
Chapter 1301 Breaking the seal, originally of the same kind?

Chapter 1301 Breaking the seal, originally of the same kind?
Having already figured out a way to break the seal, Tong Yan naturally won't waste any more time.Not only did he repeatedly try with the Blue Soul Sword, but he also sacrificed the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, and together they struck on the stone gate and the surrounding stone walls.

The counterfeit was just watching, and he didn't know why Tong Yan did this, so even if he wanted to help, he couldn't do it.

Time passed bit by bit, Tong Yan's knocking was still going on, but at this moment, he was not as chaotic as before, and the knocking became more regular. If the stone wall and stone gate were not too thick, maybe it would still be possible. What beautiful melody can be knocked out.

Of course, he didn't do this on purpose, but he already roughly grasped the position of the flame eruption and the time between them.This regular tapping catered to the trigger frequency of the fire seal.

The knocking sound continued for a while, and finally gradually stopped.

Tong Yan put away the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, leaving only the Blue Soul Sword in his hand.A huge five-element map has appeared in his mind, and this five-element map is the fire seal on the stone chamber.

For the seal of fire, he already knew it well.In this way, he can really start to break the seal.

Seeing the solemn look on Tong Yan's face, the counterfeit hurriedly asked, "Boss, do you already know how to crack it?"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "That's right! I'll break the damn seal right now!"

As soon as the words fell, he immediately injected the power of the heavenly demon in his body into the blue soul sword, and the blue soul sword also changed from blue to brown all of a sudden.However, I don't know what happened. After the blue soul sword turned brown, it lasted less than three seconds, and then changed color again. This time, the blue soul sword turned purple.

Holding the purple-red Blue Soul Sword in his hand, he took a deep breath, and then stabbed out with the sword.Because he was still two or three meters away from the wall, the sword could not hit the wall or the stone gate at all.

But what I didn't expect was that under this sword, dozens of light spots shot out from the tip of the sword, like a machine gun, non-stop.

This move surprised the counterfeiters on the sidelines, but something even more incredible happened just now.

The light spots shot out from the Blue Soul Sword were like bullets, quickly hitting the wall and the stone door in front, and quickly sank into it.After the light spot entered, the walls and stone gates were only silent for three or two seconds, and then they ignited raging flames with a "huh".

With the appearance of the flame, the surrounding air quickly turned into a heat wave.

Tong Yan didn't dare to stay, and immediately said to the counterfeit: "Come with me, let's hide!"

The counterfeit was taken aback by this, and said in a puzzled way: "Hiding? Are we not going to break the seal?"

Tong Yan smiled mysteriously and said, "You'll understand later, if you don't want to become a barbecue, come with me!" Having said that, he turned around and ran away.

When the counterfeit saw it, he didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly followed.

In fact, the two didn't walk very far, but they just walked a little farther away from the flame.Of course, the scope of this flame is very wide, not only the stone gate and the wall, but also all around.

This kind of fire is really amazing, but burning on the stone is even more incredible.

Tong Yan just watched quietly, with a relaxed expression on his face, as if the seal had been broken.

The counterfeit looked at Tong Yan, but the words still remained silent after all.

The intense flame lasted for more than ten minutes, and then it slowly "died away".

Tong Yan stretched his neck, then smiled at the counterfeit: "The flames have receded, we can pass."

After hearing this, the counterfeit asked, "Boss, what are you doing to make that wall and stone gate ablaze? Don't you want to break that seal?"

Tong Yan laughed and said, "Do you think I'm just playing? Let me tell you, I'm just breaking the seal. The seal should have been broken by now! Let's go, go and have a look!"

Hearing this, the counterfeit was a little dazed for a while.This didn't do anything, how did it break the seal?

It doesn't matter if he doesn't know, it's enough for Tong Yan to know.

The light spot shot out from the Blue Soul Sword just now is actually the power of gold. Tong Yan used the power of the heavenly demon to activate the metallicity contained in the Blue Soul Sword to be compatible with it, and then synthesized the impure golden power. force.And the previous article also said that the reason why this fire seal is so good is because the power of fire is inexhaustible.To really break the seal of fire, it is not simply to extinguish the fire, but to start from the root, which is to destroy the power of wood that can make fire, and the power of metal that restrains the power of wood happens to be the power of metal.

Now the power of gold has completely entered the seal of fire, so it is equivalent to destroying the power of wood behind the seal of fire, losing the supply of power of wood, and the power of fire in the seal of fire is finally It will be exhausted, and it will be impossible to make flames when the time comes.

And after burning for so long just now, the power of fire should have been completely consumed. In this way, the so-called seal of fire would be broken.

Facts have proved that Tong Yan's speculation is correct.The fire seal was indeed broken, and after being burned by the flames, the stone door and the wall became soft.

He just kicked it out, and the stone door and the wall shattered into powder with a "crash".

The stone door and the wall were shattered at the same time, and he immediately looked into the stone room intently.

Upon seeing this, anger suddenly appeared on his face.But before he could open his mouth, there was a sound of laughter in the stone room.

"Haha... Tong Yan, you're finally here! You really didn't disappoint me, you were able to break my seal, you really are not an ordinary person."

Who is the one who speaks?It was none other than the old thief Bai Yong who made Tong Yan hate him to the bone.

After so many years, the hatred between him and Bai Yong finally had a chance to end.However, his chances of winning this battle are not great.

Beside Bai Yong stood a middle-aged man in golden armor, and behind the two of them stood ten people in black suits.

If the guess is correct, the person in golden armor should be the owner of the ancient tomb. As for the ten people in black costumes, they are naturally the "Ten Halls of Yama" in the ancient tomb.

Outnumbered and outnumbered, this is Tong Yan's current situation.But at this moment, what he cares about is not this, but the traces of Qing Ming and others.

"Old thief Bai Yong, where did you imprison my brother Qing? And my friends, where are they now?"

Hearing this, the old thief Bai Yong laughed and said: "They? They are naturally where they should be. But don't worry, you will see them soon. Because you will be like them, forever will be My servant! General Jin, you kind, I will leave it to you to deal with!"

similar?Where did this come from?

(End of this chapter)

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