
Chapter 1303 Monsters seek refuge, the battle of the stars!

Chapter 1303 Monsters seek refuge, the battle of the stars!
Tong Yan is not a person who doesn't know how to adapt, and he is often extremely stubborn about things that can touch the bottom line.Maybe many people have already regarded him as a non-human being, but he himself has always firmly believed that he is a human being.And it is precisely because of this firm belief that he will sacrifice his life to protect the human world again and again, and will pay for the human world again and again without asking for anything in return.

Now that he has uttered harsh words, it is inevitable that this duel will happen soon.

The matter has come to this point, and it becomes meaningless to say anything else.

There was a cold light in the eyes of Bai Yong and General Jin Jia, and it was obvious that they got rid of Tong Yan's heart.

Although Bai Yong wanted General Jinjia to deal with Tong Yan, General Jinjia was not really willing to obey orders, so he suddenly ordered: "Where is Yan Luowei in the Ten Palace? Kill him!"

Following his order, the ten men in black who were standing behind immediately stepped forward and immediately surrounded Tong Yan and the strong impostor.

Regarding the so-called Yan Luowei of the Ten Palaces, Tong Yan had already fought against one of them before, so he still knew a little about their strength.

In terms of fighting alone, Tong Yan is confident that he can completely defeat each of them, but now it is difficult to say that one is against ten.

Seeing that Yan Luowei of the Ten Palaces was about to make a move, the Qiangliang impostor who stood beside Tong Yan immediately begged loudly: "Please, please! Master, I am your servant. I have already brought you all the way. Can't you let me go to reincarnation?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure changed immediately, and he turned into the monster that Tong Yan had seen before.

Tong Yan turned his head to look, and his face was not overly surprised. In fact, he had already seen through the identity of this monster, and he also had some doubts about it.Now that the monster has returned to its original appearance, he is much more relaxed.If his previous speculation is wrong, and this Qiangliang is the real Qiangliang, then what he faces will be betrayal, and now it is just deception, there are too many good things.

General Jin Jia glanced at the monster, chuckled and said, "You are a monster, and you want to be reincarnated? What a wishful thinking! Let me tell you the truth, even if I let you go and terminate your previous contract with me, you are doomed To no avail. Even if you die, it will only be ashes and smoke. You are not qualified for reincarnation. But don't worry, I can spare you from death. But now, you must kill him for me, kill the demon Star. Would you like to?"

Hearing this, the monster couldn't help but tremble all over, and then pinched his head with his hands in pain.

No one knew why this monster was so eager to be reincarnated, but at this moment, it felt completely lost and hopeless, as if its dream had been shattered.There is an idiom called Wannianju extinguish, perhaps it could not be more appropriate to describe it at this moment.

It struggled for a while, and seemed to have finally made up its mind.It suddenly raised its head and looked directly at General Jinjia, and then said through gritted teeth: " lied to me, why did you lie to me? I just want to reincarnate, why can't you fulfill me. I have served you for thousands of years, In the end, you just regarded me as a tool to be used. You didn't care about me at all. From the very beginning, you regarded me as lowly as these corpses. I will no longer obey you. From this moment on, I No longer your servant, I will be your enemy!"

As soon as the monster said this, its originally ugly face became more ferocious, and its whole body became extraordinarily bright red, as if it was about to bleed.

Seeing this, General Jin Jia laughed and said, "I didn't expect you, a useless piece of trash, to have such a hand. It seems that you have not been idle in the past 1000 years. That's fine, let me see your How high is your morality, let's see if you are qualified to be my enemy!"

Hearing this, the monster stared angrily, raised its head and let out a roar, and its body suddenly increased by four or five times.

And with the changes in its body, the guards of Yama of the Ten Palaces who had surrounded it and Tong Yan, finally made their move.

The sound of weapons and friction of "噢噐" has already sounded, and the air is gradually filled with the smoke of war.

Holding the Blue Soul Sword in his backhand, Tong Yan was ready to fight, but he didn't know if this monster could help him.

The enemy of an enemy is a friend, and now this monster is the enemy of Tong Yan's enemy.

Yan Luowei of the Tenth Hall moved his feet, and immediately moved quickly around Tong Yan and the monster.And because their speed was so fast, all they could see were black shadows.

Before Tong Yan could speak, the monster said first: "Master Tianmo, I was sorry for you before. But now, I am willing to fight side by side with you, and please forgive me."

Of course Tong Yan would not refuse, in fact, he was a little bit desperate for it.

He smiled at the monster, and said: "You and I have been deceived by others. Now that you have lost your way, how can I reject people thousands of miles away? Come on, let's kill them all together." Keep!"

Hearing this, the monster nodded heavily, and followed Tong Yan to be on guard carefully.

The reason why Yan Luowei of the Tenth Palace moved quickly was to launch a sneak attack while others were not prepared, so if he was a little careless at this time, he would probably be severely injured.

Tong Yan is also experienced in many battles, and he has seen too much of this kind of routine.

Yan Luowei of the Tenth Temple continued to move so fast for about a minute. Suddenly, several small black swords attacked Tong Yan and the monster from all directions almost at the same time.

Tong Yan and the monster had already been prepared for battle, so they reacted the moment the little black sword came.

Tong Yan didn't resort to shape-shifting, but turned around in place, and directly displayed the star energy.As for the monster, it was completely different from Tong Yan's approach. It didn't choose to defend, but waved its arms and slapped the small swords that were coming.

Soon, the sound of "ding ding dong dong" could be heard endlessly.Although there were a lot of small swords that were shot, their power was much lower. Not to mention the stellar qi that broke through Tong Yan, even the monsters were shot without causing too much trauma to the monsters.

In the face of absolute defense, such a fearless attack is meaningless.

But Tong Yan didn't take it lightly, because he vaguely felt that Yan Luowei of the Ten Palaces seemed to be holding back, as if they were creating an illusion, if they relax now, it might be in their favor.

But the blind defense was too passive, so he directly showed his demon bone armor and bone wings.Moreover, his target is not Yan Luowei of the Ten Palaces, but the old thief Bai Yong and the golden armored general!

Unexpectedly, after such a short time, the old thief Bai Yong disappeared.Only the golden armored general was left holding a golden knife, staring at Tong Yan coldly.

The battle of the stars begins here!

(End of this chapter)

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