
Chapter 1338 The unfinished battle is Qingcheng again!

Chapter 1338 The unfinished battle is Qingcheng again!
Tong Yan has already heard the meaning behind Bai Wuchang's words. It is obvious that Hei Wuchang did not come to help this time as they said, maybe it was because he was instructed by others, so he made a special trip to visit.

What Tong Yan hates the most is being blackmailed by others, and what Bai Wuchang said actually already pointed out something, a mere resurrection with a dead body, why does the King of Hell need to take action, how can it make people feel angry if he evades it clearly.

Seeing the displeasure on Tong Yan's face, Bai Wuchang hurriedly said: "Military master, calm down, calm down! We are old acquaintances, why should you make things difficult for us? Besides, we came here this time out of kindness. You want to let your sister enter the Netherworld early, or arrange for her to be reincarnated as soon as her yang life ends, but you still want her to return to the yang to be reborn. Isn’t this difficult for some strong people? Military division, there are rules in the underworld. If we really help your sister to pay back her yang, our brother may be in great trouble. I hope the military master will remember our past friendship, so let our brother go!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "Qiye, we are all sensible people. I don't know what plans you have in mind, but you should tell me what Lord Yan's plans are, right? It should be his arrangement that you come here Bar?"

Hearing this, Black and White Wuchang's faces all changed, which confirmed Tong Yan's speculation.

Bai Wuchang was silent for a while, and finally sighed softly: "Forget it, I know I can't hide anything from you, so I'd better tell you the truth! That's right, the reason why our brothers came here is because On the one hand, it is indeed to take your sister to the underworld, and on the other hand, Lord Yan has something for us to convey to you."

"Have something to convey? Hehe...I'm afraid it's not that simple? Tell me, what exactly did he ask you to say to me? I'm all ears."

Bai Wuchang's expression was a bit awkward, but he still said truthfully: "Yan Wangye hopes that you can subdue that swallowing dragon, and...and let it persuade King Jiuyou to stop fighting and stop making enemies with the Underworld!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help showing doubts. "Swallowing the sky? King Jiuyou? What's going on? Can you explain in more detail?"

When Bai Wuchang heard this, he quickly explained: "Military Master, isn't Tuntianyu the strange beast that left Taishan Yincao with you? What? You forgot? And that Jiuyou King, who was in the holy water temple that day, you should Have you met him?"

Of course Tong Yan didn't forget, but he was in a trance for a while.Who is Tun Tianjiao?It's not a bystander, it's that Qiuqiu who left Taishan Yincao together with Tongyan.Who is Jiuyou King?It is the king of the Nine Nether Lands!
Back then in Shengshui Temple, Qiuqiu suddenly turned into Tuntianyan, annexing Princess Jiuyou who was sealed underground by Yama of the Ten Palaces.Yincao Hades has always used Princess Jiuyou as a threat to control the land of Jiuyou.Because of this, the Land of Nine Nethernesses and the Underworld of Yincao are at odds with each other.When Tuntian Yuqiu snatched away Princess Jiuyou, he said that she would be released on July 49th, but Tong Yan didn't wait until that day, and fought a fierce battle with Kunpeng, and happened to be bombarded by sky thunder, and then Set foot on the path of Asura.

A lot of things happened after that, and in a flash, it has been many years later.

The events of the past are vividly remembered, and it is unavoidable to be somewhat embarrassing.I don't know what is going on with Princess Jiuyou, let alone where Tuntian Jiuqiu is now, or whether the Jiuyou army really broke into the Underworld.So many questions, all of which emerged in his mind.

Tong Yan shook his head helplessly, and then asked: "Since Lord Yan sent you here on a special trip, it must be that King Jiuyou refused to let them go, right?"

Hearing this, Bai Wuchang sighed softly and said, "That's right, the King of Nine Nethers often sends spirit beasts and old spirits from the Nine Nethers to the Underworld to fight. This contest has been going on for several years. You have been Asura said, naturally he doesn’t know about this. But now that you’re back, it’s up to you whether you can quell this unnecessary war.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "It's all up to me? What does it have to do with me? Yama of the ten palaces committed their own crimes, so they should bear it themselves. I have no obligation to work for them."

Seeing that Tong Yan was still full of anger, Bai Wu could only continue to comfort him: "Military Master, I know that the cause of this matter lies in the Underworld. But it happened after all, and we have to find a way to solve it. And...and that Tun Tian is a man after all. Your strange beast is holding Princess Jiuyou and refuses to let her go. You should intervene. What's more... and the years of wars have had a great impact on the order of the underworld. I'm afraid that everything will be in chaos. You are a skywalker, you can't watch the Three Realms suffer!"

Although Bai Wuchang's words are not pleasant to listen to, they are indeed true.If the underworld cannot be peaceful for a day, it will inevitably affect the reincarnation of the soul, and if the soul cannot be arranged in time, it will also bring troubles to the human world. If things go on like this, the Three Realms will also be in chaos.

In addition, he really wanted to see Qiuqiu. After all, Qiuqiu is his spirit beast. If Qiuqiu acts recklessly and kills innocent people indiscriminately, how can he, the master, separate the relationship?
After thinking for a while, he finally made a decision.

"Well, you're right, I really should take care of it. But the problem is, how do I know where that Tuntian is? I can't find it, so how can I let it go?"

Hearing what Tong Yan said, Bai Wuchang hurriedly smiled and said, "Military Master, you don't know where that Tuntian is, but I know! It's not anywhere else, it's cultivating in Qingcheng Mountain!"

Qingcheng Mountain?The Kuafu tribe asked Tong Yan to accompany him to Mount Qingcheng. Could it be a coincidence between the two?
Tong Yan frowned and said: "Mount Qingcheng is a fairy mountain. It is cultivating there, so no one cares about it?"

Hearing this, Bai Wuchang smiled wryly and said, "I don't care? Tuntianyu's current cultivation base is amazing, not to mention those low-level monks, even if they are masters of earth immortal cultivation base, they are not its opponent at all. Some people want to control it, but what's the use of not being able to control it? You can't just die in vain, right?"

Tong Yan had to admit that he really underestimated Qiuqiu's strength, no matter how it was before, at least Qiuqiu is already a top-notch player now.

"Okay, I've made a note. We'll head to Mount Qingcheng after we finish dealing with my sister's affairs!"

Bai Wuchang smiled and said: "Military Master, leave your sister's matter to me. Don't you just want her to return to the sun? Our brothers will handle it, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "Now I'm happy to agree, but my sister's body is no longer usable, how can I make her return?"

Bai Wuchang laughed and said: "Military Master, before we came here, we have found a body for her. Not only the appearance is similar, but also the age and body shape are also very matching. If you don't believe me, you can go with our brothers and guarantee satisfy you!"

Tong Yan smiled wryly and said, "Qi Ye, you have really worked hard. Well, since you have already made arrangements, I won't go with you. Just like Brother Qing said, the fate between me and my sister is from the previous life. In this life, it is better for her not to know that I am a talent. In short, I will entrust her to you, please!"

Heiheiwuchang heard this, and immediately agreed.

After sending off Black and White Impermanence, the sun has already drilled a small half.Tong Yan took a deep breath, and then said to everyone: "Let's go, let's go to Qingcheng Mountain!"

In Qingcheng Mountain, what is waiting for him?

(End of this chapter)

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