
Chapter 1352 Weird stone wall, open the door to welcome you?

Chapter 1352 Weird stone wall, open the door to welcome you?
Tong Yan naturally knew nothing about the outside world, all his attention was on the stone wall in front of him.

The spirit of Jupiter has already begun to open the entrance to the cave on the second floor, and as soon as the entrance is opened, he has to enter it immediately.

The Spirit of Jupiter had already said before that it was not easy to open the entrance, so Tong Yan didn't want to miss it, and he didn't want to disappoint the Spirit of Jupiter's kindness.

Time passed little by little, and the spirit of Jupiter was still working hard, but the so-called entrance still hadn't opened.It can be seen that what the spirit of Jupiter said is true, this stone wall is indeed not simple.What's not easy?

This stone wall is like a piece of soft skin, not only elastic but also has a strong recovery ability.

Let's put it this way, the spirit of Jupiter manipulated the sharp rattan into the stone wall, trying to use the rattan to pull it to the sides, and then open an entrance enough for people to pass through.Although her vines were indeed inserted into the stone wall, due to the strong recovery ability of the stone wall, her vines were still unable to pull the stone wall apart. Not only that, as long as the vines were placed in the stone wall for a little longer, they would It was directly clipped into two by the stone wall, let alone pulled apart.

But the spirit of Jupiter didn't give up. Since she said she could open it, she might succeed after a few more tries.

Tong Yan didn't urge him, the spirit of Jupiter was already very grateful for his help, it would be too rude to urge him at this time.

But don't urge, always give a few words of comfort, so that the spirit of Jupiter can also be a little motivated, and it won't look so dignified and silent like it is now.

"Miss Jupiter, do you want to rest for a while? I'm not in a hurry, let's take our time!"

Hearing this, Jupiter's spirit hesitated for a while, and finally stopped.

She looked at Tong Yan, and said helplessly: "I don't know what happened today, my rattan can't pull this stone wall away. It seems that the stone wall is stronger, it's really confusing. "

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Since you were able to open it before, you can also open it today. Think about it carefully, is there any detail you overlooked?"

Hearing this, the spirit of Jupiter immediately shook his head and said, "No, I used this method last time. Unless...unless someone tampered with it!"

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan frowned unconsciously, and immediately asked, "Someone has tampered with it? Could it be that there are other people here besides you and me?"

Hearing this, the Spirit of Jupiter laughed and said, "I'm wrong, that thing is not a human being. But I'm not sure if it moved its hands or feet. But don't worry, since I promised you to open the passage, I will It will definitely be done. Well, I will continue to work hard, and you should be ready at any time!"

What the Spirit of Jupiter said was vague, and it was really unpredictable.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked: "Miss Juxing, since you have entered the second floor, you must have seen that strange treasure. Before you go in again, can you tell the truth what is that strange treasure? Is it a living thing?"

Hearing this, the Spirit of Jupiter blinked his eyes, showing a thoughtful look, and replied after a few seconds: "I can't tell what it is, but it should be a living thing. Anyway, after you see it, You will know."

Tong Yan wanted to ask a few more questions, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.If it goes well, maybe he will be able to see the strange treasure soon, and then he will know everything.

The spirit of Jupiter twisted his waist, and then waved his jade hand, and saw those sharp vines screaming like spears, piercing the stone wall in front of him.

The rattan pierced in very easily, and the piercing sound was like a knife piercing into the flesh.But such a stone wall has become an insurmountable obstacle for Tong Yan.

Tong Yan also considered doing it himself, but after getting to know the stone wall better, he was more willing to entrust the opening of the passage to the spirit of Jupiter.One must have self-knowledge, a stone wall like this cannot be dealt with by a sword.The spirit of Jupiter's use of rattan to pull apart such a meaty stone wall is actually a good way, whether it can be pulled away smoothly and supported for a short time is the key to success.

The spirit of Jupiter naturally knew it well, so Tong Yan didn't need to remind him anything, all he had to do was wait, wait for the moment the entrance opened, and then cast shapeshifting and enter it.

This kind of waiting is still going on, Tong Yan is not doing anything, and the spirit of Jupiter is a little restless.She manipulated the rattan into the stone wall crazily, not opening the entrance at all, but pure venting.

Seeing this, Tong Yan shook his head helplessly, then stepped forward and said, "Girl, are you too tired? Why don't you rest for a while, anyway, I'm not in a hurry to go in. It doesn't matter if it's earlier or later! "

Hearing this, Jupiter's spirit hesitated for a while, but finally stopped.

"Omen, I really don't know what's going on. Logically speaking, the entrance should have been opened long ago. But I don't know what happened today. My wooden vines won't work at all. If I really Can't open it, will you blame me?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled softly and said, "Why? You helped me out of kindness, and I am already very grateful. Even if you really can't open this entrance, I'm fine. At worst, I'll think of other ways. Well, you take a rest, let me take a look at this wall. I have been watching you busy, and I haven't looked carefully yet."

The Spirit of Jupiter nodded and said: "Well, I don't know what to do now. Maybe you can open this entrance!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly, then walked up to the stone wall.

Although he knew that the stone wall was soft, he just wanted to touch it out of curiosity.

When the spirit of Jupiter saw him reaching out to touch it, he wanted to remind him.But before she could speak, an unbelievable scene appeared.

Seeing that Tong Yan's hand was about to touch the stone wall in front of him, but when his fingertips were less than two centimeters away from the stone wall, ripples suddenly appeared on the stone wall.Immediately afterwards, the ripples flowed to both sides, and the stone wall unexpectedly... just opened automatically.

Seeing this scene with his own eyes, not only the spirit of Jupiter was stunned, but even Tong Yan was a little dazed.

The spirit of Jupiter tried hard for so long but failed to open the entrance on the stone wall. He just stretched out his hand and before touching it, the entrance unexpectedly appeared.

This is too incredible, is it a coincidence?Or is there any special reason?

Tong Yan raised his eyes to look into the entrance, took a deep breath, and immediately raised his legs and walked in.

The mysterious treasure is finally about to lift the last veil, but the result is far beyond Tong Yan's expectations!
(End of this chapter)

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