
Chapter 1328 I have known each other for a long time, where do I start?

Chapter 1328 I have known each other for a long time, where do I start?
What Kuafu's descendants did made Tong Yan and the others turn pale with shock.Is this guy crazy?How is that different from committing suicide?

But when Tong Yan and the others saw clearly what Kua Fu's descendants were holding, they were all stunned.

This is not the heart of Kuafu's descendants. It can even be said that it may not be a part of his body. So what is it?

It was a baby's hand, a bloody little hand!
How could he have a baby's hand inside him?This hand is definitely not his, but if it is not his, who could it be?
Looking at the shocked crowd, Kuafu's descendant showed a bitter smile, then gently wiped the blood on the little hand, and said, "This hand is the only blood of the existing Kuafu clan! That villain Yong inserted this hand into my body, and it is because of this hand that I have naturally become a descendant of Kuafu!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan calmed down the shock in his heart a little bit, and then asked: "So you mean that you are not a real descendant of Kuafu at all, but a giant created by the old thief Bai Yong? Then how can you be sure, this Is this hand the hand of a descendant of Kuafu?"

Before the man opened his mouth to answer, the little hand unexpectedly moved inexplicably.

This little hand is still alive, could it be... Could there be consciousness in just one hand?

Tong Yan faintly felt that this little hand was not simple, maybe there was some unknown secret hidden behind this little hand.

The middle-aged man passed the little hand directly in front of Tong Yan, and then smiled slightly: "Benefactor, if you have anything you want to know, you should just ask it, it will answer you!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was even more surprised.Can one hand also speak?
Sure enough, as soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, a childish voice rang out from the little hand.

"Omen Star, I told him everything he knows. Instead of asking him, you might as well just ask me!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan chuckled, and simply asked directly: "You are obviously a hand, how can you speak? Could it be that you have become a ghost?"

The little hand heard this, and immediately replied: "Yes, I did become a ghost, but I never harmed anyone. For thousands of years, I have been sleeping. Until I was discovered and embedded in his body, I just started to wake up and regain consciousness. But it will take a lot of days before I become a real adult."

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly, and then asked again: "You want to grow up? But you are only one hand now, how can you grow up?"

The little hand "giggled" twice, and then replied: "How to become an adult? Of course it is an adult! You may not know that I was actually just a small piece of bone at the beginning. During the period of my awakening , I have grown into a hand, and in a few days, I will grow into an arm, grow into a body, and finally be able to grow into a complete person!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said in embarrassment: "So you mean that you can grow until you grow into a complete person. Then can you tell me how you store your memory and how you grow? Do you Can it grow naturally without absorbing nutrients?"

Xiaoshou laughed again and said, "Heaven and earth spirit energy is everywhere here, isn't it enough for me to grow up? As for my memory, it has been deeply imprinted in my body since the day my Kuafu clan was wiped out. Not to mention these thousands of years, even after tens of thousands of years, I will not forget, because I want revenge!"

"Revenge? Who are you looking for revenge?"

Xiaoshou didn't hide anything, and replied directly: "The high gods in the heavens are my enemies! They are the ones who killed my Kuafu clan, and they drove my clansman to death one by one. This kind of bloody hatred, as long as I still have a breath, I must kill it!" Let them pay back."

Hearing what it said, Tong Yan said with a disdainful smile: "You dare to be an enemy of the heavens? Are you not afraid of being punished by heavenly thunders and ending up in pieces?"

The little hand said firmly: "So what's the matter? I have already endured it back then, so what's the point of doing it one more time? Unless I am wiped out, I will definitely fight them to the end! In addition, there are more than one people who have been harmed by the heavens. My Kuafu family, if we can unite all the powers to flatten the heavens, what would it be to destroy the gods and kill the gods? Heavenly Demon Star, you and I are actually the same kind of people, don’t you want to seek revenge from the gods of the heavens? Don't you want justice?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but sneered, and said in a somewhat unfriendly way: "That's why you stayed here, and you want to meet me through this elder brother?"

In fact, from the moment this hand called him Omen Star, he was already on guard.This little hand may really be the remnant of a certain member of the Kuafu clan, but the Kuafu clan has been around for five to six thousand years, so how would the Kuafu clan know his identity?What's more, the middle-aged man claimed to repay his kindness, but in fact he didn't really want to save this guy. It was all just a coincidence. It was a bit far-fetched to leave a special repayment for this matter.

Thinking about it this way, perhaps it was planned in advance that the middle-aged man stayed and took the little hand out of his body, but as for the real purpose, it may very well be to let him join forces to fight against the heavens.

Of course, Tong Yan didn't want to be used as a gunman, and he didn't want to be deceived and used by others, so at this moment, he no longer had the slightest affection for this Kuafu clansman's hand and this middle-aged man, and even developed hostility.

Hearing what he said, the little hand immediately let out a loud laugh that didn't match the voice, and then said: "Haha... Are you worried that I am plotting something wrong? Then let me tell you, you are wrong! The reason why I want to be with you When you saw me, I just wanted to make friends with you. Whether we are the same kind of people or not, we are destined to walk on the same road. I know you will definitely seek revenge from Tianjie, and Tianjie will not let you go Pass you. Similarly, the gods in the heavens have a bloody feud with me, and I will never let them go. So no matter what, you and I will become the thorn in the side of the heavens. If this is the case, we have reasons not to be friends Is there any reason for us not to join hands? As for why I know your true identity, the reason is actually very simple, because we have known each other thousands of years ago, and the reason why my Kuafu clan has ended up in this situation is because Why is it not thanks to you?"

Tong Yan is really confused, where is all this?We met thousands of years ago?Thousands of years ago, he probably didn't have consciousness. How did he get acquainted?

But is it necessary for this Kuafu clansman to tell such a low-level lie?Could it be that Omen Star has something to do with the Kuafu clan?

(End of this chapter)

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