
Chapter 1322 The last battlefield, the star soul is unstoppable!

Chapter 1322 The last battlefield, the star soul is unstoppable!

No matter whether the two strange lions are really convinced or not, it is a rare opportunity for Tong Yan.

"Okay, since you admit your mistake, then I will forgive you. But you must release my brother and friends immediately. They are safe and sound, so are you. If not, I will never forgive you lightly!"

Hearing this, the two strange lions glanced at each other, and then the black-haired lion asked: "Shangxian, we have swallowed many souls, can you tell me, which two are your elder brothers and friends?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said angrily, "You guys really swallowed them up? Could it be that you swallowed up all the souls that were collected here?"

The black-haired lion nodded lightly and said: "Indeed, all the souls that enter here are regarded as food given to us by the master. We can maintain our body and soul because we swallowed all kinds of souls. If Shangxian’s elder brother and friends have indeed entered here, so I’m afraid they have already merged with us.”

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan's eyes became fierce again, and he gritted his teeth and said, "What did you say? Merge into one? Have they already disappeared?"

Before the black-haired lion could speak, the red-haired lion replied first: "It's not like the ghosts are scattered, but...but at least they should have fallen into eternal sleep, and it is difficult to wake up again."

"Eternal sleep? Sleeping forever in your stomach? I don't care so much, and I don't care whether they are awake or sleeping forever. I want to see them now, let me release them immediately!"

Tong Yan was completely angry, the veins on his forehead popped out, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Seeing this, the two strange lions knew that no matter what, they had to "spit" out what they ate, otherwise, they were afraid that they would really be disturbed by this guy in front of them.

"Okay, Shangxian, let's spit them out right now, but we've eaten too much, and we can't tell which one is which. You have to figure it out yourself!"

Having said that, the two strange lions all opened their mouths wide, and then something unbelievable happened.

I saw beads of the same color as their fur spit out from their mouths under a burst of retching.In just a short while, thousands of pills were spit out, so densely packed that it was dizzying to see.

Tong Yan stared at these beads, then asked in puzzlement: "What are these things? What does it have to do with my brother and friends?"

Hearing this, the black-haired lion quickly explained: "Shangxian, these beads are the souls we have devoured, and each bead represents a soul. If your brother and friends really entered here, then they should also It has become such a bead, and it is in it. As for whether you can find it, please let Shangxian do it yourself!"

Tong Yan didn't think that these two strange lions would deceive him, perhaps Qing Ming and Qiang Liang were really among them.

Without further ado, he didn't care too much, and immediately bent over to pick up the beads and check them one by one.

Each of these soul beads is about the size of a marble, and they are very light in the hand, as if they are completely weightless.

Tong Yan put the soul bead in front of his eyes and looked inside carefully, and he really found out, he saw a person in the soul bead, a sitting person.

Although he couldn't see this person's face clearly, he could be sure that it was a person's soul.

In view of this, he hurriedly checked carefully one by one.

He doesn't need to see the faces of the people inside, he just needs to find Qingming's dragon soul and Qiangliang's demon soul.Whether it is a dragon soul or a strong demon soul, they are very different from human souls. In this way, it is relatively easy to find them.

The two strange lions cooperated very well. The soul orbs that Tong Yan had seen here were all grouped together so that they would not be confused with other soul orbs.

Tong Yan had no intention of communicating with them too much, and he focused on searching for the souls of Qingming and Qiangliang among these marbles.Time passed little by little, and the exciting moment finally came.

With his hard work, he finally found Qiangliang's soul orb first.The image of Qiangliang in the bead is his original appearance. He has turned into the main body, but he just lies motionless in the bead.

This is definitely not Qiangliang's nature. Qiangliang is not a person who can easily admit defeat or give in, but he is so quiet at the moment, which shows that he is already desperate, or has no fighting spirit anymore.

Finding Qiangliang first was a good start. Tong Yan didn't worry too much about Qiangliang's current situation, but continued to investigate and search for Qingming's soul orb.

The sky follows people's wishes, among the few remaining soul orbs, Tong Yan finally found Qing Ming's soul orb.

Unlike Qiangliang, Qingming's dragon soul did not give up his efforts, Tong Yan could clearly see a little green dragon rampaging in the bead, it seemed that he wanted to break through the shackles and escape from birth.

Seeing Qing Ming's dragon soul, Tong Yan couldn't help but said happily: "Brother Qing, I finally found you, I finally found you. Are you okay? Can you hear my voice?"

But it's a pity that no matter how Tong Yan shouted, the little green dragon inside didn't respond at all, and kept hitting the solid wall of the soul orb.

Seeing this, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning.

From this point of view, could it be that Qingming inside couldn't see the situation outside, and couldn't hear the voice outside?

That is to say, this soul orb is like a prison cell. After the soul of a person is locked in, the soul inside can no longer escape.

In this way, even if the soul is not scattered, the soul will be imprisoned here, and it will not be able to enter reincarnation for life and life, and will sleep here forever and ever!
Such a vicious thing really shouldn't exist in the world, otherwise, more people will only be harmed by it.

Although he managed to find the souls of Qingming and Qiangliang without any risk, Tong Yan didn't want to just let the two strange lions go.As long as these two strange lions serve that old thief Bai Yong as their master, they will be a disaster.Since it is a scourge, how can it stay in this world?
But before that, he had to wake up Qingming and Qiangliang, only after awakening them would he have no worries.

Seeing that Tong Yan had chosen two soul beads, the black cat and lion immediately asked, "Shangxian, have you found it?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately replied: "I found them, but how should I release them? I think you should have a way?"

Hearing this, the two strange lions fell into silence.

It's good that they are not silent, their silence makes Tong Yan more convinced that they must have a way to rescue Qing Ming and Qiang Liang.

But just when Tong Yan was about to inquire further, the old thief Bai Yong also entered the magic weapon at this moment.

Who would have thought that the final decisive battle would be decided in this magic weapon, and Tong Yan's star soul was fully awakened here!
(End of this chapter)

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