
Chapter 1335 His name is Xiongbo, and he has committed a heinous crime!

Chapter 1335 His name is Xiongbo, and he has committed a heinous crime!
"Sinister, where do I think I can escape? Quickly catch him, or he will be killed!"

As soon as the words were finished, Tong Yan immediately flashed the Blue Soul Sword, holding the sword in one hand, his whole body was shining with stars, and his eyes were full of cold light.

In the dark night, his appearance is too eye-catching, and the feeling he brings is as holy and unchallengeable as a god.

The purple air mass was blocked and had to stop, but it hadn't transformed, so it couldn't see its true face.

After such a short time, Qingming and Qiangliang also caught up, and if the purple air mass wanted to escape, it might not be possible.

Qing Ming clenched his fists and said with anger on his face: "Damn scum, tell me, did you kill all the people in that village? Why did you kill them?"

The purple air mass hesitated for a while, and finally made a human voice, and it was still a low and hoarse male voice.

"Kill them? I've already said that they offered their hearts, and I just fulfilled them. If there is something wrong with accepting their sacrifices, then you Azure Dragon Clan are probably also guilty of heinous crimes, right?"

When Qing Ming heard this, he immediately flew into a rage and said: "Bold monster, you are worthy of being compared with my Qinglong clan? What are you? Let me tell you, my Qinglong clan has been protecting the East since ancient times, and has never You have done harm to innocent people. A wicked person like you should be shredded into pieces and never reborn!"

Hearing this, the purple air mass laughed and said, "It's really arrogant! What's so great about your Qinglong clan? You Qinglong are divine beasts, don't I?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan and the others were shocked.Could it be that the culprit who manipulated the girl's body to mutilate the people of a village is really a divine beast?
Tong Yan frowned, thinking quickly in his mind.He had been speculating on the identity of this purple air mass before, but not only did this air mass not have demonic aura, it didn't even have yin energy. In this way, he came to the conclusion that this thing is not among demons and ghosts.If it is not among the demons and ghosts, what could this thing be?Elf?Spirit beast?Or a beast?Fairy?

Now this thing is said to be a divine beast, it seems that it should be almost inseparable.

But there are quite a few types of divine beasts, what kind of divine beast is this thing?

Before he could open his mouth to ask, Qing Ming asked directly.

"Spiritual beast? It's a joke! You say you are a divine beast? Then tell me, what kind of divine beast are you? What kind of divine beast would harm innocent people, and what kind of divine beast would commit such a wicked deed?"

Faced with Qing Ming's questioning, the purple air ball immediately transformed into a big purple-haired dog.This big dog has a physique stronger than that of a lion, a pair of dog ears stand straight up, a pair of dog eyes glowing with a piercing purple light, two tongues grow out of a dog's mouth, and the huge dog teeth are about to catch up. The wild boar's teeth protrude, which is very frightening.

Besides, the shape of this big dog is more than two meters high and three meters long. The four minions are extremely sharp and the purple hair is standing upright. It is definitely not a good person.

Tong Yan had never seen such a strange beast, and it seemed that he had never heard of it.Could it be that this guy is really one of the beasts?
Qing Ming, like Tong Yan, knew nothing about this strange beast, so he was also somewhat puzzled.

But what I didn't expect was that the two of them didn't know the name of this strange beast, but Qiang Liang told the truth straight away.

"It is indeed a divine beast, its name is Xiongbo!"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Qiangliang, is it really the legendary Xiongbo? You won't admit it wrong, will you?"

Qiang Liang shook his head and said: "No, it is the god of the same period as me. Although we have never met each other, we have heard of each other to some extent. Uncle Xiong, am I right?"

As soon as he said this, the big purple-haired dog immediately said: "Well! So you are Qiangliang! I really didn't recognize you when you turned into a human. But you are a majestic god, Why are you here? Logically speaking, the gods should not allow you to appear in the human world, right?"

Hearing this, Qiangliang snorted coldly and said, "Since I'm back, I'm naturally not afraid of them. Three realms and six realms, I can go wherever I want, no one cares. But you, you are a famous beast anyway, why do you want to harm people?" Life? How did those people offend you?"

Hearing this, Uncle Xiong smiled disdainfully and said, "It's a mere mortal, so what's the point of a few deaths? Compared with those gods in the sky, my evil deeds are really insignificant. Besides, everything is predestined by heaven. I just happened to wake up in that girl's body, and I just needed to recover my essence, so I asked them to offer my heart, liver and soul. Speaking of which, wouldn't it be their honor to die for this god?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said angrily, "Nie Zhan, ate their souls too?"

Uncle Xiong said noncommittally: "I ate it, what's the matter? Do you still want me to spit it out? It's a pity that I want to vomit now, I'm afraid it's too late. The souls of those villagers have already turned into me in my stomach. The divine power in the body is gone. Hehe..."

"It's bad enough for you to kill them, how can you deprive them of their qualifications for reincarnation? Sinister, I don't care if you are a beast or not, I can't spare you today, I want to avenge the people of that village! Give me my life Come!"

Tong Yan was completely angry, especially after learning that this Xiongbo even failed to let go of the souls of the people in that village.It is true that he met the people in that village just by chance, but his sense of justice told him that he must do something for the people in that village, otherwise their death would be meaningless.

With an angry shout, he directly rushed towards Xiongbo with the Blue Soul Sword in his hand.That Xiongbo is a divine beast, and he became famous very early, so his strength is naturally not weak.

As soon as Tong Yan came up to him, it swung its sharp claws and slapped fiercely.

Seeing this, Qing Ming and Qiang Liang who were at the side, dared not delay, also attacked one after another.

The battle between the Three Heroes and "Lü Bu" seems to be a foregone conclusion for this Xiongbo's defeat.

But there is a question that still hasn't been solved.That's why this Xiongbo resides in that girl's body?How can the body of a mortal bear the soul of a beast?Maybe there is still a secret in that girl, but Tong Yan, Qing Ming and others are not in the mood to think about it at this moment.

They only had one thought in their minds, that is to kill the Xiongbo in front of them completely, to avenge the tragic death of the people in that village.

The three men besieged, but after a while, Xiongbo was a little bit hard to resist.

But there is a saying that rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry. Seeing that his life was in danger, Xiongbo became tough.

From the looks of it, this is a desperate fight.

But just when the fierce battle was about to come to an end, unexpectedly, a few unexpected guests arrived quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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