
Chapter 1353 It's really a living thing, what is its origin?

Chapter 1353 It's really a living thing, what is its origin?
Tong Yan has waited long enough for this moment, now that the entrance has been opened, he will naturally not miss it.Although there may be dangers inside, isn't the reason why you came here just to take a gamble?
As he walked forward, he turned his head and glanced at the shocked Jupiter Spirit.

"Girl, the entrance has been opened, I'll go in first."

Hearing this, the spirit of Jupiter opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't say anything until Tong Yan had already walked into it.

Tong Yan's movements were quick, and he passed through the passage leading to the cave on the second floor in a short time.

It's just that the length of this passage was far beyond his expectations. He thought the passage was only one or two meters long, but after walking like this, my good guy, it's 50 meters away. The 50-meter-long passage means that the stone wall is 50 meters thick. With such a thick stone wall, it would be too childish for the Spirit of Jupiter to use rattan to pull it apart.

But he was unwilling to doubt anything, because he saw honesty in the eyes of Jupiter's spirit, so he firmly believed that Jupiter's spirit never deceived him.

Of course, it was inappropriate to think about this at this time, because soon he would see the treasure he was looking for so hard.In this regard, he is full of expectations.

The spirit of Jupiter might not feel at ease with Tong Yan going to the treasure hunt alone, so after hesitating for a while, he also walked into the passage.

Tong Yan was the first to enter the cave on the second floor, so he looked around impatiently.

This second layer of caves should be said to be very different from the previous layer, and the biggest difference lies in "crowding".The cave on the upper floor is empty, it can be said that there is nothing.But what about here?There are white jade stone pillars standing here, and these stone pillars are arranged irregularly, and they don't even give up a way forward.

And in this way, if you want to go forward, you have to go around these stone pillars, walk a few steps east and west, and move forward in a serpentine shape.And there is another problem brought about by this, that is, you can't directly see everything in front of you, and these stone pillars with a diameter of half a meter have become the most annoying obstructions.

Of course, he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, Tong Yan had waited for so long, so he didn't mind waiting a little longer.

The stone pillars were in front of him, so he could only go around, but what he didn't expect was that as soon as he walked into the group of stone pillars, these stone pillars began to move.

Stopping, there was no panic on his face, on the contrary, he smiled unconsciously.

"You want to trap me with just such a small means? What can I do if I'm lost?"

That's right, these white jade stone pillars started to move and immediately formed a huge ecstasy array.If ordinary people don't know how to crack it, they might never be able to get out.

But to Tong Yan, this is really nothing.Up to today, he has broken through too many formations, and such a low-level ecstasy formation is not worth mentioning at all.

After looking around a few times, he started walking.Most of the ecstasy formations are formed by referring to the operation laws of the five elements and eight trigrams. As long as you look at the laws correctly, you can naturally solve them easily.

But Tong Yan is quite accomplished in this way, but the spirit of Jupiter doesn't know anything about it.

Not long after Tong Yan entered the group of stone pillars, the spirit of Jupiter also walked in.And with the rapid movement of these stone pillars, she soon became confused, whether she was walking left or right, and she started spinning and circling like this.

Tong Yan didn't know about this, so he moved forward quickly and got out of the maze within 5 minutes.

What is unbelievable is that behind this maze, there are dozens of tall and mighty statues standing impressively.

These statues are carved with half-human and half-animals, each of which is fierce and terrifying.However, unlike the stone pillars just now, these statues are arranged in two rows very regularly, and stand facing each other.

Among these statues, there is a forward road, which is neither upward nor horizontal, but lower and lower, leading downward.

It seems that these statues should be something like gatekeepers, but I don't know if they will suddenly come to life, or if they will suddenly kill people.

Tong Yan is naturally fearless, with his skills, even if these stone sculptures come alive, he is confident that he can retreat safely.

Taking a deep breath, he took out the Blue Soul Sword and held it in his hand, then raised his legs and walked forward.

These two rows of stone carvings are very tall. Compared with these stone carvings, Tong Yan looks like a child.His height is not as high as the waist of these stone sculptures, but it is very close to the weapons held by these stone sculptures.

He is not interested in these stone carvings, but he is very interested in the weapons these stone carvings hold.

Generally speaking, the most common weapons carved on statues are knives, guns, swords, halberds and sticks. Of course, there are also carved other weapons, but relatively speaking, the number is much smaller.

But the weapons engraved on these stone carvings are astonishing.Why do you say that?Because what Tong Yan saw were very simple axes and forks, and there were even things that looked like branches, and even stones.

Yes, these must be weapons, but in comparison, aren't they a bit too shabby?Or, some are too ancient?
But after thinking about it, this seems to be nothing, after all, these statues are carved with half-human, half-animal things. Since they are not human, they naturally do not have as developed a mind as human beings, and they can use some of the simplest weapons. Already very good.

Fortunately, these stone carvings did not come alive, so Tong Yan was able to walk to the end of the road safely.

And come here, the mysterious veil of the strange treasure is really unveiled.

But after seeing this thing, Tong Yan frowned unconsciously, and clenched the Blue Soul Sword in his hand tightly.

Maybe now he understands why the terrain here has to be set so low, just because this thing is really not something that ordinary people can bear after seeing it.

what is it?The first thing I saw was a round platform, on which there was a red jade box the size of a basketball, and that thing was inside the jade box.

Tong Yan actually judged one thing right before, what is it?That is, this so-called strange treasure is a living creature!Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, it is really a living thing.

Standing in front of the round platform, Tong Yan stared closely at the jade box above, and then asked: "Before I entered here, I heard the sound of laughter in the pool of blood outside, if I guessed correctly If so, it was you who made the laugh, right?"

He actually spoke to the jade box, could it be possible that the things in the jade box could talk back to him?

Sure enough, there was indeed a sound coming from the jade box, and it was a hoarse and vicissitudes of life.

"That's right, it was indeed I who called you here, just because of the deep fate between you and me."

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "Fate? What is my fate with you? Let's hear it!"

"Do you really want to know? Well, it's already today, what should I say? Do you know why the heavens insist on refusing to let you go? The reason is very simple, because of me!"

(End of this chapter)

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