
Chapter 1343 Insert a bar horizontally, it is bound to win!

Chapter 1343 Insert a bar horizontally, it is bound to win!

Tong Yan already has an idea, that is to let Qiuqiu fight these heavenly soldiers and generals first, and when they are exhausted, he will reappear, and then he will be able to snatch the treasure hidden here in one fell swoop.

He planned this way, but he never thought that someone would come to disrupt the situation at this time.

A ray of golden light suddenly shot down from above the crack, and fell into the battle group impartially.After the golden light descended, Qiuqiu and the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals had no choice but to step back and stare intently at the golden light.The golden light was too dazzling, its arrival made the red smoke here completely lose its color, and what was even more unbelievable was that a human figure slowly appeared in the golden light.

After that, "Amitabha" resounded from the golden light.

As soon as the sound came out, the identity of the comer was naturally revealed. It was known without guessing that the person who came was from the Buddhist sect, but no one knew why he came here. It was presumed that he came here for the rare treasure.

The golden light attracted everyone's attention, including Tong Yan, everyone was staring at this master who came suddenly.

As the golden light gradually faded, the people in the golden light finally fully revealed their true faces.

I saw that this person was wearing a golden cassock, and his age was estimated to be around seventy years old. He was not tall and thin, with big earlobes and piercing eyes. He had an ordinary appearance and his face was covered with wrinkles, but he was With a smile on his face, that smile is still kind, but it makes people dare not look down upon.

When Tong Yan saw this person for the first time, he felt a little familiar. After looking at him carefully for a while, his heart suddenly trembled.Isn't this monk just... Isn't he the master who once guided him in the Dark Clan?This master actually came here, which really surprised him.

Now let's see what the master will do, or maybe we can guess the purpose of his trip.

The old monk looked around for a week, and finally said with a smile: "The so-called forgiveness and forgiveness, why do all the heavenly soldiers and generals rush to kill them all? Although this strange beast has a connection with the heavens, it is not a monster. It would be too much to kill. It's a pity. From the perspective of the poor monk, it is better for you heavenly soldiers and generals to hand it over to the poor monk, and the poor monk will take it away from this place, so that you will never miss your important event. How?"

Hearing this, these heavenly soldiers and generals were startled.Who would have thought that this old monk came here for Tun Tianjiu.

Tong Yan frowned slightly, somewhat depressed.Because if Qiuqiu is really taken away by the old monk like this, it means that he has to fight these heavenly soldiers and generals.And if it really develops to this stage, all his previous plans will come to nothing.

Of course, this old monk may not really have such a big face, these heavenly soldiers and generals may not buy him.

No, after the old monk's words fell for a while, one of the leaders of the heavenly soldiers and generals responded.

"Monk, it's not up to you people in the Buddhist world to take care of the affairs of our heaven. This strange beast has killed many of our brothers. How can you let it go as soon as you say it? If it doesn't matter like this, what is the majesty of my heaven? How can I avenge the revenge of my dead brothers? I think you are meddling in your own business and out of control. Leave me immediately, otherwise, don’t blame us for being ruthless!”

Sure enough, most of the people in the heavenly world are pretentious. It may be difficult for this old monk to turn hostility into friendship.

However, the old monk did not give up because of this, and tried to persuade him again: "This great god, it is said that enemies should be resolved rather than knotted. There is nothing wrong with you wanting revenge, but if you want to get rid of this strange beast, you will have to pay a big price Right? If you lose a few more heavenly soldiers and generals at that time, wouldn't it be worth the loss? You all know the strength of this strange beast. If you insist on going your own way, who will suffer the most at that time? I think You don’t need the poor monk to tell you that you understand. Besides, have you thought about going on like this, if you miss a major event and you return to the heaven, can the god king forgive you? So in the poor monk’s opinion, it’s best to let this matter go Stop, the poor monk takes away the beast, and you go to your own important matters, this is the best way to get the best of both worlds. If you fight to the death, you may end up following someone's wish."

Speaking of this, he intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the boulder where Tong Yan was hiding, as if he had already discovered Tong Yan who was spying on everything.

Seeing such a glance from the old monk, Tong Yan's heart skipped a beat.The old monk's last sentence obviously meant something. Could it be that someone was referring to his childish words?
But if this is the case, isn't the old monk's trip just to spoil Tongyan?

Tong Yan was a little annoyed for a while, logically speaking, he and the old monk had known each other for a long time, and the old monk would not be so troublesome, but obviously, the old monk just wanted to let the heavenly soldiers and generals get the treasure, so why? The reason is really puzzling.

But even if we think that the old monk is not really targeting him, such a reconciliation still increases a lot of resistance for him to seize the treasure.

He thought about it, and decided to look down. If he wronged the old monk, he would feel a little bit sorry. After all, the old monk helped him that day. Without the help of the old monk, he would not be able to escape smoothly. The underground palace of the dark clan.

What the old monk said was quite reasonable, and the leader of the soldiers fell silent that day when he said it.Obviously, the leader of the Heavenly Soldiers was thinking and weighing the pros and cons.

But at this moment, Tuntian Jiuqiuqiu spoke out.

"Master, I know your good intentions. But I must not leave this place. I have been waiting for the rare treasure here for several years. It is impossible for me to give up. Don't look at the number of guys from the heavens, but I I can still tear them to shreds one by one, I am sure to get this rare treasure!"

Hearing Tun Tianjiu's words, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing secretly.The old monk devoted himself to mediating the relationship between Tuntianjiu and Tianbingtianjiang, but whether it was Tianbingtianjiu or Tuntianjiu, they didn't appreciate it, and they didn't give face to both sides. No matter what the old monk said, he probably couldn't reconcile it.

But this old monk is really too stubborn, even after Tuntian Qiuqiu said so, he still refuses to give up.

"Strange beast, it has nothing to do with the poor monk that you want to get that strange treasure. But that strange treasure doesn't belong to you at all, and you have no possibility of taking it. I advise you not to be obsessed with your obsession. The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and you will be right when you turn around! In addition... In addition, the strange treasure was not only targeted by the two of you, but also by a group of people. You worked so hard here, but in the end it made someone else come true. Why bother?"

Tong Yan really heard what the old monk said.

He originally fancied that the old monk wasn't really targeting him, but now, the old monk has made it clear that in the final analysis, he just didn't want him to get this rare treasure.

"Hmph! Don't want me to get it? I want to get it today! I want to see, who of you can stop me?"

(End of this chapter)

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