
Chapter 1307 Mysterious girl, special identity!

Chapter 1307 Mysterious girl, special identity!
It has been nearly 20 years since Tong Yan first entered the Sly Sect. Although Tong Yan's appearance has not changed much in the past 20 years, he is no longer the boy whose heart is filled with hatred.

The years did not leave many traces on his face, but he became stronger and stronger.

Over the years, he has experienced too much, wandering on the edge of life and death countless times, and surviving from desperation several times.Along the way, relying on his strong willpower and the spirit of never giving up, he was able to turn dangers into blessings and live up to now.

But no matter how strong a person is, no matter how indestructible a person is, there are also weaknesses.No one is perfect, and so is Tong Yan.

And if there is anything he can't let go of, it's nothing more than family, friendship and love.No one can achieve no worries, such people are probably those who see through the world of mortals.

Star God Temple, judging from its name, should be a large hall.Judging from the layout of the entire ancient tomb, the most likely location of the Star God Temple is the bottom of the ancient tomb, because only there is the most central part of the ancient tomb, and it is also the most difficult to reach.

Tong Yan can completely trust the monster this time, after all, the monster really has no other reason to deceive him.

Led by the monster, they quickly left the stone room, walked through a passage, and came directly to the huge black hole they saw at the beginning.As mentioned earlier, this ancient tomb is quite particular.It was built like a circular staircase, divided into multiple layers, each layer has several tombs, and the tombs are connected to each other, with many organs.

The most effective and quickest way to reach the bottom of this ancient tomb is to jump directly from a high place. The bottom of the black hole is also the bottom of this ancient tomb.

But the first thing to determine is whether the Star Temple is really under the black hole.

Tong Yan didn't delay, and asked directly: "Brother, why did you bring me here? Where is the Star God Temple?"

The monster pointed at the black hole, and then said, "My lord, the Star God Temple is at the bottom of the black hole. So what I mean is, why don't we just jump down to save a lot of trouble."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "It's just what I want, it's not too late, let's go!" As he said that, the two of them flew up and jumped directly into the black hole.

Rather than saying that this is a black hole, it is more accurate to describe it as an abyss, because this place is much larger than the common "hole", and it is also more bottomless.

Tong Yan had already shown the bone wings of the demon, so it would be no problem to fly like this.But the monster doesn't have wings, and the consequences of falling from such a high place can be imagined.

Of course, Tong Yan didn't want anything to happen to this monster, so he wanted to give it a hand, but who would have thought that the monster would save a hand, and saw that not long after it fell down, a fleshy film like a bat's wing appeared on its armpit, As soon as the fleshy membrane appeared, it reduced its fall a lot, and in this way, it was like a hang glider, able to fall slowly and easily.

Seeing this, Tong Yan couldn't laugh or cry, he really thought too much, since the monster proposed to jump directly into the black hole, then the monster must have a way to land safely.

Instead of worrying about this, it is better to recharge your batteries and prepare for the next fierce battle.

The falling speed of the two is not fast, but it only took 5 minutes, and they gradually reached the bottom of the black hole.

Looking down, there is indeed a hall under the black hole, and the whole body of the hall is golden, as if made of gold, it is very luxurious.

On the top of the main hall, there are two statues of Tenglong. It is unknown which craftsman made them. These two Tenglong are lifelike, as if they are about to fly into the sky.

Of course, these two golden dragons are not living creatures no matter how they are, so they are nothing to be afraid of.

Tong Yan and the monster continued to fall, and finally landed directly next to the two golden dragons, and they landed safely.

This is the top of the hall, and if you want to enter the hall, you have to enter through the door.

The two decided to take a short rest on the roof of the hall, and then broke in through the main entrance of the hall.

Unexpectedly, before they rested for a few seconds, a black light suddenly flashed on the roof of the main hall.Looking along the black light, a downward black door appeared out of nowhere.

Seeing this, Tong Yan decided to ask the monster.But before he could open his mouth, the old thief Bai Yong's voice sounded from under the black door.

"Tong Yan, you finally won. Forget it, since the Golden Armored General is not your opponent, let me take your life myself! I am in the hall, come in if you have the guts!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly and said: "Evil thief, don't worry, I will definitely go in. If I don't completely eradicate you today, I, Tong Yan, will swear not to be human!"

As soon as the words fell, he immediately raised his legs and walked towards the black door, from which he was about to enter the main hall.

When the monster saw it, he hurriedly stopped him and said, "Master Tianmo, do you think twice? If the black door leads to something other than the main hall, then you have fallen into the trap of that villain?"

What the monster said is not unreasonable, but in this situation, how can there be no traps and traps 100%?
"Brother, thank you for your reminder. But that villain has come here a long time ago, maybe the trap he can set has already been set. My brother and friend are still in his hands. Do you think I still have more money?" Any other options? It's better to see the tricks and fight the villain to the death."

Hearing this, the monster let out a sigh, and then said: "Master Tianmo, I will go with you wherever you go. Even if there is danger, I will not leave you."

Tong Yan nodded lightly and said, "Okay, since that's the case, then let's break into this dragon's pond and tiger's lair. I want to see how capable that villain is!"

Having said that, the two stopped talking, and immediately jumped into the hall from the black door opened by the old thief Bai Yong.

However, something Tong Yan expected was that the black gate did not send them into an illusion or maze, but actually entered the main hall of the main hall.

In addition, they not only saw the old thief Bai Yong, but also Qing Ming and others locked on the stone pillar.

Qing Ming and the others, Tong Yan naturally knew each other, but besides them, there was a strange girl who was also locked here.

The girl is not very old, about twenty, she is pretty, her eyes are very charming, she wears a ponytail, although there is a wound on her face, her fair skin is still visible at a glance, judging by her clothes, it should be archaeological team of people.Don't guess, I'm afraid she is the imprisoned girl that the monster said before.

But the question is, why did the old thief Bai Yong deliberately lock this girl here?This girl is just an ordinary person, why should the old thief Bai Yong take it so seriously?
Of course the old thief Bai Yong will pay attention to it, the reason is very simple, this girl has another identity, an extremely special identity!

What is the identity?

(End of this chapter)

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