
Chapter 1304 Strong confrontation, a net of heaven and earth!

Chapter 1304 Strong confrontation, a net of heaven and earth!
General Jin Jia is not stupid, of course he knew that his Yan Luowei of the Tenth Hall could not get rid of Tong Yan, but he still let Yan Luowei of the Tenth Hall take action, not for purely wasting time, but hoping to use up a little bit of Tong Yan Jing Yuan, when the time comes, he will be able to wait for work at leisure and seize the opportunity.

Tong Yan had already seen through his calculations, and now that a monster surrendered, Tong Yan immediately chose to break through the siege and challenge the enemy's "chief general".And this so-called chief general is the golden armored general.

But before making a move, Tong Yan explained a few words to the monster.

"Brother, I will leave it to you to deal with these little guys. They are not strong. As long as you are not careless, you will definitely not lose. I will go and finish off that golden-armored general first, and I will come to help you later."

Hearing this, the monster immediately responded: "Master Tianmo, you can go at ease, I will leave this place to me."

Tong Yan nodded in satisfaction, and then performed a transformation, and with a flash of his figure, he had already left the encirclement of Yan Luowei in the ten palaces, and came in front of General Jinjia.

General Jin Jia was somewhat surprised by Tong Yan's transformation, but instead showed killing intent, and said fiercely: "Sky Demon Star, you are really stubborn, since that's the case, I can only kill you here! "

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "Nie Zhan, I kindly persuaded you, but you didn't take it seriously. Who lives and who dies today will soon be known. No need to say more, let's do it!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of General Jin Jia, and he immediately raised the golden sword in his hand, and slashed at Tong Yan's head with one stroke.

As one of the five stars, the strength of this golden-armored general will not be weak. Seeing him slashing with a knife, Tong Yan did not resist stubbornly, but jumped to the side and stabbed out with his sword from the side.

General Jin Jia slashed through the air with Tong Yan's sword, and it was impossible for him to avoid it.But he is not an ordinary person after all, he cut through the air with one knife, and returned the knife with the opportunity, this time the knife was ingenious, just happened to collide heavily with Tong Yan's Blue Soul Sword.

Hearing the sound of "Dang", Tong Yan unconsciously took a few steps back, and the arm holding the Blue Soul Sword trembled uncontrollably.

Although Tong Yan didn't know the strength of the Golden Armored General, he would not fall into a disadvantage in just one round.

The most inexplicable thing was that when the Blue Soul Sword collided with the golden-armored general's broadsword, it seemed as if he had been subdued, and he couldn't use any power.

For such a situation, he had to think carefully, otherwise, he might only be beaten and had no power to fight back.

When the two fought, General Jin Jia had the upper hand, so how could he stop there? He strode forward and slashed straight at Tong Yan.

Tong Yan had no choice but to block it with his sword.

There was another sound of "dang", he was shaken back again, the blue soul sword "hummed", and his arm trembled violently.

General Jin Jia was victorious and full of arrogance. He looked at Tong Yan contemptuously, and said arrogantly: "Sky Demon Star, I advise you to give up resistance. Let me tell you, any weapon is like scrap copper and rotten iron in front of me." Ordinarily, it’s hard to hurt me at all. Without weapons, I’m afraid you won’t be able to use even [-]% of your abilities, right? Surrender early, maybe I’ll be able to forgive you, if not, I’ll never show mercy!”

There is a saying that wakes up a person in a dream with one word, and Tong Yan immediately understood General Jin Jia's words.

General Jin Jia is one of the five stars of Venus, and the ability he possesses is the power of gold among the powers of the five elements.

Most of the weapons are made of fine iron and copper ingots, and these all contain extremely strong gold power.And as long as it contains the power of gold, in front of the Venus Stars, I am afraid that it is not as good as scrap copper and rotten iron.

So in other words, using weapons against this golden-armored general is basically equivalent to hitting a stone with an egg, but if you don't use weapons, Tong Yan's strength will definitely be greatly weakened.

But Tong Yan is not a person who gives up lightly, even if he doesn't use weapons, he still has to fight this golden armored general.

Thinking of this, he immediately shrunk the Blue Soul Sword and put it in his pocket, then clenched his fists, and said fiercely: "Nie Zhan, weapons are useless to you, so I will let you taste the power of my pair of fists. I want you Surrendering to you is nothing short of a dream. Watch the punches!"

He said to look at the punch, but he didn't punch. He suddenly stretched out his clenched fist, and the five-finger sword was instantly struck by him.

The five red air swords were extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they had already shot in front of General Jin Jia.

General Jinjia was indeed a little negligent, but unfortunately, with the sound of "bang bang", the five-finger sword hit General Jinjia's body, and it was like an egg hitting an iron plate, and it was all shattered into powder.

But even though the five-fingered sword missed, Tong Yan was not too disappointed. He just wanted to try the hardness of the golden-armored general. Now it seems that it is indeed as hard as iron.

Before General Jin Jia could react, Tong Yan struck again.This time, he used the more powerful Thunderbolt Palm.

Seeing him slap out a palm, a giant palm print immediately slapped General Jin Jia quickly.

When General Jin Jia saw it, he quickly waved his big knife and went straight to meet him.

With the sound of "Boom", General Jinjia finally failed to completely break through the palm print issued by Thunderbolt Palm, but was firmly slapped into the wall by the palm print.

This round, it seemed that Tong Yan had the upper hand, but Tong Yan's face did not look relaxed at all, and he still frowned, thinking about something.

Following Tong Yan's gaze, a large hole in the shape of a human appeared on the wall, and the man in the hole was General Jin Jia.

This silence lasted for less than five seconds, when a golden light flashed from the wall, and a golden sword suddenly shot out, stabbing Tong Yan straight.

Tong Yan's reflexes have always been quick, but now that the golden saber stabbed him, he almost instantly shifted his position.

At the same time, General Jin Jia came out of the hole in the wall unscathed, except for the dust all over his body, and the angry expression on his face.

"Heavenly Demon Star, you really deserve to die, let me see where you can go to escape! The sky is full of nets, now!"

As soon as the word "present" came out, the entire stone room was immediately illuminated by golden light.The source of the golden light is the golden armored general, but these golden lights are not that simple.

On the one hand, their appearance illuminated the somewhat dark stone room, but on the other hand, it seemed to make everything here heavy and even static.

The monster was waving its sharp claws to fight fiercely with the Ten Temples of Yama, but its body became slower and slower in the next second, until it was completely frozen, and it was difficult to move.As for the ten halls of Yan Luowei, they also had the same experience. Their bodies that were moving quickly suddenly stopped in place and could no longer move.

No need to guess, this should be the powerful supernatural power of General Jinjia, but what about Tong Yan?Where is he now?You can't leave the stone chamber, can you?

(End of this chapter)

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