
Chapter 1342 The snipe and clam fight, the bald donkey disrupts the situation!

Chapter 1342 The snipe and clam fight, the bald donkey disrupts the situation!

Tong Yan and the others should be considered lucky to be able to land safely at the bottom of the crack, but they had to face those heavenly soldiers and generals again if they wanted to snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

He still doesn't know that the heavenly soldiers and generals are working together to deal with Qiuqiu Tuntianjiu, and he doesn't even know that Qiuqiu is here.

It stands to reason that there is a master-servant contract between him and Qiuqiu, and there should be mutual induction between them, but looking at it now, this contract may have been terminated. As for how it was terminated, perhaps only Qiuqiu knows.

Of course, this is not what Tong Yan is thinking about right now, what he is thinking about is how to deal with those heavenly soldiers and generals.

It's actually not difficult to deal with a single celestial soldier, but the problem is that there are hundreds of celestial soldiers and generals here, and I don't know if there are more powerful gods among these celestial soldiers and generals. Head-to-head confrontation might not be able to win benefits, and it might even cost one's own life.

But before coming down, Tong Yan had already made it very clear that if Qing Ming and the others were afraid of death, they probably wouldn't have followed.

Things have come to this, and we can't just do nothing, so Tong Yan decided to find out first, knowing ourselves and the enemy can win all battles, and after we have a general understanding of the strength of these heavenly soldiers and generals, it's not too late to come up with a way to deal with it.

With an idea in mind, he immediately said to everyone: "Everyone, you stay here first, I'll go ahead to explore, wait for me to come back, let's discuss countermeasures!"

Hearing this, Qing Ming hurriedly said: "Xiaotong, do you want me to go with you?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "Brother Qing, what are you going to do? I just went to see the situation, and I didn't intend to do anything. If there is danger, I will just slip away. Do you think I will fight with them?"

Hearing what Tong Yan said, Qing Ming felt relieved, then nodded and said: "Okay, since you have already made up your mind, I won't go with you. We will stay here and wait for you, you go quickly back."

Tong Yan agreed, said no more, turned around and walked quickly towards the other end of the crack.

This crack is actually not long from the top, but the space and length below the crack are thousands of meters. Because the crack was accompanied by an earthquake, there are large and small stones distributed in the crack. It's like walking in a stone forest inside.However, it is precisely because of this that Tong Yan and the others have a hiding place, and it also provides a lot of convenience for Tong Yan to go and inquire.

In addition, the bottom of the crack is filled with red smoke. Although it is not too thick, it can be combined with these forested stones to form a natural barrier, which is more suitable for Tibetans.

Although Tong Yan was in the same situation as the heavens, he was extremely cautious at this time. He knew that he was just looking at the situation, so it was very important to hide himself well so that the heavenly soldiers and generals would not find out.

The place where they settled was not far from the heavenly soldiers and generals, about six to seven hundred meters away, but because of the blockage of large and small rocks and the occlusion of these red smoke, it was impossible to see each other.

Tong Yan moved forward all the way, avoiding many huge stones, and then gradually approached those heavenly soldiers and generals.

As he got closer, he could see a lot more clearly, but he never thought that these heavenly soldiers and generals were besieging something at this moment.

Because the earthquake was still going on, stones were still falling above the crack, the sound of the stones falling to the ground, and the loud noise caused by the earthquake made it difficult to hear clearly.

As a result, Tong Yan failed to notice the obvious vicious battle in the first place.But this is not important, what is really important is, what are these heavenly soldiers and generals fighting fiercely?

He looked carefully, and soon discovered that what these heavenly soldiers and generals besieged was actually a strange beast.This strange beast has scales all over its body, a big mouth full of sharp teeth, two sharp horns on its head, a row of bone blades on its back, four limbs and a tail, and a pair of blood-red eyes wide open. , like two flashlights.

For some reason, he felt that this strange beast looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly frowned, and thought to himself: " this a ball? But...but why can't I sense it? Could it be that the contract between us has been terminated?"

He was very puzzled and puzzled, but now was probably not the time to unravel his doubts.Although Qiuqiu got acquainted with him once, he didn't want to take the risk to help.The reason is simple, Qiuqiu has been hiding its true identity. In a sense, it has been deceiving Tong Yan. No matter whether it is forced to or has other reasons, Tong Yan is always deceived by it. up.

For a guy who deceived himself, how could Tong Yan be willing to take risks?So he decided to take a look first, and took this opportunity to think about what he should do next, how to deal with these heavenly soldiers and generals.

What I have to say is that the current Qiuqiu is really not simple. There is a saying that Shibie will look at him with admiration for three days. The strength of this Qiuqiu at this moment has greatly exceeded Tong Yan's expectations.

He can fight against so many heavenly soldiers and generals with his own strength, and he still can't lose the wind. Even if it is Tong Yan who makes a move, it will be difficult to do so.

The strength of Qiuqiu should be in the forefront among the beasts, and compared with those fairy beasts, I am afraid that he has the power to fight.

Such a powerful ball is indeed amazing, but how could it fight with these heavenly soldiers and generals?Could it be... Could it be that it, like these heavenly soldiers and generals, is all for the treasure hidden in Qingcheng Mountain?
Tong Yan became more and more suspicious, what kind of treasure would have such a great allure, not to mention attracting heavenly soldiers and generals from the heavens, but also attracting such a powerful Qiuqiu, which made the Kuafu tribe Go after it.Is it an artifact?Is it a fairy artifact?Or what kind of heaven and earth spirit treasure?

Tong Yan thought for a while, and a smug smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"You guys fight slowly, after you snipe and clam fight to the death, it won't be too late for me, an old fisherman, to make an appearance again."

But even though he said this, he still watched carefully for a while. He needed to confirm the current battle situation, and moreover, he needed to judge who would be defeated in the end and who would be the winner of this fierce battle.

The strength of Qiuqiu is that the whole body is so strong, these heavenly soldiers and generals have a chance, but their weapons did not cause any damage to Qiuqiu's body.On the contrary, every time Qiuqiu swings his claws, he will directly kill a heavenly soldier. From this point of view, Qiuqiu should have a better chance of winning in the end.But among these heavenly soldiers and generals, there are also two powerful guys. Although they can't defeat Qiuqiu in a short time, Qiuqiu has nothing to do with them.

So looking at it this way, Tong Yan couldn't make the most reasonable judgment.

But if they waited until they were exhausted, and then wiped out in groups, the final winner would definitely be him alone.

However, what makes people a little depressing is that Tong Yan has already made up his wishful thinking, but a spoiler appears.It's just surprising that this spoiler turned out to be a monk, a monk whom Tong Yan seemed to have known before!
(End of this chapter)

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