
Chapter 1306 No mercy, the final showdown!

Chapter 1306 No mercy, the final showdown!
Tong Yan really thought about joining forces with this golden-armored general at first, but this golden-armored general would betray even his friends in order to survive, how can such a person be trusted?When he really confronts the old thief Bai Yong, maybe the Golden Armored General will betray him again, and then the gain will outweigh the loss.

Of course, there is another point that he can't control, that is, he successfully activated the Tai Chi Star Absorbing Art, but he couldn't close the vortex if he wanted to.

So that is to say, now he is frantically absorbing the golden power of General Jinjia, in fact, it is automatically absorbed by the vortex formed by the power of the star.Perhaps the vortex will disappear only if the golden power of General Jinjia is completely sucked up.

Tong Yan didn't want to respond, because he couldn't change anything.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, General Jinjia suddenly said: "Sky Demon Star, don't you... don't you want to know why you fell? I know, I know everything. Forgive me, as long as Forgive me, and I will tell you everything I know."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble in his heart. The reason why he was looking for the five-star spirit was in fact to find out the real reason for the fall of the Omen Star and who was the person who harmed his heavenly world.Now that General Jin Jia said it himself, he really wanted to ask General Jin Jia for clarification.

It's just... It's just that he has no power to change anything, the vortex formed by the power of the star is too powerful, and it is completely out of his control.

He tried his best to open his mouth, and wanted to ask the golden-armored general clearly, but it was too late.

In such a short few tens of seconds, General Jinjia couldn't hold on any longer, and with a scream, he turned into a stone.

At the same time, the vortex formed by the power of the star source also completely absorbed the power of gold, and then dissipated automatically.

General Jin Jia turned into a stone, and the golden light in the stone room instantly disappeared without a trace. As for Tong Yan, who was floating in midair, he also fell from midair at this moment.

Fortunately, he is still rough-skinned and thick-skinned, otherwise, this fall would probably be a mess.

His body regained his freedom, he didn't dare to delay, he quickly got up from the ground, and quickly walked in front of General Jin Jia.

"Say, who hurt me? Tell me, tell me!"

He really wanted to find out all this, but the golden armor general no longer existed, and all that remained was this stone statue.

Tong Yan stared at the stone statue for a while, and was about to reach out to touch it, but suddenly there were many cracks on the stone statue, and then, he heard a "bang", the stone statue was completely shattered, and directly turned into dust.

Because he was too close to the stone statue, the dust splashed and sprayed him in the face.In desperation, he could only reach out to wipe it, and this wipe made him discover a strange thing.

After the death of the spirit of Saturn, the imprint of stars between his eyebrows disappeared, replaced by a piece of ruby-like skin.And now, this ruby-like skin seems to have changed again.It's still smooth to the touch, but not round.

Tong Yan was a little puzzled, and hurriedly raised his right hand, condensed the power of the star into a light mirror, and carefully looked at the center of his eyebrows.

Sure enough, the area between his brows has indeed changed, from the original "ruby" to a fan-shaped shell. Besides, the colors are also very different, one half is black, and the other half is golden!
Seeing this, he couldn't help thinking secretly.What happened to the various changes in the imprint of the stars?

Suddenly, he thought of the spirit of Saturn that he got rid of and the spirit of Venus now.The spirit of Saturn should correspond to black, and the power of Venus might correspond to gold.

"Is it because I absorbed the power of their stars that the star mark became like this? If that's the case, what will the star mark look like if I absorb the power of the remaining three stars?"

He thought for a while, and finally stopped thinking about it, and we will talk about the future.The most urgent task now is to find the old thief Bai Yong and the imprisoned Qing Ming and others.

After clearing up his mood, he immediately turned his head to look at the monster and the Ten Temple Yan Luowei.

Originally, the monster could only fight to a tie with Yan Luowei of the Ten Temples, but after the death of the Jinjia general, the monster's size doubled, and its strength seemed to have increased a lot.

But in this way, how could the Tenth Hall of Yan Luowei still be his opponent? In less than 5 minutes, the monsters tore them to pieces without mercy.

Yan Luowei of the Ten Palaces was rendered so great by monsters before, what was between corpses, demons, and immortals, and what was difficult to deal with.

But now, these extremely remarkable existences in its mouth have been solved by it alone, Tong Yan can't laugh or cry.

After winning the first battle, Tong Yan didn't want to waste any more time, so he immediately said, "Brother Monster, you have worked hard. You have already eliminated the Ten Temples of Yan Luowei, and I have also eliminated the Golden Armored General. We should go, we should go!" Let's go to that old thief Bai Yong to settle the score."

Hearing this, the monster laughed and said, "Lord Tianmo, it's really thanks to you. If you hadn't killed my master, the contract between me and him would not have disappeared, and my strength would not have improved by leaps and bounds. I can successfully In the final analysis, it is because of your help to solve these ten halls of Yan Luowei. I don’t want to thank you for your kindness, please accept my respect.”

Speaking of this, the monster actually wanted to kneel and kowtow.

Tong Yan saw it, and hurriedly stopped him: "Brother Monster, you and I have teamed up, and we are both proud and humiliated. You don't need to thank me at all. This is what I should do. But do you know what happened to that old thief Bai Yong?" Where are my brothers and friends being imprisoned?"

The monster didn't insist on kneeling, but straightened up and thought carefully.

After thinking for a while, it finally spoke, "If I'm not wrong, they should be there now!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan asked in puzzlement, "Where is it?"

"Star God Palace!"

Hearing this name, Tong Yan became even more puzzled, and immediately confirmed: "Is the Star God Temple also in this ancient tomb? Could it be the main tomb of your dead master?"

The monster nodded and replied: "Yes, it is indeed where my master's main tomb is. My master regards himself as the god of the stars, so he changed the main tomb into the Star God Temple. But in fact, my master is not like this." The original owner of the ancient tomb, as for the real owner of the tomb, he has already turned into dry bones and was thrown out of the ancient tomb."

Hearing what the monster said, Tong Yan suddenly realized.It turns out that the truth of the matter is this, this ancient tomb is indeed the general's tomb, it just happened that the spirit of Venus fell here.The spirit of Venus is also General Jinjia. After he fell into this place, he took it as his palace and changed the original main tomb into the so-called Star God Hall.

So that is to say, the thunder and lightning that the villagers saw thousands of years ago was not the tomb owner's crossing the catastrophe, but the falling of the spirit of Venus.

Of course, none of this is important, the important thing is, why does the old thief Bai Yong go to the Star God Temple now?Also, how are Qing Ming and the others doing now?
There must be dangers everywhere in the Star God Hall, but the final battle between Tong Yan and the old thief Bai Yong is finally here!
It's just... It's just that Tong Yan doesn't know that the old thief Bai Yong still has a handle on him, a handle that he can't give up.

(End of this chapter)

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