
Chapter 1325 Yin and evil energy, divine lightning splits mountains!

Chapter 1325 Yin and evil energy, divine lightning splits mountains!
Although the old thief Bai Yong has been sealed in the small ball of starlight by Tong Yan, the matter here has not been completely settled.What happened to the descendants of the Kuafu family, Tong Yan still doesn't know at the moment; besides, the souls of Qing Ming and Qiang Liang are still trapped in the soul orbs, how to release them depends on that The two strange lions asked carefully.

But the old thief Bai Yong has been captured, and the two strange lions should cooperate a little bit, and it may be easy to completely rescue Qing Ming and Qiang Liang.

Putting away the starlight ball that sealed the old thief Bai Yong, Tong Yan's figure flashed immediately, and in the next second he was in front of the two strange lions.

These two strange lions just witnessed Bai Yong's old thief being defeated by him, and now they are more afraid of him.

Tong Yan didn't talk nonsense, and said straightforwardly: "Your master has been sealed by me forever, and you don't want to come out to harm others in this life. If you two still want to live, just follow my orders honestly. Tell me now , How exactly can we let them out?"

Having said that, he held Qing Ming and Qiang Liang's trapped soul beads in his hands, and handed them directly to the two strange lions.

Seeing this, the two strange lions knew that they could no longer shirk, and finally decided to tell Tong Yan the way to save Qingming and Qiangliang.

"Shangxian, it's not impossible to rescue them. It's just that this method is extremely difficult, and it's something that no one can do. Since you insist on knowing, then we will tell you. In fact, it is not the two of us who want to imprison their souls. Because, it is the evil spirit in this magic weapon. If the evil spirit here can be purified, their souls will be free again!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan asked in puzzlement, "Yin and evil qi? Are you saying that the qi here is all yin and evil qi, not yin and yang?"

The red-haired lion took the lead in answering: "The two qi of yin and yang are all-encompassing. All qi in the world cannot escape yin and yang. This yin and evil qi naturally also belongs to the category of yin and yang, but it is a different kind of yin and yang qi. It not only contains extremely yin qi , also contains evil spirits. Dahei and I actually represent two kinds of evil spirits. It is formed by the gathering of extreme Yin spirits, while I was conceived and born by evil spirits. I am like this Explain, Shangxian, can you understand?"

Of course Tong Yan understood, but at the same time, he couldn't bear it for no reason.Why can't you bear it?Since the red and black two-headed strange lions represent evil qi, wouldn't purifying the evil qi here mean getting rid of them directly?
Although the red and black strange lions swallowed a lot of souls, it was not their intention. They only swallowed the souls sucked by the old thief Bai Yong as food for them.

This is like throwing chickens and ducks into the tiger's hole. The tiger just eats chickens and ducks for food. Can it be said that the tiger is at fault?Isn't it a rule that the weak eat the strong?

At the beginning, Tong Yan thought about getting rid of these two strange lions completely, but they were still cooperative, no matter what, he finally told the truth, now it depends on what Tong Yan should do.

After thinking for a while, he said, "I know it's not easy to purify the evil spirit here, but if I succeed, have you ever thought about what will happen to you?"

Hearing this, the red and black strange lions lowered their heads, obviously they had already thought of the consequences.

"Shangxian, we don't want to tell you the truth because of this. But we know that you will always find a way. In this case, we might as well be honest with each other. After purifying the evil spirit here, we will be wiped out. But we have devoured too many souls, if we are not purified, then these souls will really be immortal forever. We should pay for the sins we have done!"

With these words, Tong Yan's attitude towards the two strange lions has changed a lot.It seems that they really woke up.That's fine, after all, no matter what mood they are in, Tong Yan will definitely rescue Qing Ming and Qiang Liang, no matter how much it costs.

"Okay, since you can think this way, I have nothing to worry about. The fusion of extreme Yin Qi and devilish Qi is what you call Yin Xie Qi. It may be very difficult for others to purify them. It’s difficult, but it’s nothing to me.”

Hearing this, the red-haired lion immediately asked: "Shangxian, can you really purify the evil spirit?"

Tong Yan smiled mysteriously and said, "You will know soon!"

As soon as the words fell, he immediately flew up and stopped in mid-air.

The two strange lions were very puzzled, so they hurriedly looked up.

Tong Yan slowly stretched out his arms, and then turned around abruptly. His turning speed was relatively stable at the beginning, but the further he went backward, the faster he turned. In the end, he was like a spinning top In general, I can't see his face clearly.

But what people can't understand is, what is the reason for him to turn his body like this?

After three or two minutes like this, a white light began to flash on his body, and the light became brighter and brighter, and finally his whole body was like a dazzling light ball, and the dazzling light began to shine in all directions. Diffusion seems to illuminate the entire "world".

The two strange lions just stared blankly, as if they were looking at the high gods. Some of them had no other intentions, except worship, maybe it was just a little fear.

Tong Yan is still working hard to release the light like a star, he just wants to illuminate everything here, he just wants to use the holy starlight to dispel the evil spirit here.

There may be no problem with his thinking, but it is really not an easy task to purify all the evil spirits with his own strength.

However, there is a way that is human-made, as long as he does not give up, the dawn will eventually drive away the darkness, but maybe not so fast.

The words were divided into two parts. When Tong Yan's star soul was fully awakened, a flash of lightning suddenly fell from Qingcheng Mountain, followed by a violent storm and black clouds.The entire Qingcheng Mountain was completely plunged into darkness.

Qingcheng Mountain is a famous Taoist mountain, not only full of aura, but also many hermits on the mountain.

It would not be a big deal if it was overwhelmed by black clouds, but it would be too strange to see black clouds billowing above the Taoist paradise.

But that was nothing, the falling lightning split the mountain into a bottomless crack, and red smoke gushed out of that crack inexplicably.

The lightning falling from the sky makes people think of the heavens. Could it be that the heavens did it on purpose?
But what is the red smoke gushing out of this crack?What secrets are hidden under the crack?
It happened to coincide with the awakening of Tong Yan Xinghun, all of this is probably not as simple as a coincidence...

(End of this chapter)

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