
Chapter 1331 The whereabouts of the 7 saints, the ancient well is mysterious!

Chapter 1331 The whereabouts of the Seven Saints, the ancient well is mysterious!
With a gust of cool wind blowing, Tong Yan felt his mind cleared up a lot.He took a deep breath and decided to look for clues in the surrounding houses.

But at this moment, the Taishan Blade he was carrying with him suddenly shot out a dazzling red light, approached Taishan Blade and flew out of his bag automatically, and flew towards the village.

Seeing this, Tong Yan and the others didn't know what happened, but everyone followed Tai Shanren and rushed over.

Taishan Blade kept moving forward and flew for about two or three minutes before finally stopping in front of an ancient well in the village.

Everyone's movements were not slow, and they arrived in front of the ancient well almost the moment Taishan Blade stopped.

Tong Yan stared at the ancient well, and immediately asked Taishan Ren: "Brother Shi Ling, what did you bring us here for? Could it be that there is something hidden under the ancient well?"

Before Shi Ling in Taishan Blade could answer, Qing Ming came to the mouth of the well first, and looked down.

"Little boy, hurry up and take a look, there seems to be something at the bottom of the well!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly asked, "What is it?"

Qingming still checked, but shook his head and said: "I can't tell right now, but... But after going down, I should be able to find out!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan turned to Taishan Ren and said, "Brother Shi Ling, you can now say, why did you bring us here? What's in this well?"

As soon as his words fell, Shi Ling's voice immediately sounded from the Mount Tai blade.

"Master, I seem to have sensed the Seven Sages of Willow Mountain, they are probably in this well!"

Hearing what Shi Ling said, Tong Yan was surprised and delighted for a moment.He originally thought that the Seven Sages of Liushan should fall into the hands of the old thief Bai Yong, but until he completely sealed the old thief Bai Yong, he could not see the Seven Sages of Liushan again.Where did the Seven Sages of Willow Mountain go, or whether they had lost their souls, he had no idea about it.

What I have to admit is that he did neglect the Seven Sages of Liushan. Before sealing the old thief Bai Yong, he should have asked about this matter clearly, but because he could not be careless in dealing with the old thief Bai Yong, he did it completely. Forgot about the Seven Saints of Willow Mountain.

"Brother Shi Ling, are you sure? The Seven Sages of Willow Mountain are really down here?"

The stone spirit inside the Taishan blade immediately replied: "Master, there are nine out of ten. We are both Taishan blade spirits, and there are more or less feelings between each other. It is because I suddenly sensed them that I have come here all the time. Beside the ancient well."

Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then asked again: "Brother Shi Ling, you said they were in this ancient well, so why didn't you come to see me? Could it be that they were trapped?"

"Master, I can't answer you now. How about I go down and have a look first, and report to you when I see them."

Tong Yan shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it will be dangerous for you to go down alone. If the Seven Sages of Liushan are really trapped in the well, you may never return if you go. I think it's still the case. Brother Qing and I will go down together. What is tricky in this well, you can find out for yourself."

Qing Ming naturally has no objection to such an arrangement, but Qiang Liang proposes to go down the well together.

In the end, Tong Yan couldn't persuade him, so Tong Yan could only compromise.

For this trip down the well, everything is still unknown, Tong Yan and the three of them all cheered up, and then turned over and went down the well one by one.

The ancient well they dug is located in the center of the village, and it should have a long history. Even today, this ancient well has not been completely abandoned. Some people in the village often come here to fetch water, and it is common to pour foundations for houses in the village. They all drank from this well.

And since it is not a dry well, the water in this well is naturally indispensable. Not long after Tong Yan and the three of them jumped into the well, there was a "plop plop" sound in the well.

Why did Tong Yan let Qing Ming go with him?The reason is very simple, Qingming is a descendant of Qinglong, who can call the wind and rain, and is naturally excellent in water. If he wants to go to the water, with Qingming as his helper, he will be like a tiger with wings.

The area inside this ancient well is actually not that big, with a diameter of only 1.5 meters. As for the depth, judging by common sense, it should be around ten meters at most.

Jumping into the water, a feeling of icy cold immediately hit the whole body. The temperature is actually not high now, so being stimulated by the cold water really makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

Tong Yan directly mobilized the power of the demon in his body, and the faint chill was immediately expelled from the body by the power of the demon.

Floating on the water, Tong Yan and the three of them looked around and saw that there was nothing special, so they immediately decided to dive into the bottom of the well to find out.

Qing Ming took the lead and dived first.Tong Yan and Qiang Liang followed closely behind, also quickly plunged down.

In ancient times, there were not many wells that were too deep, and about three feet (equivalent to ten meters) was common.But this ancient well was somewhat unexpected.

Tong Yan and the three of them dived down for a full 5 minutes, but they still haven't seen the bottom of the well.Not only that, but the further you go down, the area of ​​the well becomes bigger and bigger, almost like a deep pool.

Now that they had already gone down the well, the three of them naturally refused to give up easily. They all came down and left without looking into the details. Wouldn't that be a waste of work?

Led by Qing Ming, the three dived down for a few more minutes, and this time, they finally made a discovery.

What did you discover?Tong Yan sensed an extremely powerful yin energy, even the ghost king of the underworld would be hard to match.

Why does the underground have such a strong Yin Qi?Could it be that there are some evil spirits at the bottom of this well?Or is this water well connecting the worlds of yin and yang?

The three of them did not flinch and continued to dive.

But at this moment, their eyes were suddenly pitch black. Immediately afterwards, they felt that they were wrapped around their bodies by something silky.

Tong Yan was also trying hard to escape, but he discovered something unexpectedly.

What's the matter?These things wrapped around his body turned out to be strands of long black hair.

long hair?How could there be hair under the ancient well?Could it be that there is a water monster in this well?
There is no time to think about this, the most urgent thing is to get rid of the imprisonment of these hairs.

With a flash of green light, Qing Ming got away first.He used the Nine Nether Flame, and as soon as those hairs came into contact with the Nine Nether Flame, they shrank back suddenly.

Qing Ming saw that Jiuyou Lieyan had such power, and immediately assisted Tong Yan and Qiang Liang to escape.

Just waiting for the three of them to get away completely, those disgusting strands of hair had disappeared without a trace.

Where are those hairs from?It's the bottom of the well down here!
Being so stimulated, the three of them are now burning with anger.Dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head, the monster at the bottom of the well seems to be really impatient.

The three of them just made eye contact, and then dived quickly at the same time.

What is under the ancient well?Is there really a water monster entrenched?The result was quite unexpected!
(End of this chapter)

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