
Chapter 1351 Where the strange treasure is, the flying dragon general!

Chapter 1351 Where the strange treasure is, the flying dragon general!

In fact, from the moment the spirit of Jupiter told the truth, Tong Yan had already forgiven her.The mother star is the mother to the spirits of the stars, and which child would not want to be reunited with his mother?
Although it was true that Tong Yan almost died at her hands, it was not a done deal, so there was really no need for Tong Yan to regard her as an enemy.

"Omen Star, you...will you forgive me?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "You have to kill me because you have no choice but to kill me. I'm still alive and well, so there's nothing unforgivable. It's just...just why are you here? How did you expect that I would definitely come here? You can't be the rare treasure I came here to find, right? "

Of course Tong Yan knew that the spirit of Jupiter was not that strange treasure, but he still wanted to ask around. If he could inquire about the real location of the strange treasure from the mouth of the spirit of Jupiter, it would be a worthwhile trip.

Hearing this, the spirit of Jupiter immediately denied it: "A strange treasure? Of course I am not a strange treasure. The strange treasure you are looking for should be that strange thing. People in the heavens have said that you will definitely come here to find things, so That's why I'm here to sit on the sidelines."

Tong Yan frowned slightly, and asked puzzledly, "Strange thing? What strange thing? Where is it?"

The spirit of Jupiter replied directly: "I don't know what it is, but it looks like a stone, but it is definitely not a stone. Anyway, it is very strange. When you see it yourself, you will know. As for the Where is the thing, it is in the deepest part of this cave!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan glanced around, then smiled wryly, "You can see this cave all over at a glance, where is the deepest part? I can't be dazzled, right?"

The spirit of Jupiter chuckled and said: "You are not dazzled, but your eyes are deceived by the scene in front of you. You can actually close your eyes and feel with your heart. I think you should be able to see through everything."

Be deceived by the sight in front of you?Tong Yan thought for a while, then closed his eyes as he said.

But what was a little strange was that even though he closed his eyes, he didn't see any difference.

He shook his head helplessly, and opened his eyes directly.But unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, the stone in front of him disappeared, replaced by a beautiful girl in a long green dress.

This girl is only half a head shorter than Tong Yan, her body is uneven, her long green skirt is close to her skin, fully showing her graceful figure; she has long hair, casually draped over her shoulders, giving people a sense of A very simple sense of beauty; her skin is fair, but her cheeks are slightly flushed, her big eyes, delicate nose, and small mouth are just like a beauty walking out of a painting.

She looked at Tong Yan, and then showed a shy smile. "I... do I look this good?"

With such a beautiful woman in front of her, even a gentleman like Tong Yan couldn't help but take a few more glances.When asked by this beautiful girl, he replied almost without thinking: "It's beautiful, it's beautiful! But you said that you can see the depths of this cave by closing your eyes, why can't I see it?"

This beautiful girl was naturally transformed by the spirit of Jupiter. Hearing Tong Yan's question, she smiled mischievously and said, "I lied to you, this cave is only this big, but it's not just one floor, but two floors. You What you are looking for is on the second floor."

"In the second floor? Where is the second floor? How to get in?"

The spirit of Jupiter smiled triumphantly and said, "Of course I will bring you in. I am quite familiar with this place. Come, come with me!"

Having said that, she directly reached out to hold Tong Yan's hand.

Although Tong Yan felt that this was inappropriate, but in order to be able to find the strange treasure, he did not refuse.

The Jupiter Spirit's hands were a bit cold, but not icy, and felt slippery, which was very comfortable.

Tong Yan let the spirit of Jupiter pull him forward, he really wanted to know where the road to the second floor was.

Perhaps in the consciousness of the spirit of Jupiter, there is no so-called distinction between men and women, otherwise, how could a big girl take the initiative to hold a man's hand?Not only that, but she also behaved naturally, as if she was pulling her relatives.

The two walked forward like this, and the vines all over the cave receded quickly like an ebb tide, and disappeared into the stone wall and soil in a short while, until they could no longer be seen.

Tong Yan saw these things in his eyes and couldn't help being amazed.To be able to manipulate plants in this way, perhaps only a god-like existence can do it.But who would have imagined that this ability would appear in a star spirit.

The gods are always high above them, and they always look down on those who are lower than them, but how do they know that no matter what race of people or spirits, or monsters, as long as they are dedicated, they can reach their level, or even surpass them.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this concern that the gods try to prevent other ethnic groups from ascending, and even send down thunder to punish those who are beyond their control, so as to consolidate their supreme status.

The so-called universal love for all people and the so-called beneficence are just some beautiful words.

Tong Yan followed Jupiter's spirit and soon came to the edge of the stone wall, and there was nowhere to go.

But obviously, this stone wall is not that simple, maybe the entrance to the second floor is here.

The spirit of Jupiter let go of Tong Yan's hand, and said without looking back: "I will open the passage to the second floor now, you have to pay attention, once the passage is opened, you can go in quickly, don't worry about me. Understand ?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan asked doubtfully, "Is this channel difficult to open? Or is there a time limit? Why do you need to pay so much attention to it?"

Hearing this, the spirit of Jupiter turned around and said: "It is not easy to open the passage to the second floor. You may not know that the stone wall in front of us is not an ordinary stone wall, but a kind of stone wall that can be restored automatically. Strange rock. Because the recovery ability of this strange rock is too strong, and the speed is too fast, you must move fast enough to enter the cave on the second floor. If you are a little late, you may not be able to enter. Will definitely die."

Tong Yan gave a light voice with half-belief, and then asked: "Then you let me in first, how about you? How do you get in? Will there be time?"

The spirit of Jupiter smiled and said: "I can open it again, but it will take an hour. It's okay, aren't you in a hurry to find the strange treasure? You should go in first, and I won't be in the way if I'm late!"

Seeing what the spirit of Jupiter said, Tong Yan finally nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go in first. I'll wait for you inside!"

The spirit of Jupiter stopped talking and immediately started to open the entrance to the cave on the second floor.

However, at the same time, a cloud of fire suddenly ignited in the sky above Mount Qingcheng, and immediately after that, a general riding a nine-headed flying dragon rushed out of the cloud of fire.

From the looks of it, Mount Qingcheng is destined to be a bloodbath.

(End of this chapter)

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