
Chapter 1333 Desire to die, thick clouds!

Chapter 1333 Desire to die, thick clouds!

At this time, Tong Yan was completely shocked, looking at the girl in front of him, he didn't know how to deal with it for a while.If it was just an ordinary monster, he might have wiped it out without blinking an eye, but for this girl, not only could he not do anything, but he also felt inexplicable sympathy for her.

Qing Ming and Qiang Liang have never seen this girl before, let alone know the relationship between this girl and Tong Yan.

Seeing that Tong Yan was holding the strange girl with one hand, the two of them immediately wanted to help each other to kill the banshee.

Tong Yan saw that the killing intent of the two was slowing down, so he quickly reached out to stop them, and then, regardless of other things, he took the girl and swam towards the surface of the water.

The girl was very calm at the moment, but this calmness made people feel a little creepy.She just smiled strangely, her eyes all fell on Tong Yan's face.

Tong Yan couldn't bear to look the girl in the eyes, he just wanted to take her out of the ancient well, and then ask her more clearly.

Qingming and Qiangliang had no choice but to follow behind them, but they did not take it lightly and were on guard.

The movements of several people were very fast, and they surfaced in a short time.

But just when Tong Yan was about to take the girl out of the ancient well, the girl who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke.

"Don't you kill me quickly? Aren't you afraid that I will continue to harm people? "

Hearing this, Tong Yan was a little surprised, but he didn't pay much attention to it, but with a movement of his body, he flew her out of the ancient well.

Because the girl was naked, Tong Yan used the power of the stars to condense a long silver dress on her just after flying away from the ancient well, but this made the girl look even more bewitching.

A trip down the well ended with capturing the girl.

Now is the time to ask her about everything. The tragic death of the people in the village may have something to do with this girl.

Because of being injured by Tong Yan's Blue Soul Sword, this girl is not afraid, but it's hard to say whether she will be honest.

"Girl, you can tell me now, why did you live under this ancient well? When I rescued you, didn't there be a monster walking with you? Where is the monster now?"

Tong Yan directly started to cross-examine, hoping to get an answer from the girl.

When the girl heard this, the weird smile on her face was added, and then she giggled and said, "You saved me? Why didn't I know? Could it be that you wanted to get close to me, so you made up a lie? As for the monster you mentioned, I know that monster, but because it is too obtrusive, I have already eaten it!"

have eaten?As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Although the monster's ability is not too high, but compared with the strength of this girl, it should not be swallowed. How did this girl do it?Or was she not telling the truth?
Tong Yan frowned slightly, and then said: "The people in this village were all killed by you? Why did you kill them?"

Hearing this, the girl smiled and said, "Kill? No, this is what they are willing to do. It is they who are willing to offer their heart and liver. Why don't I eat it?"

Eat again?This girl ate the monster, and also ate the hearts of the people in this village?Regardless of why her appetite is so good, just this evil deed of eating heart is already intolerable.

Tong Yan suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked again: "You said that they gave their hearts willingly, but I think you tricked them into submitting with sorcery. Say, why do you want to eat their hearts? How does it benefit you? Aren't you afraid of offending God and being bombarded by five thunders?"

Hearing this, the girl smiled disdainfully and said, "Five thunders strike the top? There are countless evil gods in the world, how many of them were struck by the five thunders? If God really has eyes, how can there be demons and ghosts in this world? As for me The reason why I like to eat people's hearts and livers is very simple. I need to practice, I need Taoism, and eating people's hearts and livers can make me improve my cultivation base, why not do it? Well, let's stop talking nonsense, you are not upholding justice Is it? Then do justice for the sky and kill me quickly!"

Before Tong Yan could open his mouth, Qing Ming said angrily, "Evil barrier, you have killed so many people, do you think you still have a way out? If you want to die, then I will make it possible for you!" The Nine Nether Flame was condensed, and it seemed that it was about to do it.

Seeing this, Tong Yan hurriedly stopped him and said, "Brother Qing, there are still things I haven't asked clearly, and it's not too late to find her later. Girl, I always thought you were just an ordinary person, but you have become the woman you are now. This looks like this. I don’t know if I read it wrong, or you were cursed. Let me ask you again, why were you imprisoned in the general’s tomb by the old thief Bai Yong? remember?"

"Imprisoned? When was I imprisoned? I don't know what you are talking about, and I don't want to talk nonsense to you anymore. Kill me quickly, kill me! Could it be that you dare not?"

This girl's desire to die is really puzzling.In terms of emotion and reason, this girl deserves to die, but Tong Yan always feels that there are too many strange things in it, if she really gets rid of her, I'm afraid it will be too late to regret it.

Just when Tong Yan didn't know how to make a decision, Shi Ling inside Taishan Blade suddenly sent a voice transmission: "Master, the Seven Sages of Liushan are in her body, you should hurry up and find a way to rescue them!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help being startled, the Seven Sages of Willow Mountain are actually in this girl's body, why didn't he notice it?Why didn't Shi Ling notice it before?
He thought about it secretly, trying to sort out the relationship inside.

But at this moment, the girl suddenly raised her head and laughed loudly, and said provocatively while laughing: "Omen Star, the world says you are extremely smart, but from today's point of view, you are nothing more than that. A mere girl Is the flesh body confusing you? Hurry up and kill me, I can't wait. Haha...haha..."

what happened?Could it be that the girl's body was taken over by a demon?But why is there no trace of monster energy, and no magic energy?
Such doubts are really hard to understand.And it was precisely because of this confusion that Tong Yan couldn't make a move so easily.But the question is, if you don't take action, can you just let the murderer who killed the people of the village continue to go unpunished?

Just when Tong Yan and the others were in a dilemma, the Kuafu tribe who came with them suddenly spoke.

"Brother Tong Yan, why did a mere monster make you difficult like this? Isn't it easy to figure out everything? Use the method of leaving the soul, no matter what monster or ghost resides in this girl's body, keep him on the spot! "

What the Kuafu tribe said is indeed a solution, but Tong Yan doesn't know the method of leaving the soul at all, so it seems that he can only do it for him.

"Friend, since you mentioned the method of leaving the soul, please help me!"

The Kuafu tribe laughed and said, "I am willing to help, but you have to promise me one condition!"

"Conditions? What conditions?"

"It's very simple! After it's done, you need to take me to a place."

Tong Yan was puzzled and immediately asked, "Where?"

"Qingcheng Mountain!"

Qingcheng Mountain?What is this guy going to do in Mount Qingcheng?
(End of this chapter)

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