
Chapter 1299 The strange person blocked the way, and there was no trace!

Chapter 1299 The strange person blocked the way, and there was no trace!
Qiang Liang was speechless, but Tong Yan couldn't really break his face with him, so he heard Tong Yan say again: "Look at the question I asked, you must have escaped by taking advantage of the loose seal. out, right?"

Hearing this, Qiangliang hurriedly replied: "Yes, that's it. You see, I didn't know how to answer just now. Hehe..."

Tong Yan just smiled lightly, but his heart was full of killing intent.

Qiangliang has already opened the stone gate, so the two of them can't stand still.

Tong Yan looked behind the stone gate, and then asked, "Where does this gate lead to? How far is it from the stone room where Brother Qing and the others are imprisoned?"

Qiangliang replied directly: "Pass through this stone gate, and then walk forward for a while and you will be there."

Tong Yan said lightly, and then said: "There is no obstacle on the way to this ancient tomb, isn't there even a guard inside?"

Qiangliang chuckled and said, "Even if there is, I'm afraid it can't stop you? Boss, stop thinking about it. Come with me, you're right!"

Tong Yan laughed secretly in his heart, because he should be careful when following him, but Tong Yan couldn't say that, he could only nod and smile and said, "You're right, I'm really worrying too much. It's not too late, you lead the way ahead !"

Qiangliang agreed, and then walked through the stone gate.Tong Yan glanced at the dark passage behind the door, and then quickly followed.

Having reached this point, Tong Yan knew very well that even if there was a trap dug in front of him, there was no possibility for him to retreat.Since there is no way to retreat, the only way to go forward is to go forward bravely, whether it is a mule or a horse, it is time to decide the outcome.

The passage behind the stone gate is somewhat different from the previous passage, and the biggest difference lies in a twist.

The previous passage was straight forward, but the current passage is twisted, and it is unknown how many bends there are.

As a result, Tong Yan's vision was greatly affected, and he became even more confused about everything in front of him.

Qiangliang walked ahead with strides, it seems that he has nothing to worry about, or he knows this place very well.

Tong Yan secretly held the Phoenix Heavenly Sword in his hand, if any changes happened, he could react immediately.

Turning left and right like this for a while, the two of them walked out of the passage smoothly.But at the end of the passage, there was a man in black standing at this moment.

The man in black turned his back to Tong Yan and Qiang Liang, so he couldn't see his face, but judging from his figure, he was tall and straight.

The man in black was dressed a bit like a warrior in ancient times, with a long knife pinned to his waist, and his long black hair was tied up high, looking unspeakably chic.

Tong Yan stared at the man in black in front of him, and immediately asked Qiang Liang, "Who is this? The guard in this ancient tomb?"

Hearing this, Qiang Liang said a little uneasy: "No... no, he is not the guard here, but Yan Luo in this ancient tomb!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning.

"Yan Luo? How do you say this?"

Qiang Liang immediately explained in a low voice: "The owner of this ancient tomb set up the so-called Ten Yamas in the tomb in order to prevent people from intruding into his tomb. These ten Yamas are naturally different from the ten Lords of the underworld. , but in this ancient tomb, these ten Yan Luos are the most powerful existences. In short, these ten guys are very powerful, and they are heterogeneous between corpses, demons, and immortals. Boss, wait a minute You'd better be careful, if you encounter danger, it's better to go 36 times!"

No matter what the real identity of Qiangliang in front of him is, his words are for Tong Yan's sake.

After Tong Yan heard it, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make a note. If I lose later, you can run for your own life!"

After saying this, Tong Yan immediately raised his legs and moved forward.

The reason why the man in black appeared was naturally not to hang out, nor could he come for Qiang Liang, so it can almost be concluded that he came for Tong Yan.

When meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins, Tong Yan will only move forward, and will definitely not take half a step back.And even if he retreats, the man in black in front of him probably won't let him go easily.

Anyway, this battle is inevitable, it is better to be more straightforward.

The man in black kept his back to Tong Yan, and he didn't turn around until Tong Yan was less than five meters away from him.

And when he turned around, Tong Yan was able to see him clearly.

Although this guy is not human, he is almost the same as a human being, except for his slightly pale skin, and his eyes are somewhat different from normal people.What's the difference?His eyes were not the usual black, but silvery white with a faint silvery light.

He stared at Tong Yan, and without further ado, he pulled out the saber from his waist and pointed it at Tong Yan.

Seeing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "Your Excellency must have been waiting for a long time, who ordered you to kill me here?"

Hearing this, the man in black snorted coldly and said: "This is a forbidden place, anyone who trespasses will die! How can I spare your life if you trespass here?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then said: "If you came to trouble me for this matter, I have nothing to worry about. To be honest, I don't want to come here at all. If you didn't imprison me My brother and friend, why should I come to this kind of place? If you want to kill me, let your horse come here. If you want me to leave here, don’t even think about it.”

The man in black stopped talking, his eyes flashed coldly, he took a step forward and stabbed Tong Yan fiercely.

Seeing this, Tong Yan didn't panic, he first resorted to shape-shifting, and then took out the Blue Soul Sword and held it in his hand.

In fact, with the help of transposition, he didn't need to entangle with the man in black at all, but he wanted to try the man in black's method. Only in this way could he know the strength of the tomb owner and know the strength of his enemy. How powerful.

So, in fact, the man in black was just regarded as a touchstone by him, and he didn't take it too seriously at all.

The man in black saw that he had slashed through the air, and immediately turned around to find Tong Yan, and it was another slash.

With Tong Yan's shape shifting, it is more than enough to dodge the man in black's long knife, so the man in black cut several times, but none of them can touch Tong Yan.

As for Tong Yan, after this continuous evasion, he had already figured out the sword technique of the man in black, and it would be much easier for him to fight head-on.

Soon, the sound of swords and swords clashing sounded in this passage, but Qiang Liang just hid aside, and he didn't even intend to do anything.

The sound of "Ding Ding Dang Dang" became more and more frequent, and the contest with the man in black became easier.

The ten halls of Yan Luo in the ancient tomb, in Tong Yan's view, are really vulnerable.

He saw him move sideways and use Fengling kick in an instant, only to hear a "pa", and he kicked the man in black firmly on the head.

The man in black was kicked, his body sank, and he fell to the ground immediately.

Seeing this, Tong Yan was about to make the final blow, but at this moment, the man in black... disappeared out of thin air!
(End of this chapter)

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