
Chapter 1324 Real stars, life is better than death!

Chapter 1324 Real stars, life is better than death!
A green light suddenly appeared on Tong Yan's body, which not only startled the old thief Bai Yong and the two strange lions, but even him himself was somewhat unexpected.

But when the starlight was sprinkled in the nebula above his head, he who was immersed in the starlight and green light suddenly smiled.

This is a long-lost feeling, this is a familiar feeling, he already knows who he is, but he still can't really perceive everything, but now, he is completely awake, and he has completely controlled what should belong to him. strength.

His star soul has finally awakened, and this also means that the Omen Star has descended again, and will return to the vast sky in the not-too-distant future.

Looking up at the nebula above, his smile became even brighter. The powerful power of the stars hovered around his body, and he could finally control the power of the stars as he wanted, and he could absorb all the energy bestowed by the stars without restraint.

There is nothing more gratifying than the improvement of strength. At this moment, he seems to be reborn. After sweeping away the previous haze, his mood has improved a lot.

Some people may ask, what exactly did Star Soul Awakening bring to him?

In addition to the improvement in strength, his ability to manipulate and control the power of the stars has also been greatly strengthened.Now he only needs one thought, and the power of the stars will respond according to his will. It can not only be used to attack the enemy, but also to protect the body, and even change form.

If it is said that his control over the power of the stars before was only limited to exercising supernatural powers, then now, the power of the stars is like a part of his body, and he can manipulate it however he wants.Another point is that as long as there is starlight, his star power will be inexhaustible, and he no longer has to worry about losing his strength due to exhaustion of star power.

All in all, the awakening of the star soul is like completing a baptism for him, making him a real star spirit.

The old thief Bai Yong saw all this in his eyes, he knew that Tong Yan was no longer what it used to be, and staying here would be tantamount to seeking his own death.

While Tong Yan was immersed in the joy of awakening the star soul, he immediately turned into a red mist and flew upwards in a flash.

It's a pity that he still couldn't escape Tong Yan's eyes, and when he flew less than a hundred meters high, Tong Yan also disappeared inexplicably.

When Tong Yan reappeared, he had already blocked the way of the old thief Bai Yong, and showed a slightly scary smile.

"Old thief Bai Yong, do you still want to escape now? I have already said that today is your day of death, you should die obediently!"

The old thief Bai Yong wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to escape, but Tong Yan blocked his way now, and escape seemed impossible, but he could be captured without a fight, but he couldn't.

"Tong Yan, do you really think I'm afraid of you? At worst, I'll die! Besides, do you think you have nothing to hold in my hands? Don't you want to know the identity of the girl you rescued?" ?”

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly, and then asked, "The girl I rescued? The one you tied to the stone pillar? Isn't she an ordinary person?"

Hearing this, the old thief Bai Yong immediately laughed and said, "Ordinary person? Yes, she is an ordinary person. But to you, she is not ordinary. Do you know her true identity? Do you know who she is?" ?”

Tong Yan suddenly fell into deep thought. He always thought that the girl was just one of the archaeologists, who accidentally fell into the hands of the old thief Bai Yong, so she was bound to the stone pillar of the Star God Temple like Qing Ming and the others. .

But the old thief Bai Yong has already said so, which also means that the girl is indeed special, but what is so special about a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old?
"Old thief Bai Yong, are you deliberately looking for an excuse to let me spare your dog's life? How can an ordinary girl have anything to do with me? It's ridiculous!"

The old thief Bai Yong chuckled and said, "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. Anyway, you will regret it when the time comes. Oh, by the way, you may not know that I cast a curse on that girl, three times My God, within three days, she will be wiped out, and her soul will be scattered, and she will never be reborn forever!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said coldly: "Evil thief, do you really think that you can blackmail me like this? Let me tell you, I will kill you today! Go to hell!"

Tong Yan really wasn't in the mood to continue listening to this old bastard Bai Yong's nonsense, he felt that old bastard Bai Yong was just delaying time and planning something.But what he didn't know was that the old thief Bai Yong really wasn't talking nonsense, that girl had a lot to do with him.

With his loud shout, the starlight surrounding his body immediately turned into a whirlwind, rushing towards the old thief Bai Yong.

The old thief Bai Yong didn't expect that he would make a sudden attack. When he saw the starlight attacking, he had to turn into a red mist and plan to deal with the starlight.

But under the control of Tong Yan's thoughts, these starlights directly turned into a big net, covering the old thief Bai Yong overwhelmingly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the old thief Bai Yong quickly changed the shape of the red mist that his body had transformed into a spear almost instantly.His purpose is very simple, that is to break through the starlight net with a spear.

But he can change, why can't the starlight manipulated by Tong Yan?So in the blink of an eye when the Starlight Net approached the spear, the Starlight Net suddenly shrank and turned into a silver shield.After that, there was a loud bang of "Dang".

The contest between spear and shield kicked off.

The spear transformed by Bai Yong is indeed sharp enough and hard enough, but Tong Yan's shield made of starlight is also indestructible.

The two were evenly matched, and "Ding Ding Dang Dang" suddenly rang out.

Different from Bai Yong's fierce fight, Tong Yan was much more relaxed in comparison. He just stood in the air and watched the contest between "spear" and "shield" with a serious face, just like this duel As if it had nothing to do with him.

Time passed bit by bit, and he was always watching, and did not take any further actions.

It wasn't until the spear retreated suddenly that he suddenly stretched out his right hand, and then shouted loudly: "Old thief, die for me!"

As soon as the words fell, the shield transformed by the starlight changed again, directly turning into a big hand, and instantly grasped the retreating spear in his hand.

After that, the big hand exerted force suddenly, and a piercing scream followed.

"Ah... ah... forgive me... forgive me..."

The screams and begging for mercy became weaker and weaker, and the big hand transformed by starlight changed again. This time, it turned into a ball, and the old thief Bai Yong was imprisoned in this ball. Life and death are unknown.

Tong Yan knew that it would not be so easy to completely get rid of the old thief Bai Yong, but he could make the old thief Bai Yong's life worse than death.That is to seal it in the starlight forever, and suffer from being burned by the spark forever.

But for some reason, he suddenly thought of the girl Bai Yong mentioned, what kind of connection does that girl have with him?

(End of this chapter)

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