
Chapter 1334 Force all out, block the way!

Chapter 1334 Force all out, block the way!
Tong Yan didn't know about the strange things that happened in Qingcheng Mountain recently, so he agreed directly.As for why the Kuafu tribe asked Tong Yan to accompany them to Mount Qingcheng, maybe it was just a coincidence, or there were other reasons.

But no matter what, at this moment, he did what he said, and immediately began to use the method of leaving the soul.

The so-called method of leaving the soul, as the name suggests, is to separate the soul from the body. It is different from scaring people away from the soul. This method of leaving the soul is more overbearing and belongs to the category of sorcery.Since it is a sorcery, it is reasonable for Tong Yan and others not to know it.

In order to make the girl feel at ease, Tong Yan specially used the power of the stars in her body to imprison her tightly. In this way, even if the girl refused, she would have nowhere to hide, nowhere to escape.

The method of leaving the soul is generally aimed at humans, but the more advanced method of leaving the soul is also effective against demons.

The method of leaving the soul performed by the Kuafu tribe belongs to the relatively advanced one, because what he borrows is not only his own power, but also the power of heaven and earth.

Even though he has only one hand all over his body, it doesn't affect his spellcasting. On the contrary, he looks more comfortable and free.

The first thing he did was to draw a circle around the girl's body. As soon as the circle was drawn, the sky became restless, and he saw a red cloud slowly condensing in midair.

The Kuafu tribe didn't delay, and instead drew a few triangles around the circle.As these triangles were drawn, black air gushed out from the ground, echoing the red clouds in the sky.

In fact, it is not difficult to see the technique performed by the Kuafu tribe. The circle he drew represents the sky, and then attracts the power of the sky.The triangles he drew represent mountains and rivers, which in turn lead to the power of the earth.

Now that the power of heaven and earth has been mobilized, it is time to truly perform the method of leaving the soul, that is to mobilize the power of heaven and earth to enter the girl's body, and use the power of heaven and earth to completely destroy the three souls and seven souls in the girl's body. forced out.

Tong Yan and the others just watched from the sidelines, and they naturally wished for the ability to see other people display their supernatural powers with their own eyes.

However, Tong Yan's heart is not at peace. On the one hand, he hopes that the Kuafu tribe can completely force out the contents of this girl's body, but on the other hand, he also hopes that the girl's original soul still exists in this girl's body, because Only in this way, it means that the girl is still alive, otherwise, it means that the girl has already died.

Time passed little by little, and the Kuafu tribe had begun to mobilize the power of heaven and earth to inject into the girl's body.And with the injection of the power of heaven and earth, the girl also became moody.

She laughed loudly for a while, cried loudly for a while, looked wronged for a while, and grimly for a while.

The various abnormalities shown by this girl look like a split personality, but she is by no means as simple as a split personality. It is estimated that something in her body will show up soon.

Tong Yan and the others had already made preparations, they just waited for the thing in the girl's body to appear, and took it down in one fell swoop.

To be on the safe side, Tong Yan, Qing Ming, and Qiang Liang stood around the girl respectively, as long as the thing came out, it would have nowhere to escape.

In this slightly tense atmosphere, the girl suddenly raised her head and let out a scream. Immediately afterwards, she saw several balls of gas rushing out of her body.

Tong Yan and the others were naturally ready to fight, but to their great surprise, it was the Seven Sages of Liushan who first burst out of the girl's body.

How could the Seven Sages of Willow Mountain be in this girl's body?This really exceeded everyone's expectations.

But after thinking about it, they actually had clues long before they went down the well.

The reason why the stone spirit in Taishan Blade led Tong Yan and the others to the ancient well was because it sensed the Seven Sages of Willow Mountain.But after Tong Yan and the others went down the well, they didn't see the Seven Sages of Liushan, they just brought the girl from the well up.

Now the Seven Sages of Willow Mountain are gushing out from this girl's body, it's really unexpected, but it's also very reasonable.But why did they enter the girl's body, and why did they never rendezvous with Tong Yan? You have to ask them to get the answer.

Seeing the Seven Sages of Liushan pouring out of the girl's body, Tong Yan immediately sacrificed the Taishan Blade and directly took the seven of them into it.

After the Seven Sages of Willow Mountain were included in Taishan Blade, new gas gushed out from the girl's body soon. Looking carefully, it turned out that the monster that escorted the girl to escape from the general's tomb appeared this time.Well, it was actually eaten by the girl, and even the demon soul was swallowed into her body.

The monster's soul just came out of the girl's body, saw Tong Yan at a glance, and flew straight over immediately.But before it got close to Tong Yan, Qing Ming and Qiang Liang, who surrounded the girl's body together, shot without saying a word.

And at the moment when Qingming and Qiangliang were dealing with the monster's soul, a cloud of gas surged out of the girl's body again, and she rushed directly through the gap between Qingming and Qiangliang without stopping.

This gas is purple in color, and its aura is extremely strong. It is obvious at first glance that it is not an easy master to deal with.

Maybe it's the thing that really manipulates the girl's body!

Tong Yan saw that he didn't dare to delay, and immediately said to Qing Ming and Qiang Liang urgently: "This is my friend, and that is the evildoer who harms people. Don't waste time, quickly follow me to kill demons and eliminate demons!" "

Before he finished speaking, he had already resorted to shifting his shape, and chased after him one step ahead.

Qingming and Qiangliang were taken aback when they heard this, quickly abandoned the monster's soul, and followed after it.

But just after the three of them went to chase after the purple air mass, another cloud of black air gushed out from the girl's body, but this time the black air was no longer a demon, but the girl's original soul.

The faster the purple air mass escaped, the more certain Tong Yan was about one thing, that is, the purple air mass was the culprit who killed the people in the village.

But the question is, why didn't he notice any demonic aura in this purple air mass?

What is this purple air mass?It committed such a heinous crime, so it couldn't be a demon or something, it couldn't be a god, beast or god, could it?
Tong Yan couldn't figure this out for a while, but as long as he captured the purple air mass, the truth would surely be revealed to the world.

In terms of speed, Tong Yan's speed is obviously better, and a shift of shape makes many masters far behind.

Although the speed of the purple air mass is not slow, it is obvious that this guy is a little flustered. He wants to run to the right for a while, and then wants to run to the left for a while. As a result, the serpentine path it took is of course not as good as Tong Yan's straight path. .

In less than 10 minutes, with Tong Yan's final transformation, he completely blocked the way of the purple air mass.

Now it's time to unravel all the mysteries!

(End of this chapter)

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