
Chapter 1330 Who is the heart-thumping gangster?

Chapter 1330 Who is the heart-thumping gangster?
"You all stay here and wait for me. I'll go in and have a look. This room is lived in by an old man who has had a relationship with me. He doesn't close the door at night. I'm worried that something happened to him. Don't worry, I’ll go and have a look and come back, don’t worry about me!”

After leaving these few words, he turned over and jumped into the courtyard.

Before he fully understood the situation, he purposely kept his footsteps light and made as little noise as possible.

Soon, he came to the open door and looked inside intently.

Inside the door is first the place where the fire is made and cooked, and the bedroom is the room next to it.After looking at it a few times, he saw that there was nothing unusual, and then he walked into the room, intending to go to the bedroom to have a look.

Unlike the door outside, the door of this bedroom is closed.Reaching for the handle on the door, he gently opened the door.

With the sound of "creaking", the bedroom door was completely opened by him.But when he looked inside again, his eyes suddenly widened, and then he rushed in with a stride.

"Old man... old man... how are you? Are you okay? Old man..."

While shouting loudly, he tried to wake up the old man lying on the ground.But unfortunately, a hole had been dug out in the old man's chest, and the blood inside had also solidified.

The old man died, and he should have been dead for a few hours. The fatal injury was the blood hole on his chest. Judging from the wound, his heart might have been dug out by someone or some other humanoid monster.

But what is a little strange is that there is no trace of fighting in this bedroom, and the old man's body is in a kneeling position.

Could it be that the old man was kneeling down before he died?

Tong Yan frowned, and looking at the old man who died tragically, he felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

"Old man, you can leave with peace of mind! Don't worry, I will definitely not let the murderer go unpunished, and I will avenge you!"

After leaving these words, he got up and walked outside.

It stands to reason that he should collect the old man's body, or let him rest in peace, but the country has state laws, and the old man's death is a crime. He can't do it for him, otherwise it will only add trouble to others.In addition, it may not be long before someone will discover that the old man has passed away. In fact, the difference between the earlier and the later buried is not that big.

Another thing is, is it just a coincidence that the old man was killed?But if it was a coincidence, why was he the only one being targeted?Are the other villagers safe and sound now?

He decided to go to other people's houses to see. The whole village was completely dark, which made people feel uneasy.

After leaving the house, Qing Ming and the others immediately looked over with concern.

When he jumped out of the yard, Qingming immediately asked: "Little boy, how is the situation?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sighed softly and said, "The situation is very bad, the old man... he is already dead."

"Dead? How did you die?"

Tong Yan shook his head lightly and said: "I'm not completely sure now, but judging from all the signs, it is very likely that he was killed by a demon. If it was done by a human, I don't think his heart will be broken." Take it out and take it away."

"What did you say? The old man's heart was pulled out? Boy, I'll go in and have a look. If it's really the work of a demon, I'll be sure."

Qing Ming is a serious Qinglong. Qinglong naturally has a far superior perception of monsters and the like. Since he asked to see it, Tong Yan would certainly not refuse.

"Okay, Brother Qing, then you go and have a look, we are waiting for you here!"

Qing Ming nodded, then jumped into the courtyard and stepped directly into the room.

After about three to two minutes, he walked out of the room quickly, and shook his head slightly as he walked. It seemed that he might also be overwhelmed by the old man's tragic death.

Walking to the gate of the courtyard, seeing everyone looking at him, he shook his head slightly again and said, "'s really strange, I can't be sure whether it was done by humans or by demons."

Hearing this, Qiang Liang at the side asked directly: "Brother Qingming, isn't there any demonic aura left in that room?"

Qing Ming nodded and replied: "Isn't that the case, that's why I was surprised. Could it be... could it really be done by someone?"

What he said coincides with Tong Yan's thoughts.

The reason why Tong Yan couldn't determine whether the murderer was a demon or a human was because he didn't detect the slightest breath of a demon in the room, and it was impossible to tell just based on the wounds on the old man's body.

But the more this is the case, the more puzzling it is.How can ordinary people take out the heart of a large living person with only one hand?Unless it is a Lianjiazi, or a monk with a lot of Taoism.But why would such a person do anything to an old man?What is the motivation?

This series of questions is really difficult to answer.

Tong Yan took a deep breath, and then said, "Leave this matter aside for the time being. Let's split up and go to other people's houses. I'm a little uneasy. No household in this village has electric lights. It's really weird."

By saying this, he has actually revealed what he is most worried about. What is he most worried about?That is, the villagers in the entire village were all subjected to the same poisonous hands.

Without delay, everyone split up and acted immediately.

When everyone met again, everyone's face was full of anger and sympathy.

What Tong Yan was most worried about happened. There was no one living in the entire village. Everyone was kneeling on the ground of their own homes, and their hearts were ripped out alive.

This village is not big, but even so, there are more than 100 lives!The most hateful thing is that the insane murderer didn't even spare the old, young, women and children, and all of them suffered this catastrophe.

Tong Yan looked at the dark night sky quietly, he had calmed down now, but his heart was full of pain.

He is not a sympathetic person, but he is definitely a person with a sense of justice. No matter who sees this tragic scene, I am afraid that they will not be able to restrain themselves and stay out of it.

What happened to these villagers?Who on earth killed them cruelly?
Tong Yan was thinking quickly in his mind, he wanted to figure this out, he wanted to find out the truth of the matter.

Thinking this way, he suddenly thought of something.

First of all, when he left the village, there were several corpses in the village that might have turned into zongzi, which would definitely be fatal to the villagers, but he left behind the corpses and talismans and told the elders of the archaeological team What to do with these bodies.Judging from various signs, it is possible that zongzi may harm people, but it seems that they can be ruled out directly. After all, they are harmful to people. These dead villagers will definitely be contaminated with corpse gas and turn into zongzi.But in fact, these villagers did not behave this way.

Excluding this possibility, he thought of the missing archaeological team, why didn't they get killed, why did they all leave here?Could the murder of the villagers be related to them?This is the second!

And the third is the strange girl who was rescued by him and escorted here by the ancient tomb monster.

He specially made an agreement with the ancient tomb monster that everyone would meet up in this village, but now, the monster and the strange girl have disappeared.where did they goWas it related to the killing of these villagers?
He thought a lot, but still didn't think of any important clues.

And just when he was feeling very distressed, he did not expect "clues" to come to his door!
(End of this chapter)

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