
Chapter 1357 The battle between gods and demons is coming as scheduled!

Chapter 1357 The battle between gods and demons is coming as scheduled!

Tong Yan has been away for so long and has not come back, which makes Qing Ming and others very worried.Although Tong Yan's skill is amazing, but there is a saying that two fists cannot defeat four hands, anything can happen.

Qing Ming walked back and forth for a few steps, and then said to everyone: "I can't wait any longer, the boy has been away for so long, maybe he encountered something. Maybe what he needs most now is help, how can I stay here Wait here with peace of mind? You stay here, I'll go ahead and have a look!"

With that said, he lifted his legs and was about to walk out.

When Qiang Liang saw it, he naturally wanted to follow.But the people of Kuafu clan stopped him and said, "Don't worry, he is safe until now. Don't think about it, as a Skywalker, if something happens to him, it will definitely shake the world. But the calm now is enough to prove that he is safe at the moment." It's nothing. It's true that you want to help him, but have you ever thought that if someone uses you as an excuse to blackmail him and force him to submit, then the so-called help may become a drag. So In my opinion, it's better for us to stay here in peace, not to help, at least not to be a burden to him. Are you right?"

Before Qing Ming could open his mouth, Qiang Liang scolded angrily: "It's a bunch of nonsense, you don't want to save my boss, and you don't let us go? What's your intention? If you dare to stop me, don't blame me for being rude to you !snort……"

Just as the Kuafu tribe was about to explain, they didn't expect that the heavenly soldiers and generals had already killed them.

"Come on, take them down for me. If anyone resists, shoot them to death!"

The sudden arrival of the heavenly soldiers and generals just confirmed the words of the Kuafu tribe. It seemed that it was impossible to help Tong Yan. How to save their lives and repel the heavenly soldiers and generals was the top priority.

Qing Ming and Qiang Liang backed away to join the crowd, a strong enemy had arrived, they had to fight or escape quickly.

However, it is impossible to escape, and this battle is already inevitable.

The heavenly soldiers and generals approached quickly, less than five meters away from Qing Ming and the others.Qing Ming gritted his teeth, and then said fiercely: "Tell me, where is my brother now? What's wrong with him?"

The leader of the Heavenly Soldiers snorted coldly and said: "If you want to see him, then you can arrest him without a fight. What are you waiting for? Why don't you do it?"

After issuing orders again, all the heavenly soldiers and generals finally stopped hesitating, and immediately rushed towards Qingming and the others with weapons in hand.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Generals are certainly not weak, but Qing Ming and the others are not ordinary people.As soon as the two sides came into contact, they fought fiercely together.

It's not that easy to capture Qing Ming and others easily, after all, this group of heavenly soldiers and generals are just the minions of the heavenly realm, although they are numerous, they do not constitute an overwhelming advantage.It is estimated that this battle will not be decided in a short time.

The battle here is about to break out, and Tong Yan and the spirit of Jupiter have also left the mysterious place smoothly.

It's just that they just showed up, and the Huo Lingshen who had been waiting for a long time greeted him with a smirk on his face.

"Haha... I didn't expect this seat to wait for you after all, Omen Star, you really didn't let this seat wait in vain."

Tong Yan looked Huo Lingshen up and down, and then said with a sneer: "Your Excellency, you must have come from the sky, right? Besides, it seems that your status in the heaven is not low. I'm really sorry for your waiting here. But it's a pity, even if you wait for me, so what? Isn't it a waste of time?"

Hearing this, Huo Lingshen laughed loudly and said, "It's a waste of time? How is it possible? Since I have waited for you, I will naturally not let you run away. To tell you the truth, this seat is the king of gods." Fire Spirit God, one of the lower seven gods, was ordered to come to take your life. If you don’t want to suffer from flesh and blood, I advise you to die obediently. If not, I will burn you to ashes and let you die. Never be reborn!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled disdainfully and said, "You pretentious gods, what else can you do besides talking big? If I were really so easy to kill, how could I have survived to this day? I think you should return to the heaven earlier Alright, be your god in peace, don't accidentally lose your life, it's too late to regret it."

Huo Lingshen smiled contemptuously and said, "What a big tone, I want to see how you survive today! Suffer death for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed forward with a stride, raised his fist and hit Tong Yan hard.

It was not difficult to dodge the punch with Tong Yan's skills, but he chose to face it head-on, because he wanted to know the strength of the Huo Lingshen, so that he could make a decision whether to fight or flee.

I saw him directly punching forward, just blocking the punch of Huo Lingshen.Unexpectedly, with the sound of "click", his fist was directly smashed by the fist of Huolingshen. The huge pain of the bone crack made him groan uncontrollably, and at the same time, he quickly backed away .

He had to admit that the strength of this Huo Lingshen was really impressive, even though it was just an ordinary punch, it was already a bit difficult for him to parry.

Seeing that Tong Yan was injured, the spirit of Jupiter hurried to him, and asked with concern: "How are you? Are you seriously injured? Show me!"

Tong Yan stretched out his injured hand, then smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing, it's just a minor injury."

Looking at Tong Yan's twisted hand, the Spirit of Jupiter said worriedly: "Is this still a small injury? It must be very painful, right? If we can't beat it, let's go back!" She held Tong Yan with both hands as she spoke. Injured palm.

Being held by her like this made Tong Yan stagger in pain, but in less than three seconds, the pain disappeared quickly, and the hand that was deformed due to the injury... unexpectedly healed miraculously like this.

With powerful healing ability, the spirit of Jupiter is more and more like the descendants of Nuwa.

"Does it still hurt?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore, thank you so much!"

The Spirit of Jupiter smiled sweetly and said, "It's great to be able to help you. As I said before, I won't be your burden. Just let me follow you from now on, okay?"

They "love me and me" on their side, but Huo Lingshen on the other side is furious.

"What the hell are you doing? You are dying, and you still have the heart to talk about love? Damn it!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan glanced at him coldly, and then said expressionlessly: "I thought your strength was far superior to mine, but now it seems that you are nothing more than that. If you don't exert all your strength, Then I won't be polite."

Speaking of this, he whispered to the spirit of Jupiter: "You wait for me aside, I will make a break with this evil god!"

The Spirit of Jupiter nodded slightly and said: "Okay, then you should be more careful!"

Tong Yan agreed, and then jumped into the air with a little bit of the ground.At the same time, he showed the Heavenly Demon Armor and Heavenly Demon Bone Wings, and even held the Taishan Blade and the Blue Soul Sword in his hands.

This is the beginning of a contest between gods and demons. Who will win?
(End of this chapter)

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