
Chapter 1341 Under the crack, a big battle!

Chapter 1341 Under the crack, a big battle!
The sky was originally clear, but after the thunderbolt, thick dark clouds gathered quickly. In just a short while, the entire Qingcheng Mountain was covered by dark clouds. In addition to this violent tremor, This place is like purgatory, which makes people frightened and uneasy.

Qiu Long looked up, and said anxiously: "Grandfather, what... what's wrong with this? Could some powerful monster appear in the world?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly and said: "I don't know what happened now, but I think those heavenly soldiers and generals should know. Let's go, we have to catch up quickly, otherwise, those two A heavenly soldier and general will disappear without a trace."

As he spoke, he immediately raised his legs and chased in the direction the two heavenly soldiers were walking. Seeing this, Qing Ming and the others also followed.

The movements of those two heavenly soldiers were not slow, but they couldn't be faster than Tong Yan.

Tong Yan led the crowd to catch up quickly, and quickly used shape-shifting and changing positions. Although he was slightly separated from the crowd, he caught up with the two heavenly soldiers pretending to be Taoists in time.

Mount Qingcheng trembled so much, it was really not an easy task to walk safely, but it was nothing to the two heavenly soldiers.Probably because they didn't realize that there was someone behind them, the two of them flew up and flew forward close to the ground.

And in this way, it further proved their celestial soldier status.

Tong Yan didn't dare to get too close, but followed from a distance.After turning over three small hills in a row, the two celestial soldiers stopped in front of a huge crack, then jumped forward and jumped directly into the crack.

Tong Yan took a closer look and saw red smoke gushing out of the crack. Although it was not thick, it was also extremely strange.

"How did the heavenly soldiers and generals jump into this crack? Could it be that what they are looking for is under this crack?"

He thought about it, and felt that he must go down and have a look.But he was worried that Qing Ming and the others couldn't find him, so he went back the same way and joined Qing Ming and others.

Regarding the crack, he thought it was caused by the so-called earthquake, but how did he know that the crack had already appeared a few days ago.Not only that, the red smoke gushing out of the crack looks very faint now, but when the crack first came out, the red smoke was very thick.

What lies under the crack, no one can tell now.But since the heavenly soldiers and generals are all under this crack, it can be regarded as proof that the things under this crack are not simple.

The Kuafu family members may know a little bit, but that guy wants to play tricks, but refuses to tell the truth, otherwise, why would Tong Yan bother so much now.

Tong Yan went back the same way to meet him, and soon met Qing Ming and the others.

Seeing Tong Yan's return, Qing Ming hurriedly asked, "Little Tong, where are those two guys? Are you lost?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "It's true that they didn't lose them, but they jumped into a huge crack. I wanted to follow, but I was worried that you wouldn't find me, so I turned around and joined you guys." without further ado, everyone, come with me!"

Saying that, a group of people rushed towards the weird crack.

On the way, Tong Yan once again asked the Kuafu tribe what he was looking for, but the Kuafu tribe refused to tell the truth.Although Tong Yan was a little annoyed, it was not convenient to attack directly. After all, the Kuafu tribe was not an enemy, at least not for now.

Under the leadership of Tong Yan, the few people came to the crack in a short while.

Standing on the edge of the crack, looking down, my good guy, it's bottomless.

Tong Yan took a few glances, and then directly asked the Kuafu clansman: "Friend, do you think I should go down? Is the thing you mentioned here?"

This time, the Kuafu tribe was honest, and immediately replied: "Yes, I'm sure, that thing is down here. Sky Demon Star, let's go down together."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Of course it's okay to go down, but those heavenly soldiers and generals may be below. If you accidentally ran into them, have you thought about the consequences?"

The Kuafu family members said firmly: "Even if there are many crises down there, we have to go down. If the thing is obtained by the heavens, we will never have a chance to turn around again. Heavenly Demon Star, you believe me, that thing is not only good for me, It is extremely important to you. Don't hesitate, let's go down quickly!"

The game is definitely going to be played, but Qing Ming feels that it is necessary to give this Kuafu clansman some warning.So before Tong Yan could answer, he said first, "Friends from the Kuafu family, of course we can go down, but if I find out that you are using us, then I will kill you with my own hands!"

The Kuafu family members were not angry, but sincerely said: "Please rest assured, if I only care about myself and disregard your life and death, then I will be wiped out, and I will never be reborn forever. How, can you trust me this time? If not For other issues, let's go down quickly. If it is late, we will regret it later!"

Tong Yan and Qing Ming looked at each other, then nodded.

The strength of the group is not weak, and they don't know what's going on down here, so it's safer to have more people.

Tong Yan looked at everyone, and said solemnly: "Everyone, going down may inevitably lead to a fierce battle, everyone cheer up. If someone quits now, I have no objection. But if I go down with me, I will try my best to protect everyone." Zhouquan. Well, anyone who is willing to follow me, follow me!"

As soon as the words fell, he was the first to jump into the crack.

The others didn't hesitate at all, and jumped down one after another.

The earthquake was still going on, and the rocks on both sides of the crack fell down from time to time. If you were not careful, you would have to be smashed straight.

But this time, the Kuafu clansman was very particular. The middle-aged man he was boarding with was the last to jump off, and increased his body size by four or five times, completely covering the top of Tong Yan and the others. The middle-aged man can block all the falling stones.

Everyone fell quickly, and Tong Yan, who jumped down first, watched all directions with his eyes and ears, fearing that he might miss something.

It fell like this for about a minute or two, and a red light glowed under the darkness.And under the red light below, Tong Yan saw people moving around, and guessed it should be a large number of people from the heaven.

It would be too presumptuous to go on like this directly, and he couldn't just fall into the crowd of heavenly soldiers and generals.

In order to avoid this, Tong Yan immediately slowed down the falling speed, and flew backwards.

Qingming and the others reacted quickly enough, seeing that Tong Yan had adjusted his direction, they adjusted accordingly.

Fortunately, the length of this crack was long enough. After Tong Yan and the others landed safely, the heavenly soldiers and generals did not notice their arrival.

Of course, the main reason why the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals didn't notice Tong Yan and the others was that they were busy with something.

And the thing that made these heavenly soldiers and generals helpless, happened to be Tong Yan's spirit beast, the sky-swallowing ball.

Just why did the ball appear here?How does it relate to the treasure that the Kuafu clansman mentioned?

(End of this chapter)

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