
Chapter 1332 The truth is amazing, why is it so?

Chapter 1332 The truth is amazing, why is it so?
With the strength of Tong Yan, Qing Ming, and Qiang Liang, monsters that can rival them certainly exist, but they are probably rare in the human world.

The three of them were provoked just now, and at this moment they were naturally furious, and they dived again, their speeds all increased a lot.

In this way, they dived down for another 2 minutes, and the bottom had become pitch black, as if black silt had settled down.

Seeing this in their eyes, the three of them couldn't help but feel a little depressed. The black hair that sneaked up on them just now must have been hiding in the darkness below.

Not much to say, Qing Ming directly released the Nine Nether Flame again, and then threw it downwards.

The Nine Nether Flame is not an ordinary flame, and it is naturally difficult to extinguish it with mere well water. The black hair that attacked everyone before is obviously afraid of the power of the Nine Nether Flame. Qing Ming's move is to force these hidden black hair out , and in this way, there is no need for everyone to continue diving, it is enough to wait and see.

Although what Qing Ming threw was just a fist-sized fireball, as soon as the fireball fell into the darkness below, it exploded like a flash bomb, and the dazzling blue light illuminated the bottom of the well. brightly lit.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the three of them hurried to watch.Seeing this, the three of them couldn't help but widen their eyes.

What exactly did they see?With the blue light released by the Nine Nether Flames, they actually saw a woman with disheveled hair sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the well.The woman's face cannot be seen from above, but what is certain is that she is naked at the moment, as if she is practicing with her eyes closed.

Under the ancient well, how could there be such a woman?This is really incomprehensible, but such a woman is probably no longer a human being. As for what it is, it is still impossible to say too clearly.

The light brought by the Nine Nether Flames only lasted for a while before disappearing, and the darkness spread all over the bottom of the well again, completely blocking everyone's sight.

Qing Ming had no choice but to shoot another fireball, but when the second fireball illuminated the bottom of the well, unexpectedly, the bottom of the well became empty, and there was no one left.

what happened?Why did the woman disappear out of thin air?It can't be that he escaped into the soil, right?

Tong Yan didn't want to think about it anymore, and immediately dived quickly, almost at the same time as the light of Jiuyou Lieyan disappeared, he just dived to the place where the woman was sitting before.

Qing Ming and Qiang Liang also followed closely behind, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

But just when the three of them settled down, unexpectedly, "giggle" laughter sounded from under their feet.

"Chuck... cluck..."

This laughter is really unflattering, and it sounds like it can only be described as crying and howling.

The sound sounded, and the three immediately lowered their heads to take a closer look.

But at this moment, pairs of black hands stretched out from under their feet.These black hands are not simple. Not only are the nails sharp, but there are also big bloody mouths on the palms.If you are accidentally caught by them, the consequences will be disastrous.

As soon as these black hands appeared, they grabbed Tong Yan and the three of them by their ankles. Fortunately, the three of them reacted quickly and jumped up quickly. Although they were not too fast, they also avoided these black hands. .

However, at the moment when the three of them jumped up, a large amount of black hair suddenly emerged from the cracks between the well bricks around their bodies.These black hairs are the things that attacked them before, and now they appear again, which is really hard to guard against.

Qing Ming was the first to discover these black strands of hair, and immediately released the Nine Nether Flames.But different from the last time, this time, these black hairs did not shrink back because of the flames of the Nine Nethers, but they came more fiercely and faster.

After all, the space in the well is limited, and it is unlikely that the three of them want to avoid these black hairs.And the strange hands below also stretched out at this time, as if the arms could grow infinitely.

There is a saying that a boat capsizes in the gutter, and the three of them have learned it thoroughly this time.

But it was not so easy to get the three of them to leave Gujing.

The imprint of the stars on Tong Yan's eyebrows flashed, and a mask immediately appeared on his body. Not only that, he also turned the Blue Soul Sword into a dagger in his hand, and slashed wildly at those black hairs that were rushing in. fight.

With the protection of stars and stars, these black hairs are actually not a big threat to him.And the Blue Soul Sword was unstoppably sharp, every time the sword was cut, those hairs were easily cut off.

At this moment, it is really unacceptable not to catch the culprit in the well.

Tong Yan was determined not to dodge any more, he dived down again like a glowing goldfish.

Seeing those black hands with big mouths grabbing head-on, he immediately drew out his sword continuously, and saw that those attacking strange hands had already been cut in half by his Blue Soul Sword before they even touched the mask around his body. .

With his leadership, Qing Ming and Qiang Liang are naturally not far behind.The two of them exerted all their strength one after another, forcibly blazing a trail of blood.

Coming to the bottom of the well again, Tong Yan no longer hesitated. He guessed that the culprit who manipulated these black hair and strange hands was the woman they saw before. Where did that woman go?Definitely still down here!As long as the woman is captured, these strange hands and black hair are naturally nothing to worry about.

He directly mobilized the power of the star source in his body, and stabbed down with a sharp sword.

When the sword stabbed, a scream sounded immediately.

Immediately afterwards, those black hair strands and those strange hands with their mouths open seemed to have been struck by lightning. After trembling a few times, they shattered and turned into black powder.

Tong Yan's sword should have stabbed the mysterious woman in the well, so following the direction of the blade, he plunged his hand in. After confirming what he touched, he grabbed it firmly with his big hand, and directly pushed Will mention it.

When he mentioned it, the result was indeed not disappointing. The one he brought up was indeed the woman who disappeared out of thin air.

But when he saw the woman's face clearly, his heart trembled unconsciously, and then his eyes widened.

"How could this be? How could it be you?"

He was really shocked, he was really completely stunned.It never occurred to him that this woman who was causing trouble in the well... was actually the girl from the archaeological and ancient teams he had rescued in the general's tomb.

When he rescued the girl, he was 100% sure that the girl was just an ordinary person, but now, the girl can not only live underwater, but also manipulate black hair and those strange hands, is this an ordinary person? What can be done?

He has always been suspicious of this girl's identity, because the old thief Bai Yong has said more than once that this girl is special.

But how to explain everything now?How could ordinary people suddenly become demons and spirits?What is the unknown secret here?
(End of this chapter)

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