
Chapter 1329 Walking together, strange things in Xiaocun!

Chapter 1329 Walking together, strange things in Xiaocun!

Tong Yan thought for a while, then chuckled and said: "Friend, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. You said that I and you have known each other thousands of years ago? Not to mention the downfall of your Kuafu clan. It was me who killed you, so I would like to ask you, how did I harm your Kuafu clan? How did I meet you?"

Tong Yan originally wanted to ask something from this Kuafu clansman, but unexpectedly, this guy said mysteriously: "If you want to know this, you will know it in the future, but it is definitely not from my mouth. ...In short, I don't have any need to lie to you, whether you believe it or not, it's all true."

Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "Okay, since that's the case, I don't think we should have anything to say. I still want to help my brother and friends get rid of the evil spirits in their bodies, so I won't accompany you for now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Kuafu clansman suddenly said: "It's actually not difficult to get rid of the evil spirits in their bodies. You just need to give some bait. When the time comes, the evil spirits will naturally not be able to withstand the temptation and will fly away." Out."

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked: "Do you know how to get rid of the evil spirits in their bodies? Then tell me, what do you need to use as bait?"

The Kuafu tribe laughed and said, "I can't tell you this, but we can make a deal."

"Deal? What deal?"

The Kuafu tribe said straightforwardly: "I will help you get rid of the evil spirits in their bodies, and you only need to promise that I will always stay by your side."

Hearing this, Tong Yan was puzzled and said, "You want to go with me? Why? Could it be some bad idea?"

The Kuafu tribe laughed and said: "You really think too much. The reason why I want to walk with you is because I really want to make friends with you. With my current strength, I can't pose a threat to you at all. Besides, if there is a heaven If someone from you comes to trouble you, maybe I can help you. So why don't you do something that has the best of both worlds?"

Tong Yan thought about it for a while, and finally replied: "Okay, I will help you. But I have to say my ugly words first. If I find out that you have any schemes, don't blame my ruthless subordinates!"

"Conspiracies and tricks? Hehe... You really think too much. My enemies are only the gods in the heavens. As for you, I haven't had time to get to know you, so how can I plot against you? It's okay, without further delay, I will help you get rid of it." The evil within them!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded slightly.In fact, he also really wanted to know how this mere hand cleaned out the evil spirits in Qing Ming and Qiang Liang's bodies.

Seeing Tong Yan's statement, the Kuafu family members naturally didn't delay anymore, and saw him flying directly from the middle-aged man's hand, and quickly came to the physical bodies of Qing Ming and Qiang Liang.

Under the eyes of everyone, he began to cast spells.The so-called spell casting is actually very simple, he just let his only remaining hand suddenly burst into a dazzling red light.Under his control, the red light almost enveloped Qingming and Qiangliang's physical bodies, and at this moment, something incredible happened.

Illuminated by the red light, the bodies of Qing Ming and Qiang Liang should appear red, but this is not the case. Their bodies turned green instead, with a faint green light flickering.

Although this green light is not dazzling, it is very abrupt and weird.

After about three to two minutes like this, the green light on Qingming and Qiangliang's physical bodies began to condense, but after a while, they converged into two light spheres.

Just when everyone was puzzled, who would have thought that a mouth would appear in the palm of the small hand transformed by the Kuafu clansman, and he could not wait to rush towards the two green light spheres.

Everyone watched the little hand eat the two green light balls, the red light on the little hand slowly disappeared, and the bodies of Qingming and Qiangliang also returned to their original colors.

"The evil spirits have been eliminated by me, and now they can return to their physical bodies!"

Having said that, for the sake of caution, Tong Yan went to check it himself.After confirming that there were no evil spirits entrenched in Qingming and Qiangliang's bodies, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Qingming and Qiangliang: "Brother Qing, Qiangliang, the things in your bodies have indeed been cleaned up. Now, return to your physical body now!"

After he said so, Qing Ming and Qiang Liang naturally wouldn't have any worries, and immediately entered their own bodies.

This trip to the so-called general's tomb has come to an end.Now that everything has been handled properly, it is natural to leave here.

Since the Kuafu family members insisted on following, Tong Yan really had no way to drive them away, so he simply let him follow.

After leaving the general's tomb, Tong Yan decided to go to the village where he stopped when he came.

He has always wanted to find out the true identity of the strange girl, also wanted to know if she was safe, and wanted to fulfill his promise to the monster.

It was already dark when they left the ancient tomb, and when they arrived near the village, it was already pitch black.

There is nothing wrong with being dark, it is a normal law of nature, but it is really strange that the village is so dark.

It is not yet the time when the night is quiet, and it is about ninety o'clock in the evening. At this time, some people may fall asleep, but there should be many people still watching TV or doing other things.

But what is incomprehensible is that there is no light in the whole village. Not only is it very dark, but it is also eerily quiet.

Tong Yan couldn't be sure about anything now, after all, he hadn't really entered the village, but he had already prepared for the worst in his heart.

Leading the crowd, he was the first to step into the village.

But at this moment, Qing Ming suddenly said: "Little boy, something is wrong with this village, you'd better be careful later."

Hearing this, Tong Yan asked directly: "Brother Qing, did you notice something? What do you think is wrong?"

Qingming reached out and wiped the sweat that appeared on his forehead at an unknown time, and then replied: "I always feel that there is something terrible in this village, which makes me uneasy. I don't know exactly what it is. But my The intuition should not be wrong, maybe we will find out soon!"

You must know that Qingming is a majestic Qinglong, and the things that can make Qinglong uneasy are definitely not ordinary monsters and ghosts.

Tong Yan nodded and said, "Okay, I've made a note, and I'll be more careful later. Alright, let's move on."

After speaking, he raised his legs and walked forward again.

After walking like this for a while, he had already come to the gate of the old man's courtyard.

He wanted to walk straight through, but after unintentionally glancing at the courtyard, he stopped unconsciously.

If everyone in the village has already fallen asleep, then the doors and windows should also be closed.But the door of the old man's room was open at this moment. Although it was dark, it did not escape his eyes.

He felt more and more strange about this matter, so he decided to go in and take a look.

What will he find in the dark house?What happened in this village?

(End of this chapter)

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