
Chapter 1356 There must be a battle, the true god of fire spirit!

Chapter 1356 There must be a battle, the true god of fire spirit!

Tong Yan was really shocked, how could a Jupiter spirit also be a descendant of Nuwa?This is too incredible!
"Miss Jupiter, are you kidding me? How could you be a descendant of Nuwa?"

The spirit of Jupiter smiled mysteriously and said: "The heavenly secret must not be leaked, but I am really a descendant of Nuwa. I don't think so. You will take me to meet the descendant of Nuwa in the world later, and you will know everything by then! "

After being told by the spirit of Jupiter, Tong Yan suddenly realized that he had been back for so long, and it was time to visit the descendants of Nuwa.After so many years of separation, I don't know how the descendants of Nuwa are doing now.

"Okay, once we get through this disaster safely, I will take you to see her."

The spirit of Jupiter was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked: "Catastrophe? Could it be that the people from the heaven are already outside?"

Tong Yan nodded and said: "That's right, not only that, but this time the guy who came here is very powerful. It's unknown whether I can leave alive, but if my life is hanging by a thread, you must leave me alone and protect yourself." is the most important thing. Got it?"

The spirit of Jupiter stared at Tong Yan for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

Everything was handled properly, and naturally it was time to leave.

Although Tong Yan didn't know how he entered the cave, he could watch him leave with his own eyes.

It turns out that there is a teleportation formation hidden in the cave, the formation is extremely hidden, so hidden that it cannot be seen by the naked eye at all.Where is it hidden?Not anywhere else, just here underground.

The underground seems to be the same, but in fact some parts of the ground can be moved.How to move?This depends on the ability of Jupiter's spirit.

She manipulated the wooden vines to drill out from the ground, and used the strong growth ability of the wooden vines to divide the ground.The divided ground is like a jigsaw puzzle, and then a piece is pried out by wooden vines, and then starts to move.After these several moves, the light above the ground shone brightly, and a nine-pointed star array appeared.

Just step into the formation, where you can come from, and where you can go.

Neither Tong Yan nor the spirit of Jupiter stepped into the light array without any delay.It's just a little depressing that the teleportation array sent them directly to the bottom of the blood pool where Tong Yan came. Bloody people in general.

Don't talk about it in vain, and now you have become a drowned rat.Tong Yan's heart is full of bitterness, but the matter has come to this point, and nothing can be changed, so let's just let it go.

Unlike Tong Yan, the spirit of Jupiter directly transformed into smooth jade, and the blood flowed directly from the surface of the stone. After the surface was clean, she turned into a beauty again, and the blood before did not "taint" her at all.

Tong Yan knew very well in his heart that this was the art of transformation.It's a pity that he is also the spirit of the stars, but he doesn't have this ability.

A fierce battle might soon be ushered in, and Tong Yan had no intention of chatting with the spirit of Jupiter to amuse himself. The two walked forward quickly, not afraid of the blood mist that blocked their vision, and they were a little closer to the exit.

The conversation was divided into two parts, Tong Yan and the spirit of Jupiter were walking out, while someone was trying hard to come in.

Who is it?It wasn't someone else, it was the general who rode the nine-headed flying dragon here.

This general looks like a middle-aged man, but he is very tall. He wears a flame-colored armor and carries a black broadsword on his back.The appearance of the god general is very ordinary, with a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a short beard, but his eyes are very different. It seems that a hot flame can be seen inside, just like the flame of a candle, still shaking slightly.

With fire in his eyes, this general must be extraordinary, and seeing how respectful those heavenly soldiers and generals are to him, it can be seen that his status in the heavenly realm is not low.

At this moment, he was looking carefully, as if he was looking for something, but he really didn't find anything.

"Are you sure that's where he disappeared?"

As soon as he asked a question, the commander of the heavenly soldiers and generals hurriedly replied: "Reporting to the fire spirit god, he did disappear here. It is estimated that he entered the teleportation array, or some kind of great supernatural power directly took him away. I took it away."

It turns out that this god will be called Huolingshen, no wonder his eyes are burning.

Hearing this, Huo Lingshen snorted coldly and said: "No matter how he disappeared, he disappeared under your noses. You are the heavenly soldiers and generals, how can you be so useless? What a bunch of trash! "

When the soldier commander heard that, he hurriedly knelt down and said, "Huo Lingshen appeases his anger, his subordinates are incompetent, his subordinates are incompetent. But... But that guy is not an ordinary person, and his strength may be stronger than ours. We have fought against each other before, but we failed to catch him despite the lives of several brothers. We really tried our best, and we ask Huo Lingshen to forgive us!"

"Forgive me? You can't talk to this seat. You should go to God King to confess your sin yourself later!"

Hearing this, the commander of the Heavenly Soldiers sighed softly and said, "If it reaches the ears of the King of Gods, we will surely die. Huo Lingshen, since you have come, I will go back and return to my life. Whether it is life or death, it is up to God's fate." Bar!"

Hearing this, Huo Lingshen immediately became furious and said: "Do you want to leave like this before the matter is finished? If so, I will kill you now. But if you want to survive, stay and help me A helping hand. After the matter is completed, I will intercede for you. How?"

This is what the commander of the Heavenly Soldiers was waiting for. He was naturally very happy to hear Huo Lingshen's statement.

"That's great, then I'll thank Huo Lingshen later. By the way, in this valley besides the guy who disappeared, there is another group of people hiding behind the stone forest behind us. I guess Do they have anything to do with that kid, maybe they are his accomplices. In order not to startle the enemy, I just sent people to watch and did not embarrass them. Look, Huo Lingshen, should we take them down now? ? When that kid returns, use this group of people as a threat, are you afraid that he won't submit?"

Hearing this, Huo Lingshen chuckled and said, "You really don't see the rabbits and don't scatter the eagles, that's all, as long as you can do the errands well, you have the same merits as this seat. Not only will the Lord God King not give you sins, say Maybe you will be rewarded heavily. If you can't take down that kid, you will be able to settle his accomplices, right?"

The commander of the Heavenly Soldiers laughed and said, "It's only natural, then the subordinates will take people there. You are here, Mr. Lao!"

After speaking, he immediately got up, greeted a group of heavenly soldiers and generals, and rushed towards the back of the stone forest where Qing Ming and the others were hiding.

Seeing the commander of the heavenly soldiers and all the heavenly soldiers and generals walking away, the Huo Lingshen said with a cold smile: "Dare to play tricks with me, you should be damned! After I destroy the demon star that day, none of you will live! Xing, your time of death has arrived. If you want to help that old devil come back to life, go ahead and dream!"

old devil?Who is the old devil that Huolingshen mentioned?
(End of this chapter)

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