
Chapter 1300 The method of breaking the seal, a powerful opponent!

Chapter 1300 The method of breaking the seal, a powerful opponent!
Tong Yan originally thought that the man in black had used a similar ability to shift shape, but he waited like this for a full 10 minutes, and the figure of the man in black did not reappear.

But this made Tong Yan a little confused.

He turned his head to look at Qiang Liang who was hiding in a corner, and then asked, "Where did the man in black go? Why is he gone?"

Hearing this, Qiang Liang shook his head and said, "No... I don't know, could it be... Could it be that he ran away?"

"Run away?" Tong Yan couldn't help showing a chuckle, and then asked Qiangliang again: "You said that there are ten men in black in this ancient tomb, collectively called the Ten Halls of Yama in this ancient tomb, right? Just now Could that guy have gone to report? If that's the case, what are we still doing here? Hurry up and save people!"

Hearing what Tong Yan said, Qiang Liang nodded and said, " should save people! Then let's go, I'll take you to find them."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Qiang Liang, you'd better take me to find them, otherwise, our brothers might die here together. We had an agreement that day, life cannot be at the same time, but death must Same day. You should remember, right?"

When Qiang Liang heard this, he hurriedly replied: "I remember, of course I remember. Boss, don't worry, I will definitely take you to Brother Qing Ming and the others."

In fact, Tong Yan never made such an agreement with Qiang Liang, it was just a counterfeit in front of Doudou, so let me give you a little warning by the way.

The man in black, who thought he was very capable, stopped in the front, and a fierce battle was inevitable, but now the fierce battle ended in this way.Although Tong Yan was full of puzzlement, he was also happy and relaxed.

As long as they are normal people, how many people like to fight and kill?

The two continued to move forward, and after walking for a short time, they finally came to the cell where Qing Ming and others were imprisoned.

The counterfeiter said that Qing Ming and the others were imprisoned in this stone room with a closed stone door. Tong Yan didn't see Qing Ming and the others inside with his own eyes, so he couldn't believe it completely.

Standing here, Tong Yan suddenly felt a little dazed.Why are you in a trance?The current situation, he felt as if it had happened before.Thinking about it carefully, when he first entered this ancient tomb, didn't that monster lead him to a stone room?It's just that the door of that stone room is a secret door, and it's not easy to open it.

This is actually the same reasoning in this stone room right now, except for the very obvious door, it is also sealed and imprisoned, making it impossible to enter easily.

After opening the door of the stone room before, the monster disappeared without a trace. If he opened it this time, would the counterfeit in front of him also disappear?
etc!Thinking of this, such a speculation suddenly appeared in Tong Yan's mind.Could the person pretending to be Qiangliang...could it be the missing monster?

The monster wants to approach him as Qiangliang, and then leave the ancient tomb with him as Qiangliang.If this is the case, will the real Qiangliang... Could something have happened?
Tong Yan didn't dare to continue thinking about it. After all, Qiang Liang was his friend, a brother who had experienced life and death with him. He hoped that Qiang Liang was safe, and that Qing Ming and Qiu Long were all safe.

"Boss, this is the stone room, Brother Qing Ming and the others are inside."

The counterfeit's words interrupted his random thoughts, he shook his head slightly, and then replied: "Okay, I see."

After speaking, he focused all his attention on the stone gate in front of him.

The old thief Bai Yong is naturally not weak, his strength is far stronger than imagined, Tong Yan knew very well that if he underestimated Bai Yong, he would only be doomed.

It was precisely because of this kind of vigilance that he did not rush to touch the Shimen, but took out the Blue Soul Sword to test it out.

This temptation didn't matter, I saw that the tip of the blue soul sword had just touched the stone gate, and a fire suddenly appeared above the stone gate, the scorching high temperature forced him to jump back quickly, and the blue soul sword in his hand almost fell to the ground.

He retreated quickly on his side, and the counterfeit on the side also retreated.

The face of the impostor was full of horror, and it seemed that he himself was unaware of this.

The flame on the stone gate lasted less than five seconds, and then disappeared with a "huh".But the heat still surrounds Tong Yan and the others, refusing to cool down for a long time.

Tong Yan took a deep breath, and then said to the imposter at the side: "I never expected that such a vicious seal would be placed on this stone gate. Have you encountered it before?"

Hearing this, the counterfeit hurriedly shook his head and replied, "No, I've never encountered it before! Boss, this seal...the seal may have been tampered with, you have to be careful!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I know what's going on. Although the seal is strong, it's not that easy to stop me."

Speaking of this, he took a sudden step forward, and instantly cut out the blue soul sword in his hand.

Only a sound of "噗" was heard, and the Blue Soul Sword drew sparks on the stone gate, and the stone gate also burst into flames a second later.

Tong Yan refused to let it go, and continued to slash a few more swords, until the surrounding heat was hot enough, and he stopped for a while.

The counterfeit thought that Tong Yan was going to break down the door by force, and immediately comforted him: "Boss, the flames on this door are unusual. If you do this, aren't you... aren't you setting yourself on fire?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed lightly and said, "Set yourself on fire? I'm going to draw the bottom out of the pot!"

Hearing this, the counterfeit immediately said in puzzlement, "Draw the bottom of the pot? How can you pull the bottom out of the pot?"

Tong Yan said with a mysterious smile: "It's very simple, as long as you find out where the flame came from, you can destroy the source of the flame. By then, this stone gate will no longer be difficult to approach."

What he said was actually the reason for those few sword strikes he just made.

The art of sealing is nothing more than the use of methods such as the five elements, Tai Chi, and gossip, and can be assisted by items such as spells and magic tools to exert a force on a certain unit so that it cannot use certain abilities normally, or obtain A knack for a new type of ability.

Flames can be ejected from this stone gate, which naturally implies the power of fire among the powers of the five elements.And the power of the five elements is mutual generation and mutual restraint, and the seal energy on the stone gate spews out flames endlessly, so it naturally has the ability to make fire.So what makes a fire?From the perspective of the five elements, it is wood that makes fire!

It is not so easy to restrain the seal of fire, after all, there is no water here, and Tong Yan cannot be turned into water.

But judging from the mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements that wood produces fire, wood is the root of the seal of fire, which is also the "salary" that Tong Yan said was the bottom line!
Then how to suppress the power of wood, or destroy the power of wood, so as not to let the power of fire continue to wreak havoc?

Going back to the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements, it is precisely the power of metal that restrains the power of wood!

Tong Yan couldn't find the power of water, but he could find the power of gold. His blue soul sword actually contained the power of gold.

Therefore, it is only necessary to determine the source of the flame, determine where the power of wood that makes the fire is, and destroy it, and the seal of fire will be broken.

From this point of view, Tong Yan seems to have found a way to break the seal, but what he doesn't know is that breaking the seal is only the first step, and what awaits him is a more terrifying enemy, and this enemy still falls from the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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