
Chapter 1358 The situation is unfavorable, the power of Vulcan!

Chapter 1358 The situation is unfavorable, the power of Vulcan!

Tong Yan was ready for the battle, but the odds of winning would be known only after the fight.

Huolingshen raised his eyes to look at Tong Yan in mid-air, and said with a contemptuous smile: "Sky Demon Star, do you think you can rival me by turning into a monster? I will let you know today what is the existence outside the mountain?" Mountain, there is a sky beyond the sky!" As soon as he finished speaking, he drew out the black broadsword on his back, jumped up, and attacked Tong Yan.

Tong Yan saw that the spirit of fire was attacking, and took the lead in slashing down with the Mount Tai blade.

Seeing this, Huo Lingshen immediately blocked it with his sword, only to hear a loud "dang".Good guy, Tong Yan was in a high place, but he was still pushed back tens of meters.

Tong Yan quickly flapped the bone wings of the demon behind him. Although he was shaken back, he was not too unbearable.But after the contest just now, he couldn't help but take a high look at this Huo Lingshen.

The black wide-edged sword in Huolingshen's hand looked very ordinary. Not only did it not have a blade edge, but it also didn't have any patterns on it. It was like a sword embryo just made by a blacksmith, but such a sword could burst out like this. With such a powerful anti-shock force, even Taishan Blade can't compete with it, which shows that this sword is absolutely extraordinary.

Huolingshen had the upper hand here, so naturally he would not give Tong Yan a chance to breathe, so before Tong Yan could stabilize his figure, he had already rushed away, holding the sword in both hands and slashing fiercely.

Although the distance between the two is ten meters away, the sword glow of this sword is very close at hand.

Tong Yan only felt a wave of heat coming towards his face, so he didn't dare to block it head-on, so he could only use shapeshifting to avoid it.Fortunately, he hid fast enough, otherwise, he might have been cut in half by the sword glow.

Jianmang cut through the air, and immediately slashed towards the stone wall behind him, and heard a loud "boom", and the stone wall was cut into a bottomless ravine. Cutting on Tong Yan's body, the consequences would be disastrous.

Come and not reciprocate, Tong Yan is not a person who can only be beaten but not fight back, so after he performed the transformation, he has already started to fight back.

Transformation can not only be used to escape, but also suitable for combat and sneak attack.As long as the opponent is not aware of it, you can occupy the most favorable position and seize the best opportunity.

After all, Huolingshen is a god, so it might be very difficult to sneak attack him, but it doesn't mean that there is no possibility of success, it mainly depends on how and where to sneak attack.

Tong Yan's figure disappeared in an instant, and Huo Lingshen was already on guard.But he guarded the surrounding area and the top of his head, but ignored his feet, and Tong Yan appeared at his feet, which made him hard to guard against.

At this time, of course Tong Yan will not be merciful, and he will never miss the opportunity when it comes.

I saw that he had just appeared at the feet of Huolingshen, and he swung the Mount Tai blade and slashed out from bottom to top.If he can succeed, he must split this fire spirit into two halves.

With the sound of "噗", a gratifying scene appeared, Tong Yan actually succeeded.The Huo Lingshen didn't even have time to let out a scream, and was split in half by Tong Yan.

But being able to get it so easily made Tong Yan a little uneasy.

Just as he was concentrating on thinking, a heat wave suddenly rushed towards him from behind him.

The heat wave came so fast, it was so fast that he had no time to react, and it fell on him.

Fortunately, with the Heavenly Demon Bone Wings and Heavenly Demon Armor and their common defense, Tong Yan was able to escape, but his back was still scorched black, which was horrible.

Enduring the severe pain, he hurriedly retreated to a distance, and after a careful look, he suddenly realized.What he had cut in half with a knife was just a false body, and the real Huo Lingshen suddenly launched an attack behind him.Not only did the sneak attack he planned fail, but he almost lost his life.This time, he suffered a big loss.

Huo Lingshen succeeded in succession, very proud.He looked at Tong Yan, who was full of anger, and immediately laughed loudly: "Sky Demon Star, don't you only have such a little ability? If so, how can you beat me? I still want to accompany you You have fun, but you have disappointed me too much. Come on, show your strongest side, so that I can relieve my boredom. Haha..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan gritted his teeth and said, "Evil God, you speak so wildly, why am I still alive? Even if you are stronger than me, but you can't kill me, what's the use? Think about how you can kill me!"

Huo Lingshen chuckled and said: "You are dying, yet you can still be so stubborn. Do you really think that I can't kill you? A joke, it's a big joke! It's easy for me to kill you, but It's fun to torture you before you die. Do you understand this time?"

Tong Yan said with a disdainful smile: "Aside from being able to use your mouth, what else can you do to me? Let me suffer? It's ridiculous that a little god like you dares to speak so boldly. If you can't kill me, just get out of here Where are you going back? Are you not afraid of being ridiculed if you want to be a sensationalist here?"

The reason why Tong Yan said this was firstly to boost his morale, and secondly to anger the Huo Lingshen.From the current point of view, he is really not the opponent of this fire spirit god.The reason is very simple, his transposition is not effective against the Fire Spirit God, and the strength shown by the Fire Spirit God in these two rounds is far superior to him.In such a disadvantaged situation, try to irritate the other party as much as possible and make the other party lose their minds. Maybe they can reveal their flaws and turn defeat into victory.

However, it is not possible to irritate the Huo Lingshen with just a few words, but as long as it continues to drag down, the Huo Lingshen will definitely lose patience, become irritable, and lose his mind.

Tong Yan has already made a plan, and the rest depends on whether Huo Lingshen will be fooled.

Huo Lingshen snorted coldly and said: "Sky Demon Star, you know in your heart that you are not my opponent at all. Isn't it a matter of time before this seat kills you? You said that this seat has no ability to kill you, this seat It seems that you are just trying to please the public, and you are deceiving yourself. Forget it, since you want to die early, then this seat will fulfill you. Now, you can see the true strength of this seat!"

Speaking of this, he swung down the black wide-bladed sword violently, and then an incredible scene appeared.

When he swung the sword like this, the original plain black sword seemed to explode, and red flames gushed out from the cracks on the black sword, quickly enveloping the entire blade.Not only that, a piercing bird song sounded suddenly, and the phantom of a fire phoenix was vaguely seen floating above the big sword.

The flames on the great sword continued to spread, and soon engulfed Huo Lingshen in it.

Immediately afterwards, Huolingshen said in an icy cold voice: "Omen Star, today I will let you experience the power of Vulcan, prepare to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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