
Chapter 1339 Mysterious, what treasure is it?

Chapter 1339 Mysterious, what treasure is it?
They are located thousands of miles away from Mount Qingcheng, such a long distance cannot be reached all at once.

Tong Yan was not too anxious, because there was not much difference between arriving at Qingcheng Mountain one day earlier and arriving at Qingcheng Mountain one day later.

I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, if Qiuqiu (Tuntian) is really in Qingcheng Mountain, he can find it no matter what.

It's just that he was a little puzzled, why did Qiuqiu secretly cultivate in Qingcheng Mountain?And why did the Kuafu family members go to Mount Qingcheng?
In addition to these two questions, there is also the old man of the archaeological team. The old man once mentioned to him an ancient tomb on Qingcheng Mountain.This trip is going to Qingcheng Mountain, he might as well stop by the ancient tomb to have a look, maybe he can find some unexpected discoveries.

The group did not dare to be too ostentatious. They flew and stopped along the way, for fear of being seen by ordinary people. After all, their existence is unknown, and they tried to cover up their identities as much as possible to avoid unnecessary panic.

Qingcheng Mountain is located in the southwest of Dujiangyan City, CD City, Sichuan Province. The highest peak, Laojun Pavilion, is more than 1000 meters above sea level. It is divided into the front mountain and the back mountain.The forests in the whole mountain are verdant, evergreen in all seasons, and surrounded by peaks, which look like the outline of a city, so it is named Qingcheng Mountain.

The reason why Qingcheng Mountain is famous all over the world is because of its beautiful scenery, and the most important thing is because of the way of heavenly masters.Legend has it that Zhang Daoling, the master of heaven, manifested himself in Qingcheng Mountain in his later years and emerged here.Since then, Mount Qingcheng has become the ancestral mountain of the Taoism of Celestial Masters, and all the celestial masters from all over the world have come to Mount Qingcheng to worship their ancestors.

Zhang Daoling is the head of the four celestial masters, and it is also rumored that he is a disciple of the Supreme Lord. He has a great reputation and stands like a peak among the immortals.Even such a great celestial master has transformed into a fairy here in Qingcheng Mountain, which shows that Qingcheng Mountain has enough aura and has been named as a fairy for a long time.

But logically speaking, the more such a place is, the more ghosts and ghosts should dare not approach it. Qiuqiu would choose to practice in such a fairy mountain. I really don't understand what it is planning.

The group stopped and went, and finally arrived at the foot of Mount Qingcheng three days later.

But obviously, they came at the wrong time. It was getting late at this moment, and it happened that there was a strong wind. It was obviously unwise to go up the mountain at this time.

Fortunately, this is a scenic spot, and there is a town nearby, so Tong Yan decided to rest in the nearby town for a night first, and it would not be too late to climb the mountain the next morning.

Except for the Kuafu clansman who was eager to go up the mountain, everyone else followed Tong Yan's lead, and the minority obeyed the majority. That night, everyone stayed in the small hotel in the town like this.

Although everyone does not have an ID card, but fortunately they are rich.Of course, this so-called money is not real money, but genuine gold.Speaking of having this gold, I have to thank Qiu Long, who picked it up when he left the general's tomb, otherwise, Tong Yan and the others might have to sleep in the wilderness.

The small hotel they lived in was really not big, how small was it?It was rebuilt from an ordinary private house, and there were no more than three rooms in it. In this way, it became unrealistic to enjoy the treatment of a single room.

The final allocation was that Tong Yan and Qing Ming shared a room, and the others shared the other room equally.

After taking a good bath, Tong Yan lay down on the bed.During the days when he returned to the human world, he hardly slept much, and he was always in a state of mental tension. This hot bath really made him feel a lot more relaxed, and he was no longer so tired.

Qing Ming made him a cup of tea, and the two chatted in the room.

"Little boy, what are your plans next? Do you really want to be an enemy of the heavens?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled wryly and said, "It's not that I must take revenge, but that if I don't do something, the heavens will not let me go. You may not know that in the eyes of the gods in the heavens, I am a They wanted to pull it out a long time ago. It’s just that they didn’t dare to be so blatant because of some rules. When I was in Asura, the generals of the heavens had already shot at me, but fortunately I should not die. I have only survived until today. Didn’t Lord Big Dipper say when he left, let me be more careful, I guess the killer from the heavens should come soon. What else do you think I can do? I can’t just sit and wait for death, right?”

Hearing this, Qing Ming sighed softly and said, "I really can't figure out why the heavens insist on putting you to death? What enmity do you have with them?"

Tong Yan sneered and said, "Enmity? The so-called enmity is all their one-sidedness. As early as when I was still the spirit of the demon stars, they had already attacked me. If not, I'm afraid I wouldn't have fallen If I enter the human world, there will be no hardships in this life. I think about it, don’t they want me to die? Then let’s see who has the most fate, and I’m in a hurry. I will make them pay a terrible price The price. They think that they can bully others because they are superior, and I am not a fish, so how can I let others slaughter me?"

Qing Ming looked at Tong Yan, smiled slightly and said, "No matter how strong the evil god in the heavens is, we brothers fought side by side. Don't we think we were beaten to death by the mere dragon, tiger and five immortals back then? Now? They I don’t even have the qualifications to carry shoes. Isn’t it the gods of the heavens, as long as we dare to come, we dare to kill. Don’t worry, no matter what, the elder brother will accompany you.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled and nodded.In fact, if there is real danger, Tong Yan will not let Qingming take risks with him. After all, Qingming is different from him. Qingming has a family and is also responsible for the revitalization of the Qinglong lineage. He can have no scruples, but Qingming can't .

Of course, this is all for later, it is more important to consider the immediate matter.

The two chatted for a few more words, and then both fell asleep.

This night's adjustment is very important. On the one hand, it can let Tong Yan and the others recharge their batteries, and on the other hand, it is also a kind of spiritual relaxation.

Early the next morning, Tong Yan, Qing Ming and others specially went to eat something. Although people like them had already completely fasted, eating something still made them very satisfied.

It can be regarded as well prepared, and a group of people finally set off to Mount Qingcheng.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Tong Yan and the others did not take the main road, but chose a side peak where no one was approaching, and quietly went up the mountain from the side peak.

He didn't know where the ball was located in Mount Qingcheng, so Tong Yan decided to do things for the Kuafu clansman first. Since that guy mentioned that he was going to Mount Qingcheng, he must have a purpose.

"Brother Kuafu, this place is already Mount Qingcheng, why did you ask me to accompany you here?"

The Kuafu tribe replied directly through the man's mouth: "I'm not sure where the thing I'm looking for is now, but I think it will reveal its true face soon!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan was puzzled and said, "Can you tell me what exactly you are looking for?"

The man who was staying with the Kuafu clan gave a mysterious smile, and then pointedly said: "The thing I'm looking for will be of great benefit to you. If you want to save your life, this thing will be extremely important. But, I can't Tell you what it is, and you will know it in a short time. But I have to remind you, not only you and I need this thing, but the heavens have already sent soldiers and generals to snatch it! You see, isn't it Heavenly soldiers and generals?"

(End of this chapter)

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