
Chapter 1360 A big victory, looking for answers!

Chapter 1360 A big victory, looking for answers!
Tong Yan stood up slowly, the time for the Jedi's counterattack finally arrived.Looking at the flames beside him that almost killed him, he snorted coldly, and then slapped out violently.The still flame is like a wild beast with its mouth wide open, but now it is no different from the statue.

Following Tong Yan's slap, as soon as the palm wind touched the still flame, the latter shattered into powder like glass and disappeared without a trace.

Dealing with the flames was just a matter of incidental hands, what Tong Yan really wanted to deal with was the fire spirit.Now that Huo Lingshen is fixed in mid-air, it becomes easier to deal with it.

When the ground touched the ground, Tong Yan immediately jumped up high.Flapping his wings, he stopped in front of Huolingshen.

"Evil God, I haven't avenged you in the heavens yet, but you want to drive me to death. Is it tolerable or unbearable, today I will sacrifice you to the heavens, and I will let you gods in the heavens know that those who insult me ​​will be killed, and those who bully me will be killed." I die!"

As soon as the words fell, he immediately slashed out with the Blue Soul Sword in his hand.

This sword is very powerful, but he used [-]% of the power of the stars to kill the fire spirit god in one fell swoop.

Huo Lingshen couldn't move at all, he could only witness the doom that he was about to be beheaded with his own eyes.

Tong Yan was about to win, and the preview of this battle with the gods seemed to be coming to an end.

However, at the moment when the blue soul sword's light was about to pass across the body of Huo Lingshen, a burst of fire suddenly rushed from the side, just blocking Huo Lingshen's body.

Hearing a scream of "嗤", the Blue Soul Sword finally cut off, but what he expected to cut was not the body of Huo Lingshen, but the body of Huo Lingshen's fire phoenix.

The guardian of the sword spirit, this is something that Tong Yan did not expect.But if you think about it carefully, isn't this a reasonable thing?

The fire phoenix used its body to block the sword for its master, and it was precisely because of its sacrifice that the Huo Lingshen immediately regained his freedom, and quickly distanced himself from Tong Yan.

The fire phoenix's body was divided into two, and the fire light on the body gradually dimmed. It saved its master, but it would die here because of it.

Tong Yan was stunned for a moment, looking at the Huo Fenghuang who was about to lose his life, for some reason, he couldn't bear it.He has a deep relationship with the Phoenix Clan, and he really couldn't bear to hurt the members of the Phoenix Clan, but at this moment, he can't change anything.

The fire phoenix tried hard to turn back to look at its master, tears seemed to glisten in its eyes.

Huo Lingshen also looked at his sword spirit, but there was no trace of grief. On the contrary, this high-ranking god said such infuriating words.

"It's really useless! I almost died in the hands of the demon star, what have you been doing? As a slave, do you have to wait until I am about to die before you know that you will appear? You really let me down , die, die for me immediately!"

Huo Fenghuang saved him with his own life, but he was full of reprimands and reprimands, without the slightest touch or intolerance.Is this the so-called god?Such a god is extremely cold, is he worthy of being a god?
The fire phoenix was already powerless to say anything, until its body was reduced to ashes, it was still full of reluctance for its master.

Tong Yan saw all this in his eyes, and for some reason, his anger burned instantly.He clenched his fists angrily, and cursed fiercely at Huo Lingshen: "Beast, your sword spirit even gave up his life to save you. How can you be so cruel?"

Hearing this, Huo Lingshen smiled disdainfully and said, "Cruel-hearted? It's just my servant. It's its duty to die for its master. Sky Demon Star, I can't kill you today, but one day, I will definitely kill you." You are torn to pieces. Just wait for me, we will see you again!"

As soon as Tong Yan heard this, he knew that the Fire Spirit God was going to escape, but before he could make another move, the Fire Spirit God had already turned into a beam of fire and soared into the sky. In midair, a nine-headed flying dragon didn't know where to go. Flying from everywhere, holding up the fire spirit god, it flew straight into the sky, and disappeared into the dark night in a short while.

Tong Yan wanted to chase after him, but it was too late, but no matter what, he won this battle.Not only won back his own dignity, but also indirectly sent out a roar of resistance to the gods of the heavens.

Huo Lingshen escaped just like that. Although the result was a pity, how could it be so easy to kill God?

He was seriously injured in the battle with Huolingshen, but at this moment, he didn't care about it, because he had already noticed that there was a fierce battle happening behind the stone forest not far away.

He looked down at the spirit of Jupiter who was also looking at him, and then said: "Miss Jupiter, wait for me here for a while, I will go back as soon as I go!"

After leaving these words, he immediately flew towards the back of the stone forest.

Before he got close, he had already seen Qing Ming and others who were fighting fiercely with the heavenly soldiers and generals.

The arrival of Tong Yan has already explained many things. With his joining the battle, the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals quickly issued an order to retreat.

Don't chase after poor bandits, Tong Yan, Qing Ming and the others didn't go to hunt down those terrified heavenly soldiers and generals, they just stayed together and "sent" each other away.

Tong Yan's return made Qing Ming and the others very happy, and everyone surrounded him wondering what happened during his absence.

Tong Yan didn't answer these in a hurry, but returned to the place where he had fought with Huolingshen before.

The spirit of Jupiter was still waiting for him quietly, and when he saw him come back, he immediately showed a charming smile.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and I don't know if the heavens will send other gods to "hunt and kill", so everyone gathered together and left here directly, leaving Qingcheng Mountain.

On a small hill hundreds of miles away from Mount Qingcheng, everyone decided to take a rest so they could talk about their plans for the future.

Qing Ming looked at the spirit of Jupiter beside Tong Yan, and finally asked, "Little Tong, what's the girl's name?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan replied truthfully: "She is also the spirit of XingXiu just like me. We met in that hidden cave, and because we are both in XingXiu's lineage, we let her go with me all the way. "

After saying this, Tong Yan introduced the friends around him one by one to the spirit of Jupiter.After everyone knew each other, he set his sights on the Kuafu clansmen.

At this time, all questions must have answers, and the Kuafu tribe may be the one who knows everything.

"Brother Kuafu, do you have something to hide from me? What is the rare treasure you mentioned? Why did I return empty-handed?"

Hearing this, the Kuafu family members smiled awkwardly and said, "Sky Demon Star, you should have made the trip in vain. Look, to meet such a beautiful girl, how can you say that you came back empty-handed?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately showed a serious expression on his face, and then said coldly: "You have been using me all this time, saying, what is your purpose for doing this? What is your relationship with the guy in that cave? ? If you dare to hide it again, don't blame my ruthless subordinates!"

What is that ball of "white meat" in the cave?What exactly are the Kuafu people hiding?

(End of this chapter)

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