
Chapter 1354 Live and die together?The gift of devil blood?

Chapter 1354 Live and die together?The gift of devil blood?

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately frowned.He didn't understand how the strange thing in the jade box knew that the heavens were chasing and killing him, and he didn't understand the so-called "fate" between him and this strange thing.

He stared at this strange thing for a while, then sneered: "You mean, the reason why Tianjie refuses to let me go is entirely because of you? Then tell me, what did you do to let Tianjie come here?" Are you looking for trouble with me?"

As soon as his words fell, the things in the jade box quickly explained: "No, you may have made a mistake. I didn't ask them to take your life, but because they wanted to get rid of me completely."

Tong Yan was even more puzzled when he said this strange thing. "What did you say? Are you trying to tell me that the people in the heavens came to take my life to get rid of you? Heh...that's ridiculous! What does my life and death have to do with you? Could it be that I died, Are you going to die too?"

The strange thing in the jade box was silent for a while, and then said affirmatively: "That's right, if you die, I will also fall into a deep sleep forever, and I will never wake up again!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble. Could it be that there is really some kind of connection between him and this strange thing?But what is this thing?

In fact, the things in the jade box are really hard to accept, and even said that seeing them is disgusting.

The jade box is not sealed, there is a round hole enough to put a hand in, and it is precisely because of the existence of this round hole that Tong Yan can get a rough idea of ​​what's inside.

It turns out that this so-called "living creature" is actually a mass of white flesh, but the white flesh is squirming, with things like tentacles growing on it, and a mouth with sharp sharp teeth in the mouth. teeth.Surrounding the white flesh is a blood-red liquid, which should be blood.Most of Bairou's body was soaked in blood, only the upper mouth was exposed, it was just open like that, as if waiting for food to fall into the mouth, it was very scary.

how to say?The shape of this white meat is very... like something like a pig's brain or a human brain, plus it has a mouth, which is really disgusting.

Tong Yan couldn't tell what it was, but if he connected it with the strange treasure, he felt it was a bit far-fetched.

Now this strange thing actually said that it has a deep relationship with him, which made him even more puzzled.

"What are you? If I die, will you really fall into an eternal sleep? If so, wouldn't you and I die together?"

Hearing this, Bairou immediately replied: "Yes, it means living together and dying together! If you live, I will live, and if you die, I will die! The heavens tried to make me fall into a deep sleep forever, and there would be no day to recover. That's why they tried every means. Get rid of you. Because you are my biggest weakness!"

Tong Yan's mind is a little confused now, he still can't judge whether what this strange thing said is true or not.According to normal deduction, what this strange thing said should be false, after all, he is the spirit of the stars, not an ordinary human being.But everything this strange thing said was true, and it didn't seem like it was talking nonsense, which made it difficult for people to distinguish.

He thought for a while, and then asked: "If what you said is true, then I would like to know what kind of relationship we have between you and me? Could it be that there is a contract to be able to live and die together?"

Hearing this, Bairou was silent for a few seconds before replying: "You can think so. In short, I hope you can live and live well. Not only for you, but also for myself!"

Although this white meat is talking nonsense, it still sounds good.Tong Yan smiled slightly, and then asked: "I don't want to find out what kind of relationship we have, I think you don't want to talk about it, so you hide it a little bit. But it doesn't matter, if you don't tell, I don't ask. But there is something you have to tell me."

"What's the matter? You just say it's okay!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately said: "I came here to find a strange treasure. I thought you were that strange treasure, but looking at it now, you should not be. So I hope you can tell me the whereabouts of that strange treasure. Me, I get this rare treasure so I can compete with the heavens! As you said, I can live a good life, which is a good thing for you and me, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Rou burst out laughing.

"You are right. I really hope that you can live well. But the question is, how do I know what is the rare treasure you are looking for? Can you tell me in detail, maybe I can really find it for you. "

Hearing what Bai Rou said, Tong Yan was a little speechless.Where did he know what the strange treasure was, if he knew, he wouldn't have to search so hard.

In desperation, he could only tell the truth: "I'm not afraid of making fun of you when I say it. I actually don't know what that strange treasure is at all. It's just that someone told me that only by finding this strange treasure can I be able to protect myself and have the ability to protect myself." Strength to compete with the heavens!"

Bai Rou chuckled and said, "If there is such a rare treasure here, I will definitely give it to you first, because no one wants you to live more than me. But the problem is, I have been here for thousands of years, and I don't even know what rare treasure is here. , could it be that you were deceived by someone?"

Tong Yan frowned slightly, thought for a while and said, "Probably not, the one who told me there is a rare treasure here is my friend, and he is also from the Kuafu clan, so he has no reason to lie to me!"

"What did you say? People from the Kuafu clan? Are you sure you have not admitted your mistake? You know that the Kuafu clan has long been extinct, so where are the Kuafu clansmen?"

Tong Yan smiled bitterly and said, "Why don't I know this? It's just that the Kuafu clansman only has one hand left, and it took a long time for this hand to grow out. Besides, I have seen it before. Because of his strength, I can basically be sure that he is the surviving member of the Kuafu clan."

Hearing this, Bai Rou said softly, "So that's the case. If it's true, it's not wrong. It's just that you may have been deceived by him, because there are no rare treasures here."

Tong Yan frowned even tighter, and immediately asked: "You said there are no strange treasures here, so why did the heavens send heavy troops to come here? Even strange beasts and Buddhist eminent monks were attracted, not because of the strange treasures, What is it?"

Bairou laughed and said, "Do you think the heavenly soldiers and generals sent by the heavens are really here for the rare treasures? Let me tell you, you are wrong! They are here for me. As for the strange beast and the Buddhist eminent monk, one of them should be the one who saw it." There is a vision in this place, so I came here to try my luck. The other may be to quell this dispute, and I can’t bear the loss of life! As for you, you are purely deceived. But this kind of deception, in a sense , on the contrary, it is a kind of fulfillment.”

"Fulfillment? How do you say this? You don't just want me to come here to meet you, do you?"

Bai Rou said noncommittally: "That's true, that guy tricked you to come here so that you could meet me. But don't worry, since you came, I will never let you go back empty-handed. Didn't you want to Do you want a strange treasure? Come, take a sip of my demonic blood, and you will be indestructible, and ordinary gods will not be able to hurt you at all. In this way, you can also be saved!"

Devil blood?Could this mass of white meat be a demon?
(End of this chapter)

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