
Chapter 1355 A trip for nothing?Incredible!

Chapter 1355 A trip for nothing?Incredible!

Of course, Tong Yan would not be so stupid as to drink the so-called devil's blood directly, and he couldn't really believe it because of the one-sided words of this white meat.Many things cannot be easily believed until they are fully understood, otherwise they may not know how they died by then.

He thought for a while, and then smiled slightly: "Your devil blood really has that much power? If I drink it, what if it doesn't work? Then I will be controlled by you because of this devil blood, won't I Is it too late to regret it?"

Hearing this, Bai Rou laughed and said, "It seems that you can't trust me. If so, then don't force yourself. But I have to tell you, my devil blood can not only make you have a strong body, but also help you Your cultivation has improved. I will be here for a short time, so you can pick it up whenever you need it! Now, you can leave!"

When Tong Yan heard this, his heart was full of helplessness.He had to admit one thing, that is, he came here to hunt for treasure hard, but in the end it was nothing but a bamboo basket to fetch water.Since staying here can't change anything, it's better to leave now.

Thinking of this, he smiled wryly and said, "I didn't expect that I worked so hard to come here, but it was just a waste of time. It's okay, I'd better leave earlier. Friend, I don't care what kind of relationship we have between you and me. But I know one thing, you have no intention of harming me. Maybe I will come here again in the future, and we will see you then! Farewell!"

After speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave.

But at this moment, Bai Rou suddenly said: "Wait a minute! Do you think that you will be safe and sound if you leave like this? Maybe you don't know yet, the heavens sent a god who is good at war. If you meet him, do you think you will be safe? How much chance is there of surviving? I don’t think it’s better than this, I’ll send you away from this Qingcheng Mountain and avoid the god, so you can escape this calamity. What do you think?”

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "If you can hide for a while, can you hide for a lifetime? The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth. Since he is coming at me, I don't need to hide. It's not that easy to kill me. Unless I am really destined to have this catastrophe! Well, the green mountains will not change and the green waters will flow forever, we will meet later!"

Without further ado, he raised his legs and walked outside.

"Little brother, I'll be right here waiting for you! There will be a period later!"

Tong Yan waved his hand without looking back, as farewell.

In fact, he is not in a good mood at the moment, he came here for the treasure, well, he has been tossing around for so long, it's just for nothing, and he came across such a strange thing.

But if you think about it carefully, it’s actually nothing. Sometimes you don’t necessarily get rewarded if you pay, but if you don’t pay, you will definitely not get rewarded.He did what he could, and as a result, that was all.

Bai Rou's reminder, he still took it to heart, after leaving here he was likely to face a fierce battle.So before he leaves, he has to get himself in top shape.

But he still overlooked one thing, that is how to really leave the two layers of caves?He didn't even know how he got into the cave where the Spirit of Jupiter was.He only knew that he passed out in the pool of blood, and then inexplicably came to the cave where the spirit of Jupiter was. He had no idea what happened during his coma.But it doesn't matter, he doesn't know, maybe the spirit of Jupiter knows, if it doesn't help, he will just turn around and ask the white meat, in short, he is safe and sound now, and nothing seems so important.

Passing through the passage guarded by two rows of stone carvings, he soon came to the jade pillar forest.What he didn't know was that the spirit of Jupiter was still trapped in these jade pillars at this moment. If he didn't go to rescue him, he might be trapped for a long time.

At this time, Tong Yan's mood can be described in two words, depressed, so he hardly lingered, and walked directly into the stone forest composed of jade pillars.

Fortunately, the area of ​​this stone forest is not big, he walked within a hundred steps, and saw the anxious spirit of Jupiter at a glance.The spirit of Jupiter is not stupid, she knew that she could not go out, so she simply stood there and looked around, seeing the anxious look on her face, she knew without guessing that she was waiting for Tong Yan.Because at this time, maybe only Tong Yan can take her out.

Fortunately, she did wait.If Tong Yan agrees that Bai Rou will be sent away from Mount Qingcheng directly, she may never see Tong Yan again.

Seeing Tong Yan approaching, she was overjoyed, and her previous anxiety suddenly turned into elation.But she didn't dare to run towards Tong Yan, for fear that she would lose her way again before she got close to Tong Yan.

Tong Yan walked slowly and asked with a smile: "Don't tell me, you've been waiting for me here all this time, right? If that's the case, I should have come back earlier. Otherwise, you don't have to be trapped in the Here it is!"

The spirit of Jupiter didn't dare to move, Tong Yan was so smart, he had already seen through everything.

Hearing this, the Spirit of Jupiter said in embarrassment: "I...I wanted to chase you, but you walked too fast, I was trapped here. Since I can't get out, I just go Waiting for you here is finally waiting for you."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "It's really hard for you, well, let's leave together!"

The spirit of Jupiter nodded happily, and then asked: "Have you seen that strange guy? Is it the rare treasure you are looking for?"

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled wryly: "No, I'm greedy. In fact, there are no treasures here at all. In the final analysis, it's all caused by greed. Don't talk about this, follow me closely, don't get lost again!"

Seeing Tong Yan approaching, Jupiter's Spirit immediately hugged Tong Yan's arm, and then said with a smile: "This way I won't get lost, I will follow wherever you go."

Tong Yan wanted to pull back his arm, but after thinking about it, forget it. This Jupiter spirit doesn't know the difference between men and women at all. It's just a little girl's heart, so there's no need to worry about it with her. If she wants to hold it, she can simply Let her hold it.

The two walked forward side by side like this, and walked out of the stone forest after a while.The hole from where we came has been opened, and it's time to leave here.

Before leaving, Tong Yan glanced back at the stone forest made up of jade pillars. Although he didn't know the real identity of Bairou, he guessed that there might be some special connection between him and Bairou.

After returning to the cave where he came back, Tong Yan withdrew his arm, and then asked the spirit of Jupiter, "What are your plans for the future? Are you still staying here?"

The spirit of Jupiter said without even thinking about it: "Of course I won't stay here, I want to go with you. Wherever you go, I will go."

Hearing this, Tong Yan hesitated for a moment, then nodded and smiled: "Okay, then you can follow me. But you have to understand one thing, following me will be life-threatening at any time, if you are not afraid, follow, if you are afraid , or make another plan!"

Hearing this, the Spirit of Jupiter immediately said decisively: "I'm not afraid, I've already fallen, what else is there to be afraid of? And if you want to make an enemy of the heavens, I can still help you. No matter how many injuries you suffer, As long as I'm here, I can make you fully recover in the shortest time. I think you should need me, right?"

Tong Yan stared at Jupiter's spirit for a while, then smiled slightly: "Looking at you, reminds me of an old friend. She, like you, also has the ability to regenerate, maybe you will have some kind of inaction. known relationship."

Hearing this, the spirit of Jupiter smiled and said: "I know who you are talking about, is it a descendant of Nuwa? In fact, I... I am also a descendant of Nuwa!"

(End of this chapter)

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