
Chapter 1359 Divine Sense Suppression, Jedi Strikes Back!

Chapter 1359 Divine Sense Suppression, Jedi Strikes Back!
Looking at the fire phoenix on the big sword of Huolingshen, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning.He never thought that the sword spirit of this great sword would be a fire phoenix.

He and the Phoenix Clan can be regarded as quite related, and he was fortunate to be rescued by Yuanfeng several times.Not only that, but there is a phoenix and a phoenix living in his Phoenix Heavenly Sword.Now seeing that there is also a phoenix in the great sword of the Fire Spirit God, how could he not be surprised.

But after thinking about it, he had an idea.Since the sword spirit of this great sword is a phoenix, he might as well use the phoenix sky sword. The phoenix might have a better effect against the phoenix.

Thinking of this, he directly put away the Mount Tai blade, and then took out the Phoenix Heavenly Sword.

But as soon as he took out the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, the Fire Spirit God rushed over impatiently.

Seeing the murderous spirit of Huo Lingshen approaching, Tong Yan didn't dare to slack off, and struck out with the Phoenix Heavenly Sword that was about to be taken out.As soon as the Phoenix Heavenly Sword left his hand, the sound of the phoenix's cry sounded immediately, and two sword spirits, one phoenix and one phoenix, also appeared in the sword.

Tong Yan's move was to use the Phoenix Heavenly Sword to restrain the sword spirit of Huolingshen's great sword. As long as the sword spirit of the great sword was affected, the strength of Huoshenshen would definitely decrease a little, and he would fight against him again. , can also have more chances of winning.

It's just that he overlooked one point. Since the great sword is the sword of the fire spirit god, the sword spirit inside the sword has already signed a master-servant contract with it. In this way, even if Fenghuang sees Fenghuang, he will only try his best to fight for the master , will not be affected by any kindred feelings at all.

Sure enough, just as the phoenixes and phoenixes in the Phoenix Heavenly Sword flew towards the Fire Spirit God, the phoenix in the Fire Spirit God Great Sword let out an ear-piercing cry and charged forward.

I thought that when they met, they would have a good time to catch up with each other and bond with each other, but unexpectedly they fought fiercely as soon as they met and started killing each other.

Tong Yan was a little helpless, but he didn't have the heart to think about it in an instant.Huo Lingshen is close at hand, he must give it a go.

Huolingshen's whole body was wrapped in flames, just like a burning man, before he got close to Tong Yan, the scorching breath made Tong Yan a little hard to resist.Tong Yan had no choice but to use the stellar energy to block the scorching breath.

But Huolingshen's figure flashed, and he had already come to the top of his head, and he had to raise his sword to block it, but this block did not matter, not only directly shook him to the ground, but also the star energy on his body instantly Was shaken to pieces.

And at the moment when the star qi shattered, the flames on Huolingshen's body rushed towards him fiercely like a tiger descending the mountain, and it was too late for him to dodge.

The gap, this is the gap between the two.Tong Yan knew that this battle must be difficult, but he never thought that he would be powerless in this battle.

If things go on like this, his failure will be a matter of time, not to mention seeking justice from the heavens, even reincarnation will become impossible.

He was a little bit lost and frustrated. Facing the huge disparity in strength, he realized how humble and useless he was.He thought he could fight against the sky and the gods, but in fact, he was just deceiving himself and others.A low-level god can beat him to pieces, let alone a god, a god king.

God is God, always on top.Human beings are human beings and will always be tricked by fate.As for him, I am afraid that he is not even as good as a human being, just a waste waiting quietly to die.

"Should I just give up like this? No, how could I have such a thought? I am still alive, how can I give up? I am not a human being, nor a god, but I am the spirit of the stars! With this sky full of stars and me Fighting side by side, if I just retreat like this, there will be no turning back. I must calm down, I must calm down!"

Suppression, sometimes not only the suppression of strength, but also the suppression of spirit.The suppression of strength can make people powerless to contend, while the suppression of spirit can make people collapse directly and lose the desire to survive.

Why is the appearance of gods worshiped by the world?Why is the guidance of the gods sought after by the world?Maybe belief is one aspect, but another aspect is the drive from the spiritual level.

Huolingshen's firepower was fully activated, so he naturally used all his divine power as a god, and in the fight between him and Tong Yan, he actually released his own divine sense, precisely because of the existence of this divine mind, It was only then that Tong Yan was completely in turmoil, that Tong Yan suddenly felt hopeless and helpless.

This is the same as Tong Yan's despair in the cave before, except that the caster is not a god but the spirit of Jupiter.Maybe the spirit of Jupiter also has the ability of a god, maybe she is really a descendant of Nuwa.

But now is not the time to talk about this, the flame released by Huolingshen has already rushed, as long as Tong Yan's side lands, the flame will instantly engulf him and turn him into ashes.

The body fell quickly, and Tong Yan slowly closed his eyes. He had already got rid of distracting thoughts, and the divine thoughts of Huo Lingshen could no longer affect him.

Yes, Huolingshen is indeed stronger than him, but is he really powerless to fight back?
Of course not, he is the spirit of the stars, although he is not a god, he is by no means inferior to a god.God has divine power, he has the power of stars, and the power of heavenly demons.With two forces, is it not possible to contend with one force?

Now is the time to verify all this, and the good show has just begun.

Seeing that he was less than one meter away from the ground, at this moment, he suddenly stretched out his hand to touch the star mark on the center of his eyebrows, and then shouted loudly: "The power of the Venus shines everywhere!"

What he used was the supernatural power possessed by the spirit of Venus, similar to the method of immobilization, not only able to immobilize living things, but also dead things.This point has been verified in the general's tomb.

You may not be able to hold the flame, so you can only try your luck.

Following his angry shout, dazzling golden light immediately shot out from the imprint of the stars between his brows, and the golden light spread out, completely covering the flame that was close at hand in an instant.At the same time, the high-ranking Fire Spirit God was also shrouded. Whether he could freeze everything in front of him as he wished would depend on God's arrangement.

With a "plop", he finally fell to the ground, but after seeing everything in front of him, he suddenly smiled.

How could he not be delighted that he had come back from a desperate situation?Blessed by God, his power of Venus did not disappoint him, it really held the scorching flame together with the Fire Spirit God.

Both Huo Yan and Huo Lingshen were immobilized at the same time, so he had enough time to start a Jedi counterattack.

"Huo Lingshen, don't you just want to kill me? It's a pity that you missed the best opportunity. If you miss the opportunity, you will miss it forever. Now it's my turn to make a move!"

(End of this chapter)

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