
Chapter 1323 Extraordinary, the nebula descends!

Chapter 1323 Extraordinary, the nebula descends!
Seeing the two strange lions saying nothing, Tong Yan sneered in his heart.If you don't know, you can deny it directly, and silence is just the default.

"You really don't know how to save them from this bead? I think you don't want to tell the truth! Now that things have happened, do you think there is still a way out? If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Having said that, a fierce look appeared on his face, and the imprint of stars between his brows also glowed white.

Seeing this, the two strange lions didn't tremble, but their limbs became weak from fright.

Tong Yan sneered, and immediately said angrily again: "I think you really don't know how to live or die. I have given you a chance. Since you don't cherish it, then I can only help you."

As soon as the words fell, he was about to make a move.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a wild laugh suddenly sounded above their heads.

"Haha... Tong Yan, I thought you were gone, but I didn't expect you to live in my mysterious compass until now. Anyway, I can't kill you outside, so I will kill you here It just so happens that my Xuanming lions are also here, I think they must be very interested in the soul of Xingxiu."

Hearing this sound, Tong Yan immediately looked up, and saw a red multi-legged monster descending from the sky, whoever it was if it wasn't the old thief Bai Yong.

Tong Yan gritted his teeth, and then replied in a loud voice: "Evil thief, your life is hard enough, you can't kill you like this. But it's good, you have brought it to your door now, and among this magic weapon, your The place of death!"

Seeing their master coming, the two strange lions immediately knelt down and shouted: "I'll wait to see the master!"

The old thief Bai Yong didn't respond, but landed directly in front of them, and then fixed Tong Yan with the seven eyes on the seven heads.

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.Tong Yan has a deep blood feud with the old thief Bai Yong, and when they meet again this time, they will naturally become even more angry.

"Tong Yan, you are really daring. Others regard my Xuanming Compass as a wild beast, but you came here uninvited. I really don't know if you are stupid or you just don't want to live anymore. But don't worry, No matter what the reason is, this time, I will not let you leave alive! Prepare to die!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "It's really shameless. Since ancient times, evil has never suppressed righteousness. If you want to kill me, are you worthy?"

The old thief Bai Yong smiled contemptuously and said: "How dare you be so rampant when you are about to die, that's all, why should I be entangled with you, a dying person. Come on, take his life for me!"

His last words were obviously addressed to the two strange lions, but after hearing these two strange lions, they were completely unmoved.

The old thief Bai Yong was so far away that he immediately said angrily: "Are you two deaf? Didn't you hear my order? Could it be that you want to betray the Lord?"

The two strange lions heard this, and the red-haired lion hurriedly replied: "Master, it's not that we don't want to take his life. It's's just that his soul is too strong, as if protected by a mysterious force. In front of him, we can't use it Not half a point of skill. Please master to learn from it!"

When this remark came out, not only Bai Yong was very surprised, but Tong Yan was also very surprised.

Tong Yan has never thought about this question. The question is, why are all the other souls that were collected here swallowed by these two strange lions, but he was able to remain intact?Is this really his ability?
In fact, this is not the case, Qingming is a descendant of the Qinglong, and it is the dragon soul that enters here, and the dragon soul cannot escape the "tiger", let alone him?
So what caused the two strange lions to be helpless against him?
Tong Yan thought of what happened in the realm of illusion. Empress Nuwa once gave him a green bead, and that green bead merged with his soul. Since then, his soul has become extraordinary, even if it is damaged Can automatically recover.Since the two strange lions mentioned that there is an inexplicably powerful force in his soul, Tong Yan guessed that it should be the magical green bead bestowed by Empress Nuwa that day.

In any case, this is beneficial to him.His soul is extremely powerful, even the spirit in this magic weapon is no match for him. In this soul-to-soul contest, he has at least a [-]% chance of winning.

Tong Yan's side is full of confidence, but the old thief Bai Yong's side is full of anger.

"What two wastes, you are the tool spirit of this Xuanming Compass, in your territory, can't you take him down?"

The two strange lions were speechless and could only bow their heads in silence.

The old thief Bai Yong had hoped that these two strange lions would help him, but now it seems that he can only do it himself.

Tong Yan held the soul beads of Qingming and Qiangliang in his hand, and clenched his fist with the other hand, and then said coldly: "Old thief Bai Yong, what are you waiting for? You and I will have a battle. Do you think it is possible to defeat me with conspiracy? I have already said that this is your burial place, and your death is coming soon!"

Hearing this, old thief Bai Yong glared angrily and said, "Okay, then let's fight to the death!"

Now that things are up to now, it's all nonsense to say more, and only fighting can calm the fire in their hearts.

Before the old thief Bai Yong could make a move, Tong Yan strode forward, threw his fist at one of the seven heads of the old thief Bai Yong.

Seeing Tong Yan's attack, the old thief Bai Yong didn't dare to delay, he immediately turned around, and the red bone sticks on his four arms hit Tong Yan one after another.

Tong Yan is now a soul, plus the soul has the ability to recover automatically, how can this mere bone stick do anything to get him?

He almost ignored the bone stick, continued to move forward, and then punched Bai Yong's old thief hard on the head.

As for the four bone sticks, they also hit his body, but they all passed through his body, as if hitting the air.

This punch of his can be considered to be full of energy, coupled with the power of the star source, the power is naturally extraordinary.

He heard a scream of "ah", just one punch, the head of that old Bai Yong thief almost exploded, drooping as if his neck bone was broken.

Although it was only the first round, it seemed clear which one was stronger and which was weaker.

The old villain Bai Yong couldn't hurt Tong Yan, but Tong Yan could beat him into a meat paste, one went up and down the other. In this battle, how could the old Bai Yong have the slightest chance of winning?
But this old thief Bai Yong is not an incompetent person after all, he saw that the situation was wrong, so he wanted to escape from this place quickly.

But it's a pity that Tong Yan, facing such a huge advantage, naturally won't let the "prey" slip away easily.

So, at the moment when the old thief Bai Yong got up and flew away, he also quickly chased after him.

The old thief Bai Yong looked down, and hurriedly shouted: "You two trash, stop him quickly, and never let him leave here!"

The old thief Bai Yong was impatient, and the two strange lions did follow orders, but for some reason, Tong Yan, who was chasing the old thief Bai Yong, suddenly flashed a green light inexplicably at this moment.Not only that, but above his head, a starry cloud appeared miraculously.

Is the soul of Xingxiu, who has been silent for thousands of years, finally fully awakening at this moment?

(End of this chapter)

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