
Chapter 1365 Strange Face Child, Weird Refrigerator!

Chapter 1365 Strange Face Child, Weird Refrigerator!

Tong Yan always thought that there should be two big living people hiding here, but just seeing the face of one of them, he fell into shock.

" this still human?"

Why would he think so?Following his gaze, I realized that the exposed face was too...too frightening.

What kind of face is this?To be precise, these may not even be human faces.

I saw that there are four eyes on this face, two are in the position of normal eyes, and the other two are on the two eyebrows.Apart from these four eyes, there is no nose on this face, only two small holes that should be nostrils.Pale greenish skin, skinny wrinkled cheeks, and no hair, this face is too scary.

Tong Yan was not frightened, but seeing such a face all of a sudden, he still felt a little terrified.

After calming down for a while, he re-examined the little guy with the strange face.After examining it so carefully, he couldn't help frowning.

"You... are you human?"

The little guy with the strange face nodded slightly after hearing this.

Seeing this, Tong Yan was even more puzzled. "If you were human, why did you look like this?" The little guy with a strange face immediately lowered his head when he asked him this question.

Judging from the appearance of this little guy, no one would regard him as a human being, but he has the three souls and seven souls of a normal person, and there is no evil spirit or evil spirit in him.It was precisely because of this that Tong Yan was very puzzled.

Although it is often said that "a person cannot be judged by his appearance", the appearance of this little guy is simply beyond the range that can be tolerated. No matter what, he can't have four eyes and no nose, right?
But no matter how strange he looks, he is human after all. Since he is human, Tong Yan can't hurt him, and he has to protect and help him as much as possible.

"Okay, you two come out first. I have something to ask you!"

As he said that, Tong Yan stepped back directly to make room for the two little guys hiding in the closet to come out.

Tong Yan originally thought that the other little guy should also look very "scary", but in fact, the other child looks very ordinary, and there is nothing unusual about it.

Of the two children, the child with the strange face is about 1.4 meters tall, and the other child is slightly shorter at about 1.2 meters.

Judging from their clothes, they should be a family, because the style of clothes is the same.The short child was obviously a little afraid of Tong Yan, and hid almost half of his body behind the strange-faced child, only showing his head for a few sneaky glances.And the kid with the strange face was also very responsible, standing in front of the short kid, and half-embracing the short kid with one arm.

Looking at the red eyes of the short child, I believe that the cry before was made by him.Judging from the height of these two children, they should not be very old. The younger one should be six or seven years old, and the older one should be around ten years old.

Tong Yan stared at them for a while, and finally asked, "Is this your home? Are you brothers?"

The younger child naturally didn't dare to answer, but the one with the strange face mustered up the courage to answer.

"Yes, this is our home, this is my brother."

The strange-faced child's voice was a little hoarse, but it matched this face perfectly. If he went out at night, he would definitely scare many people.

Hearing this, Tong Yan made a soft sound, and then asked, "Why are you hiding in the closet? What happened?"

This time the kid with the strange face didn't answer, but lowered his head in pain.

Tong Yan saw it, sighed softly, and said, "If I'm not wrong, something terrible happened, right? It was your parents who hid you in the closet. lived until now. Right?"

In fact, Tong Yan didn't want to tell the two children about this, but he had to figure out what happened in the village. Only in this way could he really help them and the missing villagers.

But the two children still didn't respond, which made Tong Yan a little helpless.

"You...are you hungry? Hiding in this cabinet, you must have been hungry for several days, right? Is there any food at home? You can go find it. Don't worry, you are safe now. I am here and no one is there. could hurt you."

Hearing this, the two children hesitated for a while, and finally walked towards the side room hand in hand.

The door of that room is a sliding door, it should be a dining room or kitchen.It seems that these two children are indeed children of this family, and they may even be the only two survivors in the village.

The people in the whole village are missing, the monk who came to save the dead died tragically here, and the dizzy red lanterns were lit for several days. There are really too many puzzling things in this village.

But now, the key to unraveling these questions may be these two children who survived by chance, and maybe soon, Tong Yan will be able to figure out everything.

Following the two children to the next room, Tong Yan saw the big refrigerator in the room at a glance.The two children were really hungry. They opened the door of the refrigerator, took out the contents and ate them in big mouthfuls.

It's a pity that the things in the refrigerator are all raw, and the taste must be much worse.Raw vegetables, raw radishes and potatoes, raw dried noodles, these things can really satisfy their hunger, but eating them raw like this is really cruel to the two children.

Seeing this, Tong Yan couldn't help feeling a little unbearable, and immediately stepped forward and said, "Be patient a little longer, I'll help you cook these well, and it will take only five or six minutes."

As he spoke, he reached for the things in the hands of the two children.

But these two children were so hungry that they couldn't stop eating, and they didn't listen to his words at all.

Tong Yan was a little helpless, so he simply refused to take the things in the hands of the two children, and looked to see if there were any other ingredients in the refrigerator, and if they could cook some warm meals for them.

The fresh-keeping layer on the top of the refrigerator has been taken empty by the two children, but they don't know if there are any ingredients that can be used in the frozen layer below.

But just when Tong Yan was about to open the freezer under the refrigerator, the child with a strange face suddenly stopped him: "Don't...don't open it!"

Tong Yan was taken aback when he heard this, and asked in confusion, "What? Is there something wrong with the lower part of the refrigerator?"

This time, the strange-faced child didn't hesitate, and immediately said, "Yes! There's...a grandma's head down here."

When Tong Yan heard this, his heart trembled, and then he frowned and said: "What did you say? Have a head? A human head?"

The strange-faced child nodded slightly, then grabbed his younger brother and slowly backed away.

"What the hell is going on? Why are people's heads frozen in the refrigerator? Do you know why?"

Before the strange-faced child could answer, a chill blew from Tong Yan's legs first, and the refrigerator door on the frozen layer... unexpectedly opened by itself!
(End of this chapter)

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