
Chapter 1327 Kuafu's descendant, what is in his chest?

Chapter 1327 Kuafu's descendant, what is in his chest?
Tong Yan originally wanted to find out the mystery of the life experience of the descendant of the Kuafu family, but when he and Qingming Qiangliang left Xuanming Compass, they couldn't see the descendant of Kuafu again, and he didn't know that the guy had already left , or just disappeared out of thin air.

Of course, to Tong Yan, this was an insignificant matter. After defeating the old thief Bai Yong and rescuing Qingming Qiangliang, this business was finally not in vain.

His physical body still maintained the posture when his soul entered the Xuanming Compass, and his physical body was intact, which surprised him a bit.

After taking the lead in entering the body with his soul, he put away the Xuanming compass, and galloped towards the collapsed Star God Palace with the souls of Qingming and Qiangliang.

Before the fierce battle with the old thief Bai Yong, he handed Qingming and Qiangliang's bodies into the care of the horned dragon and the blood crystal beast. At this moment, he didn't know if the horned dragon and the blood crystal beast were still there, and whether they were still safe.

Fortunately, they are indeed safe and sound, and the physical bodies of Qing Ming and Qiang Liang are also considered intact.The only thing that is puzzling is that beside them, there is one more person, a stranger who has never seen before.

The horned dragon and the blood crystal beast were naturally overjoyed when they saw Tong Yan's return, and immediately greeted them with the bodies of Qing Ming and Qiang Liang.The stranger stood there, but looked at Tong Yan with a complicated expression.

Qiu Long came to Tong Yan first, and immediately said impatiently: "Gong Gong, you are finally back. Brother Qing Ming and Brother Qiang Liang have also returned safely, which is really great."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Evil can never prevail, and we were destined to win from the very beginning. You two have worked hard too. If it weren't for you to take care of Brother Qing and Qiangliang's physical bodies, it would be really nice for us to be someone else. Don't worry. Now that the souls of Brother Qing and Qiangliang have returned, let them quickly enter the physical body!"

When Qiu Long heard this, he hurriedly stopped him and said, "Wait! Benedict, have you forgotten that there are other souls placed in these two bodies? If the two elder brothers Qing Ming and Qiang Liang enter rashly, I'm afraid they will be hit by that one." Bai Yong's treacherous plan. In my opinion, we should first extract the soul from this body, and then let the two elder brothers Qing Ming and Qiang Liang enter it. What do you think?"

Tong Yan was so happy that he forgot all about this.There are indeed other souls entrenched in Qingming and Qiangliang's bodies at present. If Qingming and Qiangliang's souls are allowed to return to their bodies like this, they will probably have to fight fiercely with the souls inside. After the fight, everyone will be happy, but Ruobai Old thief Yong tampered with their bodies, so Qing Ming and Qiang Liang were too dangerous.

It's not that Tong Yan has no confidence in Qing Ming and Qiang Liang, it's just that he can't afford to take such a risk.

"Qiulong, thank you for reminding me. I did ignore this matter. Brother Qing, Qiangliang, don't return to your physical body for now. It won't be too late for you to go back after I get the contents out."

Qing Ming and Qiang Liang had suffered a lot at the hands of the old thief Bai Yong, now hearing what Tong Yan said, they naturally dare not take it lightly.

"Okay, boy, we're all listening to you. But you have to understand one thing. Even if we don't want this body, we can reshape it in the future. You don't have to take risks for two skins. Do you understand what I mean?"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "Understood, don't worry! If I really can't do anything, then we will make plans."

In fact, Tong Yan knew very well in his heart that Qing Ming didn't want him to spend too much time and effort when he said this. It's not easy to reshape the physical body, so it's so simple to say casually.Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, he absolutely cannot abandon these two bodies, and Qing Ming and Qiang Liang should be even more reluctant.

It was very important to get rid of Qing Ming and Qiang Liang's physical bodies, but before that, he focused all his attention on the stranger who was a few steps away.

The stranger was about forty years old, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a Chinese character face, about 1.8 meters five, and a strong figure, but his clothes were a bit shabby, his feet were bare, and his hair was thick but slightly messy.

He didn't avoid Tong Yan's gaze, on the contrary, he looked straight at Tong Yan, as if he had seen Tong Yan before.

Tong Yan was a little puzzled, and then asked the horned dragon and the blood crystal beast, "Who is this? Do you know each other?"

Qiu Long was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately asked back: "Gongong, don't you know him? He said he is your friend!"

"My friend? I don't even know him. How can I talk about a friend?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's eyes were focused on the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was very calm. After taking two steps forward, he said directly: "You may not know who I am, but of course it doesn't matter. The important thing is that you saved me, so that I can finally regain my freedom. In order to repay your kindness, I have stayed here to wait for you. Now that you have returned safely, it is time for me to repay your kindness!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan was puzzled and said: "Brother, did you make a mistake? We have never met before, how could I be kind to you?"

Just after saying this, he suddenly thought of something, and then said again: "Could it be that you...are you a descendant of the Kuafu clan?"

The descendant of the Kuafu family is the giant, and the giant should be around here, but when Tong Yan and Qing Ming returned here, they didn't see him.Now that this strange man appeared here out of thin air, and said that Tong Yan was kind to him, it seems that he is very likely to be a descendant of the Kuafu clan.

Of course, the facts proved that there was nothing wrong with Tong Yan's speculation, and this strange man was indeed the descendant of Kuafu.

But when this guy said he wanted to repay his kindness, it was far beyond Tong Yan's expectations.

"Benefactor, I am indeed the descendant of the Kuafu clan you said. If you hadn't got rid of that villain, I'm afraid that I would have become the slave of that beast in my life. Although you didn't mean to save me, you still saved me." For this alone, I should repay you!"

Hearing this guy reveal his identity himself, Tong Yan was really relieved. He didn't care whether the descendants of Kuafu would repay him or not. What he wanted to know was that the Kuafu clan was from ancient times. Thousands of years later, they still exist?If they exist, how do they hide their eyes and ears and survive in the world quietly?
Thinking of this, he asked directly, "My friend, are you really a descendant of the Kuafu clan? But the Kuafu clan has disappeared since the Battle of Chasing the Deer. Don't tell me you didn't go to the heavenly realm, but are still living in the human realm?"

Hearing this, Kua Fu's descendants couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"Senpai, you are right. My Kuafu clan was almost wiped out after the First World War, but how could the defeated general ascend to the heaven? To be honest, there is no one in my Kuafu clan except me now." Others. And even I, in fact, am not a pure descendant of Kuafu, I am just a puppet created by others."

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly and said, "The old thief Bai Yong created you? Then how did you inherit the blood of the Kuafu clan?"

Hearing this, the descendant of Kuafu forced a smile, then suddenly turned a knife with one hand and directly inserted it into his chest.

After that, he saw a bloody thing being pulled out of his body.

This... what the hell is this?
(End of this chapter)

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