
Chapter 1302 The real purpose is to defend the human world!

Chapter 1302 The real purpose is to defend the human world!
The golden-armored general known as General Jin is quite different from normal people. His face is middle-aged, but his skin, eyebrows and beard are also very close to golden. It feels a little weird.

Of course, this is nothing, but the word "similar" mentioned by the old thief Bai Yong made Tong Yan frowned.

"Could it be that he is also a Skywalker like me? No, it must not be. The Skywalker is only me, or it is my clone. There is no way there will be another Skywalker. Besides, what else will he have with me? Are they the same? Wait! Stars? Could it be... Could it be that this man in golden armor is also descended from the stars?"

Thinking of this, Tong Yan re-examined the golden armored general.

Taking such a careful look, he did not expect that the golden armored general would show him a meaningful smile.

Of course, Tong Yan did not avoid General Jinjia, but chose to face him head-on.

Perhaps sensing the coldness in Tong Yan's eyes, the two of them looked at each other for less than ten seconds, then General Jin Jia shook his head lightly, then stepped forward and said, "Friend, I have been waiting for you for a long time, today is finally Fated to meet you."

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "Wait for me? It's really flattering. Could it be that you are not the owner of this ancient tomb at all? Then who are you? Where did you come from?"

Hearing this, General Jin Jia laughed and said: "You should have guessed it. I have heard that you are extremely intelligent. We are the same kind of people. It is impossible for you not to know my true identity. Moreover, we have the same mark. " Having said that, he slowly raised his hand, and on the palm of his hand, there was a imprint of a nine-pointed star.

Looking at the imprint of the nine-pointed star, Tong Yan recognized it almost at a glance.

It's just that there is still a certain gap between the golden armor general's star mark and his.

Why do you say that?In fact, Tong Yan's star mark has undergone two advancements in total, the first time is from a six-pointed star to a nine-pointed star, and the second time is from a nine-pointed star to a five-pointed star.

In addition, Tong Yan's star imprint was originally on the palm of his hand, but because of life and death, the star imprint was transferred from the palm of his hand to the center of his eyebrows.

And it was precisely because of such a personal experience that he was so sure that the palm of General Jinjia was the imprint of the stars.

Tong Yan has the imprint of the stars because he is the spirit of the stars. This general in golden armor has the imprint of the stars. It seems that his identity is indeed the same as his. They all come from the sky and are all fallen stars.

After confirming this one thing, another thing was naturally speculated.In the underground palace of the dark clan, the great monk once said that a total of five stars fell at the same time, corresponding to the stars of the five elements.The patriarch of the Dark Clan is Xingxiu of Earth, so the general in gold armor in front of him might be Xingxiu of Gold.

Tong Yan originally decided to look for other four-star spirits, but he didn't expect to meet them here today.In this way, he can also get rid of the old thief Bai Yong, and then subdue this golden star, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Thinking about it this way, he was rather happy, if it wasn't for this old thief Bai Yong, he really didn't know when he would be able to find this golden star.Now that the golden star is in front of him, he will naturally not miss it easily.

Thinking of this, a satisfied smile appeared on his face. "There is a saying that one who loses one's horse can know that one is not blessed. I didn't expect that I would fall into the trick of this old thief Bai Yong, but let me meet you. If I guessed correctly, you should be the five-star star who fell at the same time thousands of years ago. One? Your whole body is golden, so it should be the golden star descending to earth, am I right?"

As soon as he said this, the old thief Bai Yong and General Jin Jia were shocked.From the looks of it, they didn't know that Tong Yan had already seen everything, which was really wrong.

General Jin Jia was silent for a while, and finally admitted: "So you know everything, yes, I am the spirit of Venus among the fallen stars."

With his personal acknowledgment, the smile on Tong Yan's face became even wider.

"Brother Jin, you and I are of the same clan, and we are both of the same bloodline of the Xingxiu clan. Unfortunately, we were both persecuted by the evil gods in the heavens and fell here. If we are destined to meet today, we should join hands with the same clan. How can you be at war with me? Fighting in the same room?"

Tong Yan's words are very reasonable, after all, Xingchen belongs to the same bloodline, if they want to fight, they should not be fought by the same clan, but should join hands to deal with this old thief Bai Yong.

But obviously, the Golden Armored General didn't want to join forces with him, on the contrary, he really wanted to kill each other.

"Omen Star, I didn't want to be your enemy. But Bai Yong is my best friend. If I hadn't had his help for more than a thousand years, I would have fallen into a deep sleep and would never be able to wake up. He is kind to me. Today How could I leave him? Although you and I are of the same blood, but now, I have to be your enemy. Of course, as a fellow clan, I advise you, instead of fighting with us and losing both, why not Join hands with us to create a great cause together?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled with great interest: "I wonder if you have any great plans? You might as well tell me and let me hear."

General Jin Jia immediately replied: "The reason why my five stars fell was all given by the heavens. The heavens have a sworn hatred with me. My great cause is to reorganize the three realms, overthrow the heavens, and avenge my revenge."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "Reorganize the Three Realms? How to reorganize? How to overthrow the Heavenly Court?"

General Jin Jia said confidently: "Unite all those who can be united, and forge a ladder, so that you can ascend to the heaven and break through the sky."

Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then asked, "Who are you referring to as people who can be united?"

General Jin Jia raised his head and said: "The sea monster family, the Jiuyou family, the Shura family, the beast family, and the demon family, all of these can be used by us, and they can all be our friends."

Hearing this, Tong Yan asked again: "What about the human race? How do you plan to deal with the human race?"

"Human race? Naturally, those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish. If they are obedient, they will be fine. If not, why not destroy the human race? Who said that the human race is the lowest race?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan already understood everything.What General Jin Jia said should be what the old thief Bai Yong said to him.

This is the human world, if all those sea monsters, Jiuyou, Shura, etc. are recruited, it is not known whether the three worlds can be reorganized, but the human world will definitely fall into dire straits.As the saying goes, all living beings are equal, and the human race is regarded as an inferior ethnic group, how can Tong Yan agree?

He is a skywalker, and what he wants to protect is the human world, so no matter what, he will never let the scheme of the old thief Bai Yong and the golden armored general succeed.

"Want to destroy the human world? This is your ultimate goal! Unfortunately, your plan will never come true. Do you want to know why?"

Bai Yong and General Jin Jia looked at Tong Yan at the same time, as if they were waiting for his answer.

Tong Yan smiled freely and said: "The reason is very simple, because today will be your end!"

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere immediately cooled down extremely quickly. Tong Yan knew in his heart that no matter life or death, this battle was inevitable!
(End of this chapter)

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