
Chapter 1336 Can only compromise, 7 stars descend to earth!

Chapter 1336 Can only compromise, seven stars descend to earth!
Xiongbo's name has existed since ancient times, and he is a god who eats ghosts in legends.Since it was regarded as a god by the ancients, it must have benefited the world in the past.However, because of their past meritorious service, today they can act recklessly and kill innocent people indiscriminately.The common people in a village were brutally murdered by him. If they were not punished severely, what is the law of heaven and where is the justice?

Tong Yan, Qing Ming, and Qiang Liang are already intent on killing. Such evil gods must not be spared, otherwise more innocent people will be killed by them.

This Xiongbo knew that a disaster was imminent, and in order to survive, he burst out with powerful fighting power in an instant.

It raised its head and roared, and the purple fur on its body condensed into lumps in the blink of an eye. Looking up, it was like pieces of scales, firmly protecting it.

In fact, it doesn't have a physical body, so there is no need to do so. Such extravagance shows that it is already in chaos and panic, and the more it is like this, the closer it is to death.

Across the audience, whether it is Tong Yan, Qing Ming, or Qiang Liang, all three of them have the strength to single out this beast Xiongbo, so no matter how hard this Xiongbo tries, the result of his defeat will not change at all. Just earlier or later.

But obviously Tong Yan and the others didn't want this Xiong Bo to live too long, no, with the roar of dragons and tigers, Qing Ming and Qiang Liang all turned into their bodies one after another, which made it even more difficult for Xiong Bo to parry.

After Qingming turned into a green dragon, he opened his big mouth and spewed out flames ferociously, and what he spewed out was not ordinary flames, but the mighty Nine Nether Flames.

Qiangliang saw Qingming's great display of power, and naturally he was not to be outdone. He clasped his hands and swung them violently, and two giant yellow snakes immediately appeared in his hands.

One side is Qingming's Nine Nether Flame, one side is Qiangliang's ferocious twin snakes, and the other side is Tongyan's magic weapon blade. Xiongbo is surrounded by three people, and the situation has taken a turn for the worse. As long as the three of them attack at the same time, this Xiongbo is afraid There is no doubt that he must die.

"Brother Qing, Qiangliang, the three of us will fight together to wipe out this evil and comfort the souls of that village!"

After hearing this, Qing Ming and Qiang Liang nodded in response.

A cold light flashed in Tong Yan's eyes, and immediately jumped up high, holding the Blue Soul Sword, and slashed out with a sudden strike.Seeing this, Qing Ming and Qiang Liang shot almost simultaneously.

The time of Xiongbo's death has come, unless there is help from the gods and men, there is no way out.

But what Tong Yan and others didn't expect was that at this moment, there was a loud "click" in the sky, and then, seven beams of lightning were seen descending from the sky, and they took the first step to protect the Xiongbo .

Tong Yan and the others had already made a move, so naturally they couldn't take it back.I heard a few loud bangs, good guy, Tong Yan and the others were all pushed back more than ten meters away.

Looking intently, around that Xiongbo, seven light shields appeared, not only protecting him firmly, but also knocking Tong Yan and the others back.

What the hell is going on here?What is going on with these seven shields of light falling from the sky?

Tong Yan frowned, stepped forward again holding the Blue Soul Sword, and then shouted loudly: "Who is so holy, how dare you work for a tiger and join forces with this evil. Don't you want to go against the sky?"

His voice was extremely loud, and it contained not only righteousness, but also anger.

The light of the seven light shields only lasted for a while, and then they all shrank. Then, seven people dressed in silver armor and unarmed appeared.

Tong Yan took a careful look at it deliberately, but he didn't expect his heart to tremble inexplicably, and his eyes widened involuntarily.

"You? It's you? Why did you come here? You want to save this evil?"

Judging from Tong Yan's tone, he must know these seven "God Men" who descended from the sky, but who are these seven people?

At this moment, the tallest man in silver armor among the seven spoke.

"Heavenly Demon Star, you can't kill this beast. I will take it to the heavens and let it be sent by the God King. I advise you not to be obsessed with your obsession, but run for your life!"

Hearing this, before Tong Yan could respond, Qing Ming spoke first.

"It's really shameless, no matter who you are, if you want to protect this evil, you just can't! It killed the people of one village, and made the people of that village go out of their wits. It's hard to reincarnate. This kind of evil must be severely punished, otherwise the heavens will not tolerate it!"

The man in the silver armor who spoke before said again: "Descendant of the Azure Dragon, I know that you have justice in your heart and hate evil like hatred, but it is not your turn to kill this beast. The Lord God King ordered me to bring it back. It’s better to be more peaceful, but don’t set yourself on fire and kill yourself instead.”

Hearing this, Qingming snorted coldly and said: "You killed yourself? It also depends on whether you have the ability. We will kill this evil. Whoever dares to stop him is our enemy. Don't look at you from the sky. Come up, if we really want to fight, whoever wins and who loses is not sure!"

After so many years, Qing Ming still has the same character as before, straightforward and fearless, even if the "heavenly man" is here, he still has the courage to fight.

In fact, the same is true for Tong Yan, but Tong Yan tends to be more rational most of the time.The blind impulse is to live a chic life, but if you harm yourself in vain, then the gain outweighs the loss.

No, Tong Yan chose to tolerate and regress this time.

"Brother Qing, let them take Uncle Xiong away! We don't want to be enemies with them, this fight is unnecessary!"

As soon as this remark came out, Qing Ming and Qiang Liang were completely puzzled.

"Xiao Tong, what are you talking about? Are you just letting this Xiong Bo go? This beast has killed so many people, so why don't you pursue it? Don't tell me, you are afraid of them, right?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled wryly and said, "You're right, I'm really afraid of them. Because I know in my heart that we are not their opponents at all. Besides, they are not our enemies either."

When he said this, Qing Ming and Qiang Liang became even more puzzled.

"Little Tong, what are you talking about? Do you know them?"

Tong Yan didn't answer directly, but clasped his fists at the leader of the silver armor and said: "Senior, you can take him away. I won't send him away!"

Hearing this, the silver-armored man at the head nodded slightly, and then turned his head to gesture to the other six silver-armored men.

Seeing this, the other six men in silver armor immediately shot at the same time.They saw six silver chains fly out of their hands, directly and firmly locked that Xiongbo.

I don't know if this Xiongbo was scared out of his wits, or if he knew he was powerless, he didn't even resist, but let the six chains lock him up.

Seeing that the chain had been locked, the silver-armored man at the head said to Tong Yan again: "I'll just go ahead, careful yourself!"

After leaving this sentence, the seven men in silver armor looked up at the sky at the same time, and then turned into lightning and shot towards the sky.As for that Xiongbo, dragged by the six men in silver armor, he also sank into the dark night sky.

Xiong Bo was taken away like this, but the identities of the seven people became doubts for Qing Ming and Qiang Liang.

Qing Ming sighed softly, and then asked Tong Yan: "Who are those seven guys? You should have known them a long time ago, right?"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "That's right, I do know them. They are not others, but the seven stars of the Big Dipper!"

(End of this chapter)

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