
Chapter 1298 The Confusion of Giants, Show Your Foot!

Chapter 1298 The Confusion of Giants, Show Your Foot!
Tong Yan didn't pay attention to Qiang Liang anymore, but put all his attention on the so-called black "wall".

He tried to break through this "wall" to see if there was anything else behind the wall.But what he didn't expect was that he pierced the black "wall" with a sword, and the sword body was completely submerged in the "wall", but he couldn't penetrate the "wall".

In desperation, he could only double the size and length of the Blue Soul Sword, and stab it into the "wall" again.But even so, he still failed to penetrate the "wall" completely, and it seemed to be blocked by some hard substance.

The thickness of the "wall" is one aspect, there is still a hard substance in the depths that the Blue Soul Sword cannot penetrate, which makes Tong Yan more and more confused.It seems that it is not easy to directly break through the wall, so it is necessary to think of other ways.

Pulling out the Blue Soul Sword, he took a few steps back, and then carefully observed the black "wall".

Looking at it this way, he really made a new discovery.The black "wall" is not only as big as the reliefs cover, to be precise, the black "wall" should be higher and longer.

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to "dig" out the black "wall" thoroughly. Only by fully exposing the black "wall" can he know what the black "wall" is.

With an idea in mind, he didn't delay any longer, and immediately made the Blue Soul Sword wider and bigger, looking like a shovel.

Holding the Blue Soul Sword in both hands, he immediately started "digging" a large area, and the more he did this, the more shocked he was.

Time passed bit by bit, and it was already more than half an hour in the blink of an eye.With his skill, even a house should have been dug out.But no, he actually only dug out a small part, and this small part was enough to shock him.

What exactly did he unearth?

Following his gaze, he actually... actually dug out an arm!
That's right, it's an arm.If the arm was still difficult to identify, he could always recognize the huge palm and five fingers.

It's's just that this arm is too big, it's jaw-droppingly big!
Let's put it this way, Tong Yan had been wondering what the black "wall" was before, but now he knew that the black "wall" was just one side of his arm.Just one side of the arm is like a high wall. I believe there is no need to say more about how big the arm is.

But Tong Yan didn't understand why this black "wall" was like a wall of flesh, and now he understood.This is not a wall, it is the giant's arm, and the black "wall" is the flesh and blood on the giant's arm.

Seeing everything inconceivable in front of him, he couldn't explain it for a while.

How could there be a giant's arm in a general's tomb?

Of course, this is not necessarily just an arm, because he only "digged" a part, and there are still many things that he needs to dig.

But he didn't really want to waste his time here, he had already wasted enough time, and the most important thing he should do was to rescue Qing Ming and the others as soon as possible.As for the matter of excavating this giant, it is better to wait until after meeting Qing Ming and the others.

But before he could speak, Qiangliang suddenly spoke.

"Boss, do you want to continue digging? We've been here for too long, should we go?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said: "You are right, it is indeed time to go. You lead the way, we will go to Qing Ming and the others."

Hearing what Tong Yan said, Qiang Liang heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately took Tong Yan out of here.

But before Tong Yan left, he took one last look at the big hand at the front of the arm.He didn't know whether it was his eyes that were dazzled or what was going on, but he actually seemed to see the fingers of that big hand move slightly.

If this is the case, isn't the "giant" built in the ancient tomb dead?But then again, what could such a giant be?Also, why did the owner of the tomb bury the "giant" in his own tomb?Is there any ulterior secret in this?
Tong Yan was thinking about this, but he didn't bother about it, he turned his eyes away, and stared closely at Qiang Liang who was leading the way in front of him.

Looking at it like this, he suddenly felt that Qiangliang was becoming more and more unfamiliar, because if it was normal, Qiangliang would never walk in the front, more often he would walk beside him, talking to him some irrelevant words.After all, Qiangliang has been sealed in Asura for too long, and he is already tired of the silence.

But now, Qiang Liang is not only walking fast in front, but also seems to be afraid of Tong Yan asking this or that.

"Is he still Qiangliang?" Tong Yan had doubts in his heart, but before there was no absolute evidence, he was just doubting.

Qiang Liang walked quickly, and Tong Yan naturally followed quickly, and the two walked like this for about ten minutes.A huge stone gate suddenly appeared in front of the passage, and on both sides of the stone gate were two stone statues of strange beasts with hideous faces.

This should be a tomb-suppressing beast that is often seen at the gate of the tomb. As for what kind of strange beast it is, not many people can actually recognize it.

I saw Qiangliang walking quickly to the stone gate, and then reached out to knock left and right on the stone gate.What's amazing is that when he knocked on the stone door like this, my good guy, it opened automatically.

This Shimen is indeed extraordinary, but what Tong Yan cares more about is Qiang Liang.According to Qiangliang, he escaped by himself.Since he escaped, it still makes sense for him to remember the way, but how could a careless guy like him know such a detailed way to open the door?

If it were Qiang Liang from before, I am afraid that he would only do one thing when opening the door, and that would be to punch it open.Cracking the organ, this is probably something Qiangliang would never do.

Tong Yan saw these things in his eyes, but he didn't question Qiang Liang directly, but joked: "Qiang Liang, I didn't expect you to be proficient in this kind of mechanism cracking method. It seems that I really underestimated you before."

Hearing this, Qiang Liang smiled and said: "Boss, I know a lot. I will show you all when I have the chance in the future."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Okay, with you here, I can save a lot of trouble. It's really thanks to you! By the way, is the cell where Qing Ming is detained also sealed? Is the seal easy to break? "

When Qiangliang heard this, he immediately replied: "Of course there is a seal, and it is an extremely powerful seal. Don't say it is broken, even if you get close, people will pull out a layer of skin."

Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then asked: "Since the seal is like this, how did you escape?"

After asking this sentence, Qiang Liang froze on the spot.He hesitated for a long time, but he couldn't answer.

And in this way, Tong Yan can almost be sure that the person in front of him is by no means a real Qiangliang, but a complete fake!
(End of this chapter)

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