
Chapter 1305 King of the stars, it's too late to regret!

Chapter 1305 King of the stars, it's too late to regret!
Of course Tong Yan did not leave the stone room, and he was not immune to this sudden vision.

His body appeared in mid-air, and just like that miraculously floating, motionless.

General Jin Jia looked around, and quickly locked onto Tong Yan, and then laughed loudly: "Sky Demon Star, do you know how powerful I am now? This stone room is covered by my star power. Here, I am God, the supreme God. Haha...haha..."

Tong Yan really wanted to open his mouth to respond, but now he couldn't even open his mouth. Except for a pair of eyes that could still move, he was completely frozen as if someone had cast a hold on his body.

General Jin Jia laughed wildly for a while, and then said again with satisfaction: "Omen Star, you have nothing to regret if you can die in my hands. Don't worry, I will absorb all the power of your star , At that time, Omen Star and Venus will be integrated forever. How about it? Isn’t it exciting? Come on, let us rule the Three Realms together!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand, and immediately after, he saw thin golden threads shooting out from his fingers, like the silk spun out by a spider, rushing towards Tong Yan quickly.

Of course Tong Yan wanted to escape, but at this moment he was really powerless to do anything. He tried to use the power of the demon or the power of the star to break through the confinement of the power of gold, but unfortunately they all failed.

Perhaps the only thing he can do is to quietly wait for those golden filaments to wrap around him, or pierce into his body, and then absorb all the power of his star source, completely taking his life away.

Yes, General Jin Jia didn't hold back his hand, those golden filaments were as sharp as needles, piercing into Tong Yan's body with ease.The entry of the golden filaments, the pain of being "punctured by thousands of needles" almost made Tong Yan faint.

Afterwards, those golden filaments started from Tong Yan's body, became redder and redder, and slowly spread towards the Golden Armored General.

It seemed that General Jinjia had already started to absorb, and it was Tong Yan's star power that he absorbed.

How important the power of Xingyuan is to Tong Yan, of course, there is no need to say much, it is the only thing left to him by Omen Star, if the power of Xingyuan is completely sucked up, Tong Yan may completely sever ties with the word Xingchen.And after being drained of the power of the star source, General Jinjia will never let him go. General Jinjia may just get rid of a waste that has lost its foundation.

The power of the star source has begun to leave him, and no one feels this more clearly than him.But what else could he do?Does he still have a chance to come back?

Under the suppression of the power of gold, he couldn't even move his fingers, and the only thing waiting for him was death.

But until now, he has not given up, because he firmly believes that there must be some way to break away from the shackles of this golden-armored general, and there must be some way to reverse everything.

But what is the solution?

In just a short while, Tong Yan's star power had already entered into the body of the Golden Armored General, and after absorbing part of Tong Yan's star power, the color of the Golden Armored General's body gradually changed from golden to purple gold. is changing.

Feeling that his star power is getting less and less, death seems to be getting closer and closer to Tong Yan.If he doesn't do something at this moment, he will never have a chance to come back.

But now, his eyelids became heavier and his consciousness became more and more blurred. He wanted to persevere, but his body and consciousness seemed to be less and less able to obey his control.

"Am I going to die? Am I really going to die here? I still have so many things waiting for me to do, how can I just give up like this? But what else can I do? Wait! Yes, I still Can do something, life and death, all in one fell swoop!"

At this critical moment, he finally had a flash of inspiration.Since the golden-armored general can absorb his star power, why can't he absorb the golden-armored general's Venus power?
What he thought of was Tai Chi Absorbing Truth, although Tai Chi Absorbing Zhen Jue can only absorb true energy, magic energy, fairy energy, etc., but he can use his star power to use this method to use "Tai Chi Absorbing" Star Jue".

True Qi cannot absorb the power of the stars, but the power of the star can.With this thought, he suddenly became more energetic, and then used the power of the star source to try hard to create a vortex in his body, and as long as the vortex appeared smoothly, he could turn the tide and turn defeat into victory.

Try, he tried again and again, but obviously, it wasn't easy.

More and more star power left the body, and the time left for him became less and less.

"I will succeed, I will definitely be able to! I want to live, I must live! Ah... whirlpool, show me!"

Maybe he heard the cry in his heart, maybe the power of the star source didn't want his master to die.

So at this moment, a miracle appeared, and a vortex composed of star power appeared.

And at the moment when this vortex appeared, General Jin Jia stopped absorbing Tong Yan's star power.Not only that, the power of the star source that originally flowed out of Tong Yan's body also flowed back at an extremely fast speed.

General Jin Jia was still immersed in the powerful energy contained in the power of the Omen Star, and he even began to wonder whether he would have extraordinary power after completely absorbing the power of the Omen Star.

It's just that his sweet dream was suddenly shattered, the power of star origin that he had finally inhaled into his body was flowing out of his body at an extremely fast speed, not only that, his original power of Venus was also flowing out in a restless manner.

Realizing this, he opened his eyes suddenly, and when he met Tong Yan's sharp eyes, he didn't know why, but he felt a strong sense of fear in his heart.

"What's going on? What the hell is going on? What did you do? What did you do?"

At this moment, Tong Yan is still unable to speak, but even if he can speak, he doesn't want to answer. He wants to watch the golden armored general kneel down and beg for mercy. King among the stars!
In just a few tens of seconds, all the star power that had left Tong Yan's body had returned, and besides that, the golden power of General Jinjia had also been sucked in.

This time, it was no longer him who was uneasy and afraid, but this arrogant and arrogant general in golden armor.

"Stop... you stop quickly! Omen Star, we can talk about anything, I am willing to join hands with you to get rid of Bai Yong. Stop, stop absorbing my gold power. I... I beg you !"

Finally, General Jin Jia begged.However, isn't it too late for him to beg now?
(End of this chapter)

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