Come in, there is a well in the yard, fetch water yourself!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan was not polite, pushed open the dilapidated wooden door and walked into the yard.Looking in the direction of the old man's finger, he saw a well.

Along the way, he was indeed a little thirsty, so he went straight to the well and fetched a bucket of water.

Needless to say, the water in this well is extremely delicious, not only cool, but also sweet in the mouth, which is many times better than those mineral waters on the market.

Tong Yan drank two scoops of water before walking up to the old man contentedly.

"Old man, thank you very much. The water here is really delicious. It is true that one side of water and soil can raise one side of people."

Hearing this, the old man chuckled and said, "Aren't you passing by? Are you from the archaeological team? Young man, I've said it many times, don't ask me about the general's tomb anymore. Not only will I not Said, I also advise you not to provoke it. The tomb is not clean, and it has been cursed. It is best to let it stay quietly, if anyone provokes it, it will die!"

Hearing the words General's Tomb, Tong Yan couldn't help thinking about it.Could it be that the young man from the ancient research team entered the general's tomb, so the corpse energy invaded his body?If this is the case, I am afraid that the source of the disaster should be the general's tomb.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Old man, you are really wrong. I am not a member of the ancient or ancient team at all. To be precise, I am a cultivator of immortals!"

When the old man heard this, he immediately laughed. "Young man, are you still cultivating immortals like this? Do you watch too much TV? Don't fool me, I'm not a three-year-old baby."

Tong Yan said with a faint smile: "Of course you are not a three-year-old baby. It is because of your rich experience that I will tell you the truth. Old man, I am indeed a cultivator, and the reason why I came to your village is It is precisely because I saw that someone was invaded by corpse gas. If there is no treatment, it will take three days or one day, and that person will turn into a zongzi and bring disaster to this place! I think you should know what a zongzi is. "

The old man was taken aback when he heard this, and the smile on his face disappeared immediately, replaced by a serious face.

"Young man, is what you said true or false? Why can't I believe it?"

Tong Yan said with a mysterious smile: "If you want to find out whether what I said is true or not, you just need to try it. Old man, take a needle and go to the house next door. If you see a military worker in beige Clothes, the young man with his hair tied up, secretly pricked him with a needle. By then, you will naturally understand everything.”

"What? You asked me to prick people with needles? Those people are archaeologists and archaeologists sent by the state. How can I do this? Young man, you must be lying to me. I can't be fooled by this old man."

Seeing that the old man didn't believe it, Tong Yan hesitated for a moment, then picked up a brick on the ground instead.

"Old man, is this brick hard?"

The old man nodded and said, "Hard, hard!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Look, it's about to shatter!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he exerted a sudden force on his hand, and immediately after that, the brick turned into powder in his hand.

When the old man saw it, he thought he was dazzled, and rubbed his eyes several times before he was sure that the brick was indeed crushed into powder by Tong Yan.

"My boy, how did you do it?"

Tong Yan smiled triumphantly and said, "Now do you believe in my identity? Take a needle and try it out!"

The old man has lived for decades, but this is the first time he has seen such a powerful person as Tong Yan.

He no longer hesitated, nodded, got up and walked into the house, took a needle, and followed Tong Yan's instructions to the next rich man's house.

Can a needle really detect whether the young man is infected with corpse gas?The answer will be revealed soon!

(End of this chapter)

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